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HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - Printable Version

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HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - ROXANNE R. - 07-21-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The small domestic feline was walking along the beach with both ears curved forward as she drew a soft breath, these past few days had been quite hectic to say the least. She would angle her ears forward looking out to the ocean starting to think to herself, about Jacob's proposal to Pincher and how sweet that had been only to then think over what Planecrash had told her once when Kalayavan had been hissing at him. "Someone's bound to sweep you off your paws and marry you one day." The sound the ocean made caused a chill to run through her body and she'd shiver lightly, she would approach the waters a bit more despite her slight fear of water especially after her lil incident. All she could see was a time where she was happy with her little crocodile splashing around and catching fish, she yearned for this time again as she held onto the collar of Kalayavan and she sat down feeling the water touch her fur. The horned Siamese would feel her body starting to shake a bit as she bit down on her lip, she hated crying she always felt so vulnerable and weak for doing it but it was her only resort when there wasn't anyone close to hold onto. The tiny feline would hug the large collar pressing her nose to the leather feeling the spikes prodding at her cheek yet she didn't move away as she shook her head "I'm s-so sorry, Kal. . . If I h-had stayed home. . . Y-you'd be here warding off Plane and the rest of the guys. . . B-but you aren't. . ." She hugged the collar until it was pressed to her head, she could feel Lorelei nibbling on her ears but Roxie didn't seem to pay her any heed.

A few hiccups would come out of the Privateer's mouth and she would hear a soft squeak come out of Lorelei, she looked up slightly only to see a shadow covering her. This made her jump back a bit and glance up to see something towering over her with water falling off of its head like a waterfall, they were huge and it took her a moment of squinting to finally realize who it was. She gasped throwing herself to the chest of the creature only to say in a scolding tone "KALAYAVAN! DON'T DISAPPEAR A-AGAIN!" Kalayavan would let out an apologetic growl as he lowered his head enough to Rox could hold his snout like she always did, she took note of the several bite and clawmarks on the crocodile's throat and a few more scars scattered over the large beasts body but otherwise he seemed fine. He was huge, he stood around seven inches and well, Rox couldn't see how long he was but she assumed that he was overall large. She would try her best in fitting the collar back onto him only to sit on his back not minding how his hard scales poked at her, she would wrap her arms around him the best she could as she felt him walk back onto shore. Eventually she could feel the ground shake a bit as he finally plopped down onto the warm sand lowering his jaw enough to the ground, she glanced behind her only to gape to see that his tail still touched the waters. Damn, he was absolutely huge.

That's when she heard it. She could hear chirping yet she didn't know where it was coming from, she scrambled off of his back with Lorelei clinging on her neck fluff letting out squeaks to remind Roxanne she was there. She would slow down a bit only to stare at Kal's powerful jaws hearing the squeaks growing more frequent, she watched as Kalayavan slowly opened his large jaw to reveal a dozen baby crocodiles nestled together letting out soft chirps. They came in several different colors some like Kal and others like the unnamed mother, she would gasp putting her paws on the edge of Kal's jaws only to mew with a grin "Kal, you rascal! The least you could have done was brought her home for me to meet before you do anything crazy." What she had learned when she had been reading on saltwater crocodiles was that their clutches were normally up to sixty eggs and well, she felt happy that Kalayavan had decided to bring some of them home. She was still wished she could at least see who the mother was as she took one of the hatchlings into her paws only to gasp noticing that it had this odd piebald coloration and her eyes grew wide as they twinkled with wonderment "Kal, who is this girl!? Your kids are absolutely precious!" The little piebald crocodile would wiggle in her grasp only to start chirping some more, she would nuzzle its snout which made the chirping stop momentarily. She loved this one, the small girl reminded her of Kalayavan when he had been young. She held the baby close to her chest only to murmur in a gentle voice "I'll name you Brunhild," She purred quietly letting the crocodile baby rest on her back since Lorelei had claimed Roxie's head for herself and frankly wasn't up for sharing. That left eleven more crocodile babies for whoever wanted them, but Rox didn't bother calling anyone over as she looked at each baby cooing at each and every one of them.
"character's speech."

Re: HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - deimos - 07-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]After the trial, and a few drinks, Deldrach had decided to go for a walk. It was tough, thinking about Jumbalie now that she was gone, and that He was still alive. She could feel his presence, as if he knew where she was too. Deldrach closed her eyes, then opened them with a shaken head. She kept walking, her sabre gently taping her side as she walked. She broke free from the treeline, and she blinked, seeing a strange sight. In the wild, where she was raised, crocodiles were.. something to be battled. To be killed. A snarl crossed her maw and she leapt to action- only to stop.

The crocodiles large snout was parting, numbers of his, or what Deldrach guessed was, children. She slowed down as she got closer, frowning. She tilted her head, almost in wonder. There, laying in front of the smaller feline, was a large- and Deldrach meant huge, crocodile, willingly showing her his children. Deldrach padded closer as she named the child in her paws, and sighed. "Crocodiles?" She asked, lowering her head to inspect the nearest one.

// deld will be getting one!

Re: HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - Verdigris - 07-21-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Raising younglings was a process he had partaken in before, but only with other jackals, and only taking the role of an elder sibling- not of an actual parent. Even with his younger cousins, he had had the help of both of their parents, as well as Miragelight when she wasn’t busy. He liked to believe he was decent at child rearing, but it wasn’t a skill he would put stock in. If you wanted a child to reach their full potential, to become strong, then you had to put forth a lot of effort and get a lot of help.

  Catching sight of Roxanne and a giant crocodile, Paper curiously made his way over. This was her pet, from what Paper recalled- his name was Kal or something along those lines. As he drew closer, he could see a bunch of tiny reptiles in Kal’s jaws, and raised a brow. ”Are they safe to hold?” he asked softly, watching Rox take one of the children out. Kal was familiar with Rox; not so much with him.

  Glancing back at the kids, he nearly jumped as he saw a pair of red eyes staring directly at him- belonging to an albino male, smaller than the rest. The albino let out a low chirp, his mouth opening in what Paper could almost imagine was a grin. (It was unlikely. Babies weren’t usually inclined to smile at him, from his experience.)

  ”What’re you looking at?” Paper asked, though there was no malice or defensiveness in his voice. Raising a paw to point at his right eye, he continued, ”Do you think my eye looks weird?”

  The crocodile chirped again, eliciting an eye roll from Paper. ”Well, most crocs don’t have red eyes, so you and I are in the same boat, pal,” the jackal muttered, cautiously reaching in to take the baby out. The two met each other’s gaze, one curious and happy, one jokingly bemused.

  ”Think I’ll call you ‘Mira.’”

Re: HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - bubblegum - 07-21-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//goldie'll get one!

goldie, being young herself, did not really know a whole lot about raising others. she knew how to help care for others and make them feel nice or heal them if they were sick or injured, but raising life was something she had no experience in. she had many creatures others might consider "pets", but she personally did not believe were. she just thought they were friends, because while they were trained and friendly towards her, they were still free and roamed around the world on their own.

the sick girl had been sleeping a lot more lately, and there was certainly an improvement, though she was still coughing, sneezing, and shivering. her body was certainly happier with her, though. her eyes were no longer so tired and her stomach that had been decreasing so much in size was now at a healthy weight. she had been trapped in the submarine the past few days, which meant she could not properly move more than a couple feet. that was doing wonders for her injuries that had only gotten worse over the past month.

however, as much as she was improving physically, she felt quite poor emotionally. she hated to sit around doing nothing all day when she knew there was work to be done. she hated missing things. and most of all, she hated sleeping. it felt so nice, but it was a trap. it trapped her to be unproductive and miss things. it tricked her into feeling nice only to wake up and realize bad things were happening because she was asleep and didn't help while there was still time.

but, since she was improving significantly, she thought it would be okay to walk around a little bit. not a lot, because she didn't want to make anyone upset at her, but enough that she could at least leave the submarine for a little bit. she would ease her way into it - it'd be fine. today was her first attempt at easing into it. she sniffled, squinting as she adjusted to being out in the sun again. some fresh air would be good for her, anyway.

the young girl's steps were clearly easier as she moved towards the growing group. she was wearing a little scarf to help her fever. she eyed the crocodiles curiously, blinking at them. wow, roxanne had so many now. "w-wow," she'd say softly, voice still a little strained. she lied down in front of one, sniffing at it from a small distance.

Re: HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - PINCHER - 07-23-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had noticed how rather down Roxanne had been and frankly, wasn't entirely too sure how to help. He had gone out of his way to at least attempt and find Kal from stumbling around in the deeper knotted pathways of the jungle to sinking into the bottom of the reefs floors in search of the towering albino creature. Yet, it seemed that he had gone somewhere more isolated in the island and knowing the possibility that Kal was likely out with the other saltwater crocodiles, he didn't worry too much. He just hoped his sister didn't blame herself for he knew her extreme selfconscious thoughts and how dangerous they could become, he feared the idea of her being torn by it. Everyone tended to be hard on themselves but Roxanne appeared to hold a darkness to a past that he was unsure anyone else could deal with.

The towering sleek figure of the storm gray jaguar was stepping outside of his home with his half-lidded electric blue eyes locked onto the ground. His fur was slightly messy, ruffled since he had just awoken from a small nap during his work. Despite the rest, dark rings under his eyes were visible but he simply allowed a yawn to escape him as the wildcat trudged out with an unlit cigarette hanging from his jaws. He heard all the commotion and noticing the large form of the scaley pet of Roxanne, he allowed a small smirk to trace his muzzle as he allowed a small spark of electricity bounce off his right ear. "Son of a bitch came back..." He mumbled as the immortal stalked after Goldie with his ivory white paws softly sinking into the soft sand beneath them. As he halted behind his daughter and went to a sitting position, the captain raised a backleg to scratch at an itch behind his ear while focusing on the multiple little baby crocodiles. Jesus, they were going to be huge. He knew crocodiles were a lot stronger than gators so if any Tanglefucks came with their reptiles, they sure were in for a surprise. Pincher's sly smirk grew at the thought before focusing on Roxanne with his gaze warming up a bit at seeing her claim another reptile pet. He currently didn't have any pets, he hardly had time to take care of one with him having to fret over the crew and his family. "So the hell are you gonna do with all these little munchkins, Annie?" Pincher questioned with his tail aiming to gently wrap around his daughter but loose enough for her to still be close to the baby crocodiles since he knew they wouldn't do any harm.

Re: HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - goodsprings - 07-23-2018

kal was monstrous compared to the kitten. he had never met something so gigantic in his short life, only delrach's jaglion form being the biggest he's seen. meeting kalayavan during the cake fiasco had been a good distraction, though. due to his large size it poked and prodded at captainpaws curiosity. where did he sleep? how did roxie find him? how does she know he won't up and eat anyone when he feels hungry? how does she feed him to begin with?

so many more questions buzzed in the young tom's mind but he never had the chance to ask them all at once. more questions began to rise though when he saw the large brute holding babies. little miniature reptiles all in his mouth and roxanne plucking one like she would a flower and cuddling into it. is that what all parents do with their kids? he wondered how long planecrash would've kept cap in his mouth when he was tiny like that.

"where did they come from?" captainpaw wondered aloud, green eyes wide as he reached a paw out to a rather snappy diamond-back crocodile, the red shapes bursting out from the regular black scales that covered the rest of it's body. he retracted his paw before it could catch him, and he stuck his tongue out at it. "meanie-head..."

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: HEART FULL OF LOVE / o, mutant crocodile - ROSEMARY - 07-23-2018


Drawn by the crowd, naturally curious what got everyone so interested, the ocelot seemed a bit more mystified than the rest. Her orange-amber eyes widened at the site of Kal's large form, at least as perplexed as his feline mother - she knew that crocodiles, even if overfed, never managed to grow this much in such a short time. The reptiles did live for decades, but Kal seemed to have achieved his full growth. Immensely interested in just how this happened, she opened her mouth to ask Roxanne about this; though, as far as she could tell by her sister's equally perplexed aura, she'd just waste her breath.

Turning her attention to the hatchlings, she cooed as one of them hopped onto her left forepaw. "You've such tiny lil teefs," she babbled at it, holding up her paw as she gently booped him on the snoot. The piebald croc simply stared at her with its mouth open, its pupils staring straight at one of her eyes. Laughing softly to herself, she booped his snoot again as she added, "I think I'll name you Eriocalyx, Eri for short." It seemed fitting since he was her pet: that happened to be one of the Latin names for a species of rosemary.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]