Beasts of Beyond
Hi everyone! - Printable Version

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Hi everyone! - Kiri1109 - 07-21-2018

So i just kinda joined after reading a few posts of people i knew on another site i am apart of that have left. This site is FeralFront. For any other feralfronters, i am Chibi Sheepy on there but i have gone by several other names as well. [For examples,  Luciddream, SamHain, and Crona Gorgon.]

I came here as a trial run as i miss roleplaying warriorcats. [And, sadly, my roleplays on Feralfront all went dead as soon as they started pretty much.] Anyway, 'nuff about that!

As in my user/forum name, Kiri is my given/birth name. So you may all call me Kiri. Of course, other names i have been called are: Kiwi, Chibi [im smol], and some have called me by the first three letter of my middle name, Ren. Take your pick!

I vary on replies and due to personal things, i may not reply a lot. My activity shifts to none on Wednesday, Thursday, And occasionally Friday and/or Saturday.

I am 18, [i dont want to adult x.x] and my birthday is on november 8 so feel free to wish me a happy birthday in november, lol!

Im a bit of a writer and so i can write between 1 paragraph to four. Mind you, paragraphs on phones are bigger than on mobile [and i only have access to mobile right now T.T] on a computer, this eould likely be 1 to 2.5 paragraphs.

I own 5 dogs, 2 cats, 1 gerbil, and 1 guinea pig. I consider myself an expert on animals due to how muxh research i do on an animal before i get it. If you have a question about your animal, ask me. I may be able to help. [Though of course, if you think something is seriously wrong, consult a vet instead!]

Im friendly and available 24/5 pretty much. [#NoLife]
Mobile phone = errors.
I have a large thumb and type fast.. can we see where this is going? I do check but i may miss some errors.

My muse is constantly fluctuating. I may have muse one minute for something and lose it within one post. Its terrible. BUT! Fear not. If i lose muse i will take a break and reply when mym use returns. And yes, this may take days, weeks.. even months. If this bothers you, then we likely should not roleplay together. [I will notify of course when my muse is getting low on a subject]

My muse means i cannot play HPS. Want me to play a devilishly handsome but evil leader in your group? Sorry, i cant, my muse may not be there and so.. i may not be active enough.

Also if anyone wants to see my pets just say so i will blow up your phone with cuteness i have baby photos :o

Re: Hi everyone! - vellichor - 07-24-2018

hi, welcome to BoB! I was also a former member of FF but I don't think we ever met. And ooo what kind of dogs do you have?? I've only ever had one or two at a time so I can't imagine taking care of that many animals at once, though i do love my pupper haha.

Re: Hi everyone! - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

Welcome! I was formerly on FF too, but I don't believe we've met, either. It's still nice to meet you, though! I've got a couple of animals, as well, but I can't imagine taking care of eight!

Re: Hi everyone! - Orion - 07-31-2018

yooo welcome to the site!
if you need anything, let me know