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BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - Printable Version

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BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - rhosmari - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Death was a finality. She understood that from the moment her life changed from being a simple child who wanted to have fun and play to a teenage fighter who practiced hand to hand combat and grew into the woman she knew today. When she had to watch year after year of other soldiers dying on the battlefield or dying on the operation table because they just could save them in time. They never came back and it was something that she understood as things progressed and at times got worse. Friends and families torn apart because of a war she had yet to be able to imagine the scope of and as others came into the Project she started to realize how bad it was. Perhaps that was why she had thought the Director was on the right side of things. Searching for alien technology so that they might have a chance to settle the score against the invaders that wanted to wipe them out. But they were never fighting aliens to get the technology it had always been humans. Why hadn’t they seen it? But life moved on and they all learned to harden their hearts when agents died, knowing that they died for a reason and their memories would be forever in their hearts and minds. It was their way and their order.

If someone had come and told her that death here was just a joke tossed back and forth like easy banter she would have been disgusted. Easily so especially after the things she had seen and witnessed. Death was not a joke and it tore those one loved away in an instant. There had been rumors of someone having come back to life recently but because she hadn’t been there she discard it as a horrible lie. Yet in the stillness of night just as the sun started to break the horizon a dark figure stood about 1.8 feet tall and swaying as if standing on the deck of a sailing ship. Deep amber eyes seemed far away for a moment before the blinked once and were filled with such clarity one might find it a bit scary. A jagged breath left her throat, large ears pulling back just a bit before taking a jerky step forward and then another. Confusion began to marr the expression of the lovely melanistic feline, dark nose twitching just slightly before she swallowed. The last thing she remember was a tree so white in appearance and then nothing at all. After that she just woke up like this and now she was really confused mentally and struggling with this... this thing she had become. It was smaller than she was used to and black as night with deep amber eyes so threatening in their glare. Vague silver spotting adorned her obsidian coat but she hardly took notice of that. ”Hello....?” She called out into th night too disorientated to even bother with being stealthy. Her voice was a little different now but not by too much.

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - MOONMADE - 07-21-2018

[size=9pt]It's convenient Moonmade was literally two steps in front of her when she speaks. Convenient for her, that is, not so much for him, because at night he lets his guard down and it's ridiculously easy to sneak up on the lion. He'd get himself killed like this, soon enough.

"You scared the fuckin' shit out of me." He says, eyeing the serval that almost blends in with her surroundings. He's got some herbs in his mouth and he drops them, still tasting catmint. He peers closer, and it's only when his gaze adjusts that he realizes the stranger doesn't look so peachy. He doesn't recognize her, hence the mundane questions, but he has good intentions, anyway. "You alright? You're looking about as pale as a black cat can be, right now."

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - rhosmari - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]”Black cat?” Her voice carried almost sweetly through the cool air of the night as she stared at the male before her. Who was he? She didn’t recall him and so she was unsure of if he was someone she was supposed to know or not. Maybe she was just plain wrong but he had said she was a black cat. Her gaze lowered to look down at her paws then, peering at them through the darkness and her breath hitched at the only colored fur that was presented to her. Death was a finality. It had been. She felt a sense of panic so overwhelming that for a moment she couldn’t breath, like a gasping fish her mouth opened and then shut again before she closed her eyes once more. What was this world doing to her? It was looping her into another existence. Would she be able to get out? She knew nothing of powers or what they did to the creatures here so the idea of having something like possession was unknown to her. Forcing air into new lungs she focused on the one before her. He was real and that was good. ”I just.. I don’t feel too good. Am I back in the Ascendents? Who are you?”

Her questions had been asked and slowly the feline sank onto her haunches, deep amber gaze watching the only before her and at least she didn’t seem panicked anymore but she was scared because the concept of loving forever was a horrible and terrifying one in her eyes. She did not want that for herself and her paws shifted, toes curling as she tried to reason with herself and the notion of what was going on. She had died here and perhaps it had been mere hours ago but to her and seeing that white tree it had seemed like an eternity. The white tree. Her body seemed to relax before she sighed and shook her head though she realized she had not introduced herself to the other considering they may not know her. ”Carolina. My name’s Carolina. Not used to being this small.” It kind of irked her but right now she was more traumatized from the events that just happened to her.

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - Cosmic - 07-21-2018

I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Was it true? Was my mentor and friend back? The one that was giving me a chance to help the Freelancers in some way? The one that just... kind of accepted me? Carolina... was she finally back?

What people called 'rebirth' I called 'respawning'. Probably because I was a gamer. And you didn't respawn when you died in real life. Was this... another game? A trick of my brain? She couldn't have come back, right?

"Carolina... is that you?" I questioned the serval, my tone softer. I wanted to give her a hug badly. I really did. But would she try and kill me like my hallucination of Nicole had? This... this... this was a struggle. I didn't know entirely what to think but I perhaps should just accept the feelings of relief and joy that flooded my body as Iooked up at the wildcat.

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-21-2018

Death is never an easy thing to swallow. Versailles knows this, already, from the amount that she's seen, both by her paw and by the paws of fate. Death gives what it easily takes away, gives nourishment in the form of prey and loss in the form of predator. Death walks side-by-side with everyone, an omnipotence unmatched by whatever celestial being may be out there - they do not see all, for only Death is willing to walk the endless earths in search of its next soul to collect, to pass on, to rest or to resurrect. Only Death is unmatched in power and presence. Only Death is all-knowing. Only Death is eternal.

Death has given and taken away from Versailles. Death has given her nourishment to feast on, but has taken away the only figure in her life she'd ever known to call a mother - and, unlike Carolina, she was never returned to the land of the living. Her soul, like many others, were taken and filed away, never to be seen again. She had not been the kindest mother, but she's the only mother Versailles had ever known, strong and sharp and a protector through and though; she'd given her life away so that Versailles may live, and Versailles refuses to let that sacrifice go to waste.

The she-cat finds herself next to Moonmade, peering at the returned Agent Carolina who is very much alive (and she can't help but ask herself, why did she get to come back but her mother didn't?) and breathing the very air that clouds them. Versailles gives the black feline a once-over, a curious look seeking for any ailments she may be facing, but finds nothing of immediate concern save how she seems to be unsure of how her new body works. "You're back in the Ascendants," she confirms after realizing that nobody else has. They should be more courteous and answer when they are asked, and Versailles clicks her tongue at that. "You should sit down first, I'm sure it must not be a pleasant feeling to wake up in a different body. Do you need anything, food or water?"

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - rhosmari - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]"Player...." Voice like silk lifted from her obsidian muzzle and she looked at the other as she seemed to be in a daze after what had happened to her. For a moment she just stood there and watched the other female before she realized that she hadn't actually said anything at all. Closing her eyes a bit the woman took a deep breath in and released it into the air before shaking her head a little bit. "Y-yeah, it's me. I'm sorry about the..the whole..." Damn, she couldn't even say it. She didn't want to acknowledge the fact that she had just died and what made the matter worse was that she had a feeling that no one else would know about. Her head lowered a bit before she shook her head a little and decided to just push away from what she was feeling right now. It'd keep her sane at least although even so she could still feel some of herself fraying at the seams. Her paws shifted sightly as she moved a bit toward Player only to pause a bit and look upon the figure of someone she vaguely remembered. The appearance as familiar but the name slipped her mind. Was that a side effect.

Her gaze of deep amber glanced away and she shook her head slowly. "No, I don't want anything. I just want to go lie down." It had been one hell of a few hours and being dead wasn't helping here either. Sitting down might be plausible but she also felt like she wanted to be alone and with her own thoughts. Rather that be good or bad she didn't know but she guessed only time would tell. Nothing seemed to have changed and that was good, her sense of time was all out of wack right now and she gave a soft sigh before she looked over her shoulder as if she had walked from that direction herself. She felt like she had, from Pebble Coast. Frowning the woman would slowly sway her tail as she looked back to the three. "Anyone have any painkillers?"

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-23-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Death was final. No one could tell him any different. He would refuse to head their words. Washington didn't give a damn on what they would end up telling him. Washington knew what it was like to feel alone on the battlefield. Or in a strange place where humans didn't even belong. There had been several instances of him being a soldier where he just wanted to go back to base where he felt comfortable enough to actually get some sleep. In places that they were stationed for short times, Washington wasn't capable of getting any sort of sleep around those parts. Feeling alone was one of the worst feelings that one could go through. It was painful. Suffocating. There was nothing one could do about it unless they would physically try to seek others out and try to get rid of the lonely feeling that they had in their chest. The issue with him though was the factor that he knew what it was like to be incredibly lonely even if those memories were not his own. Crushing.

He had wished those memories, in particular, were never shared with him. The sleepless nights after someone they cared about died. The work that piled up on the desk and the cries of a child as they called for their father but for no answer to be given to them. Was that him on that table? He never remembered being in a building like that before, and the time seemed to be all wrong. He didn't have a child anyway. That must be one of the many memories that had been ingrained into his mind and replaced some other memory that he would never be able to remember. He had the same feeling that someone did when someone lost a loved one. Carolina dying had been a strike to the soldier's chest. He hadn't had to watch a comrade die in battle in a very long time. Wash still didn't even know that CT was dead after the battle that went down between her and Texas. It was brutal to think about, but they were still a broken family that had those that brought them together pull them apart. They may not like each other that much, but they were now all stuck in this situation and were going to have to figure out a way out of it.

They needed to work together if they were going to be willing to understand what was happening. How they ended up getting here. How they could end up getting back to the world that they were from. He wasn't sure how many of them actually enjoyed being an animal, but he certainly didn't. He would give everything up right now in order just to become human again. Anything. Washington had tried to train himself to believe that he wouldn't care if a Freelancer died in front of him after what had happened on the ship. They were all threats after all, but if they all had the same mission was there a reason to be wary of them? Plenty of reasons. They could simply stab him in the back to get him out of the way and not have to worry about what would end up happening. Washington believed in the exact same method. He had originally been using Carolina because of her strength. She was better at fighting in an animal body than he was and was more than capable of taking the likes of him out.

If others came along he could use that strength to keep him safe until he could fight himself. It was also helpful to have another set of eyes and ears to think about the plans that he had set up for in the future to get them out of here. Would he be willing to kill Carolina if she got in his way? Absolutely. Now though? He wasn't quite so sure. Not like it really mattered now since she was dead. After seeing her in the rain, tears streaming down her face at the agony that she had gone through. The agony that Washington doesn't even know about, he felt awful. They deserved better. Sure, she was the daughter of the man that ruined their lives, and he wasn't even sure if she hated him for what he was doing. Did she even know? He wanted to get back at that man, and he couldn't have Carolina getting in his way. But he wasn't that cold-hearted. She always tried her best to be strong through thick and thin, and there was a moment where she showed that she was only human. He wasn't going to change the term to say that she was only an animal, because they weren't. They were HUMAN. They weren't these THINGS.

Washington knew he was one to blame. If he had been quicker and believed her words about the Meta, then he wouldn't have to think about the injuries that he received and that she received as well, because of him. He had his arm broken because he didn't anticipate the other attacking him immediately and thought that he would at least try to communicate in some way. Carolina broke her ribs and her jaw trying to protect him. It was awful and it was his fault. He also wasn't there for her when she was trying to attack Agent Texas when she arrived. Which wasn't exactly his fault considering that he was out of commission, passing out due to the lack of oxygen. The arrival of the lion put a hole through their original plans as it just meant that they were going to have to deal with someone that was as violent, or even more so violent than they were. Agent Washington didn't want to be around Agent Texas for far too long, it was too painful. His mind simply couldn't handle the stress and strain of it all.

And when he arrived at Carolina's death, he knew that others probably didn't care. She was just a soldier. She did what was expected of her. She still shouldn't have died. She could have lived and seen the world that they were planning on returning to. The Freelancer fault nothing but guilt and pain. The pain that the director had felt when he lost his wife during the war. It was his fault. He should have been there. Paid more attention. And yet instead, he was crippled himself in the other part of camp when she had simply walked off. Death was final. There was no coming back. Washington had tried to get back into his routine. He needed more research, as far as he was concerned with the appearance of another Freelancer, he was going to be working alone. Anyone that tried to approach him to see if he was okay was shrugged off. He still couldn't show weakness around the animals that didn't care about the death of another. It sickened him looking at their faces that didn't seem all that concerned about them. The BASTARDS. Washington sank his claws into the earth below his paws and shut his eyes closed. He was leaning up against a tree, trying to read the damned book that was in front of him.

The lights of his helmet and the lights of his suit making it easier to read the pages of the textbook, trying to learn more about this place. The sound of the book being slammed shut echoed through the small area that he was in, raising his unbroken arm and pressing it to the top of his helmet, a pained groan escaping his jaws. This fucking sucked. The Freelancer knew that he needed to get over it. Soldiers died. Were they all bound to die serving that man anyway right? Why did the worst of the best end up surviving such encounters though? How many times did she stick her neck out to save him? Why? He was just someone expendable. She didn't need him. He needed her more than she needed him. She could easily make due by herself and go from there. The armored smilodon sucked air through his nostrils as he closed his eyes.

He needed to calm himself down. He got up from his spot, adjusting the splint on his leg before he thought maybe a job would help him out. The lights on his body didn't turn themselves off as he began to trot through the expanse of the territory. Considering that he couldn't use scents, Washington had to rely on hearing through his helmet to pick anything up. Hearing voices in the dead of night usually meant that there was something else going on that could be important. Considering Agent Texas had just appeared, Washington had means to be on guard with his arm if another Freelancer came around. The worst case scenario is the meta came back, or Wyoming even. The sound of metal clanking together could be heard as he approached the scene. Washington knew death was final, coming back from the dead didn't sit right with him. What did it all mean anyway? Washington was able to catch small tidbits of the conversation, and there were two faces that he knew and three faces that he didn't. One of them was a lion, the same size that he was.

The Freelancer didn't have any emotion that was expressed on his body, and as he approached, his ears perked slightly. A voice. Was actually familiar. Washington's helmet covered head turned to look at the one that had spoken in such a voice, one that had started to begin to walk away from the rest of the group. It was a strange cat he didn't recognize. Much smaller than he was. The voice though was something he did know and made him stop in his tracks. His head twitched quickly to the left side as his paws shifted on the ground before he forced his legs to steady themselves. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. "Carolina?" Washington questioned the other, the words spoken in an airy fashion. Was this actually her? Or was he hallucinating? After saying the words, the ears inside of his helmet would pin to the back of his skull and his jaw snapped shut. Death was final. Death was FInAL."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - Suiteheart - 07-23-2018

Rebirth. How many times had Suiteheart experienced dying only to rise again from the ashes, like a phoenix? In this form, she had died twice. Once, at the hands of some unknown creature, and once at the hands of her wife's father. Before this lifetime, she had experienced death nine times via her other versions. Death and rebirth shouldn't surprise her now. No, it should be commonplace. It shouldn't faze her, and yet each time, she was still shocked.

The white feline was padding through the territory, pawsteps quick but surefooted. She had some strange feeling in her gut. Suiteheart couldn't quite explain it. Besides, maybe she was off her rocker. Things had been pedal to the metal the last few days. Her mind was in one thousand different places at once. She had been having trouble concentrating. She was having trouble with a lot of things lately.

It was on her walk that she heard a name she hadn't expected to hear. Carolina. Ivory ears perked at the word, and she froze, swiveling her head in the direction of the voices. She moved, hurriedly, towards the chorus of voices rising. She thought she even heard Carolina's voice...

Within moments, the feline was on the scene, just behind Washington. The expression on her face was akin to seeing a ghost. Surprise burned brightly against her snowy features, but it slowly melted into soft happiness. A breath (one she hadn't known she was holding) slipped passed her parted lips in relief. Her posture, which had been tense, relaxed.

"Carolina," the fae breathed, practically mimicking Playerone and Washington. She moved, taking her place beside Moonmade and Versaillespalace, ocean eyes not moving from the reborn creature. "It's good to have you back." A smile traipsed her maw at that.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - Roy Mustang - 07-23-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy used to believe that once people died, they stayed dead. He believed that for a good 29 years- throughout his life in Amestris, he was certain the dead couldn't come back to life. Whether that be coming back themselves, or somebody trying to bring the dead back; like a lost loved one. The Elric brothers, they were a living example of trying to bring a dead person back to life- and the consequences of their actions will affect them for the rest of their lives. Roy knew never to try human transmutation at the sight of those boys, and he assumed the dead couldn't come back themselves as well. But when he arrived in this world, he came to recognize that isn't the truth here. People can come back to life rather easily- most of the time, people don't even think their loved ones are gone permanently. Roy was shocked when he came across his best friend at the first few weeks of his life here, as his friend died back in Amestris. It was then Roy realized this life must be a second chance, as he was dead back there too. But when Hughes died, he didn't come back. It's been weeks now since his passing, and every day Roy thinks of his friend. He thinks on how he failed him, not only once but twice. Roy couldn't wrap his head around the fact of people coming back here- as he's seen it done before. Suiteheart, Margaery, and now Carolina. He couldn't help but wonder how they did it, and why Hughes didn't. Maybe Hughes was finally at peace at his death, maybe the others came back because they weren't finished yet. Roy wasn't sure if his theory was correct, he's never gotten any answers on how people come back to life.

Roy was the next one to pad in, padding in shortly after Suiteheart. His gaze first landed on Washington- while Roy couldn't see his expression due to that helmet he constantly wears, he can tell the male was surprised, and perhaps in shock. He could tell by the way the smilodon is speaking, it reminds Roy on how he reacted when he reunited with Hughes. At first, Roy wasn't sure if Hughes was really standing before him. Back then, his mind was firmly set that the dead stay dead. Hughes had to convince him that it was really him, and when Roy was convinced- the amount of excitement and surprise that ran through his veins was a once in a lifetime experience. Roy really wished Maes was still here. He really misses him, he's sure Washington will feel very relieved when he's assured that the black serval in front of him is really his comrade.

Roy looked over towards Carolina, blue eyes narrowing as he studied her closely. She was much smaller than her previous body- she was no longer that ginger leopard, but instead a majestic black serval. As much as he dislikes the female, he's glad that she's back- mainly for Washington. Washington looked like he was full of grief the moment they found her corpse a few days ago. Roy knew what it was like to be alone, it's a good feeling to have someone else you know. They make you feel more comfortable, safe even. But as he looked over at her, he couldn't help it but wonder how she is back. He still can't wrap his head around it. He wasn't sure if he'd get a clear answer if he asked, or if Carolina would answer him at all. But it's worth a shot, it's better than not asking at all. "How are you back?" He questioned as his ears drew back to his skull, gaze locking on her.

Re: BORN IN GRACE - open; ‘rebirth’ - BASTILLEPAW - 07-24-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille didn't really like Carolina. That much he had never bothered to hide from her, if only because he for one thing, did not care to, and for another, would have a hard fucking time trying to hide it. She was annoying, arrogant, and had literally no sense of common consideration as far as he was concerned. Sure, she was probably fine on a good day, and if they're met under better circumstances, he'd probably like her spitfire nature. But they hadn't, and she'd never bothered to convince him that she was anything but insubordinate and full of herself, and so Bastille had never bothered to get to know her as anything else. He was a very straight forward person when it came to these things: he would accept almost anyone, but if they pushed away, he wasn't going to pull back. If they never bothered to come back into his orbit, then so be it. He'd lived 9 months of his life alone, had raised himself, essentially — he didn't need anyone, as far as he was concerned. It was better that way.

Nevertheless, he hadn't been happy to see her just fucking die. He did have some sense of empathy, and while death didn't really move him as much these days (it was constant, and death now simply prompted a faint hum of memories: he was used to death following him, following Echo), he'd felt that Carolina died too soon. Most did, but he felt for Wash and he felt for a broken human who wasn't going to make it back home. He felt for her as much as he could, which was not much, but it was a flicker above complete disregard.

It was vaguely gratifying, then, to see her familiar aura attached to this unfamiliar body. There was already a cluster of people there, and their emotion ran rampant in the air, zinging like electricity and sinking into his skin. He could almost feel the rush of joy and relief to see her here, alive, could taste his Clanmate's happiness on his tongue. Bastille stopped slowly as he studied her, offering a nod. [b]"Welcome back, then," he supplied, mild. He arched a brow and added, casual, "Is Carolina V.2 willing to be one of us?" The words weren't hostile. Touched slightly with amusement, as if he'd gotten bored of being annoyed with her and was extending an olive branch. He glanced at Roy and rolled his eyes, snorting, "Aren't you getting tired of asking that, Roy?"
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST