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i came with no body || joining - Printable Version

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i came with no body || joining - guitarstrings! - 07-21-2018

click clack clatter

The sound of Guitar's bones echoes throughout the still valley along with the soft crunch of snow that followed him, but it was hardly audible to anyone that could have been around. To be quite honest, the young skeleton had no idea why he had decicded to seek out one of these clans he had heard travelers speak so foundly of when he passed them by. There was the mighty typhoon with pirates and tropical beaches galore, tanglewood with their creepy swamp and radiation, the one and the one he had been drawn to the most for some odd reason- Snowbound. The name stirred all sorts of feelings in his bones as he walked across it's frosty terrain speckled with beautiful pine trees, his bones jangling all the more as fate and the nervous bundle inside himself bounced precariously around in his ribs. It was all the more obvious when his walk had become much more jagged as he hoped no bag-wearing scientists lurked around the peaceful clan without his knowledge. The boy seemed to slow down with each step taken to the point he was really only dragging his paws through thick snow with his eyes staring worriedly towards a village not all to far from him with the soft glow of the cabins around their illuminating the evening sky. Was this really a good idea after everything that had happened? Shouldn't he maybe look for that Lewis fellow he met when he was a kid? Gui didn't know and he wasn't able to decide as he stood there, staring with overwhelming anxiety and longing all at the same time. Despite this, words flung from his mouth in order in get someone to notice him even for a moment. Whether or not he stayed was completely unknown.


shshshshsshshshs, it's late and i'm tired


Re: i came with no body || joining - Character Graveyard. - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima wouldn't call himself a very shy person. He was more upbeat and out-going. So it hadn't been that hard for him to casually walk up to Snowbound's border and tell them he was joining. Then he made it a part of his daily routine to patrol the borders and look for any possible joiners or visitors.

He had come across Guitarstrings, after hearing the other male's rather loud shout. "Um, hello, are you here to join?" The tall maned wolf asked.

Re: i came with no body || joining - NUI HARIME - 07-21-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
trudging through the snow on delicate, butter-hued paws, nui came to rest beside kirishima.

her single, brilliant blue optic traced over the skin-less form making it's way over. he was all skeleton and ivory, bleached bone. the brilliant markings on his face set a brilliant hue against the paleness of his skull, and nui was instantly intrigued.

"ooh!" came her wondrous voice, somewhere between a churr and a drawn out smile. she did not speak spanish, but she knew french fluently; not that the felidae thought it would help much anyways.

"greetings mi amor. you look beautiful." when it came down to the alluring features of the other, nui wasted no time.

Re: i came with no body || joining - COSMIIX - 07-22-2018

Hearing that voice made the half dead pixie bob walk over with both of his ears angled forward, he could feel his smile growing wide noticing who it was. Guitarstrings. He hadn't seen the skeleton in a while and well, he was happy to see some kind of familiar face and at the Spanish he couldn't help but snort. He finally came to a stop not being anywhere near his clanmates as his gaseous tail would wiggle a bit to the sides and he would feel his eyes glowing with a form of happiness, he wasn't able to blink them much but that didn't seem to matter as he finally greeted "Hey there, chamaco." He would take a seat making sure that the bandages around his ribs were tightened as the half dead demon would tilt his cranium to the side with a grin still present on his face, hopefully, his trademark eggplant pelt would be enough to remind Guitar of who he was.

Re: i came with no body || joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was honestly completely lost at what this guy was saying, as well as the two words Nui spoke and what Lewis said. The only language she knew was obviously English, but also atbash, vigenere, and caesar ciphers - yes, her and her siblings were named after a language. Kind of something to deal with when your last name was cipher and your father liked the idea of having 'meaningful' names. "You know this person?" Atbash asked Lewis as she neared the guy, tilting her head at Guitarstrings.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: i came with no body || joining - arcy - 07-23-2018

It was always kind of interesting to see how people knew each other when they showed up on the border. Until they said something, Izuku wouldn't ever know how they met or why they were close. Or why they weren't. Also? Izuku never really got how people heard about Snowbound, anyways. Or the other groups. Nobody .. had ever told Izuku anything until he was specifically asking around about groups. How did they get off so lucky? Anyways, Izuku had wandered over because he heard the call. He didn't know what they were saying -- Izuku only knew two languages, thanks. Plus a lot of his clanmates were here and of course Izuku had to get involved. But when he arrived .. wow. Weird. Izuku tilts his head as he considers the other. He should be way, way more put off by this guy, probably. He was a .. skeleton. It was probably one of the weirder things Izuku has seen. But, somehow, he doesn't really care, just making to seat himself next to Atbash with his wings kind of spread because he kept on falling. He .. probably shouldn't be out here, though, so maybe it's what he deserved.
"Hi!" Izuku chirps, ears turning as he considers the group of them. He .. did not have anything to offer except for hot chocolate. Uh. The other hadn't said why he was here, but .. Izuku conjures it anyways. He wants to contribute somehow. He doesn't hand it over quite yet, though. Just .. let the other say what he needed to. Izuku doubted he'd be much of a threat if Lewis didn't seem to mind him, anyways. Though maybe that was just Izuku being too trusting, as always.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]