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DAME MÁS GASOLINA // OPEN - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]However much Gabe despised hacking up pellets after eating, he couldn't subsist off of poor social skills and air, so at the moment, he was stalking himself up a meal. He'd hidden his shadow as best he could from the mouse, but considering the only thing he had to work with was grass and the occasional tree, it scampered into a log. The hybrid landed on the top, reaching the opposite end to wait, but after a few moments of that, the mouse a complete no show, he craned his head down to peer inside. The mouse was still inside, and appeared to have gotten its tail stuck on one of the log's knots. This should be relatively simple, then, and so he dropped down, the entrance wide enough for him to slip inside without any complications.

Or at least, his front quarter.

The issue cropped up when the wider part of his wings had to pass through, and he pulled them as close as he could to his torso to combat the problem. Gabe managed to crawl in a few more inches before he was at another standstill, this one less likely to be fixed by sucking it in. Glaring at the mouse, who had finally yanked its tail free, he stretched his talons out as far as he could manage, just a few centimeters from skimming the rodent. It seemed to realize he was stuck, and tittered what he could only assume was some kind of vulgar insult -he was gonna eat every damn mouse he saw after this- before it darted out the other side. Sighing, the hybrid intended to back out, except he found that he was stuck. Thoroughly. Snapping his beak, he wriggled fiercely, earning only scrapes for his attempt.

Thinking intangible thoughts didn't help either, because naturally, in moments when he needed his body to cooperate, its obedience had fucked off to "laugh at Gabe" land. Regardless, he gave it another shot, concentrating determinedly, awaiting the abrupt nothingness of sensation, except that never came. So. He was stuck, without any gasoline to A) slick himself to squirm free or B) set himself on fire.

"Fucking- carajo." He paused after taking a moment to claw the hell out of the log's bottom. "Hey! Can anyone hear me? If you're laughing, so help me, I'll- te voy a pegar una hostia que te van a salir los dientes de la boca como palomitas."


Re: DAME MÁS GASOLINA // OPEN - Shininglight - 07-21-2018

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"Mud..." There was no mud at this time, with the hot summer sun continuously beating down on the territory. A few days had passed since the last thunderstorm, but another one was bound to come soon. But in the mean time, Shining and the rest of the Ascendants would have to beat the heat somehow. The Canopy provided some decent shade, and thus the feline's instincts took him there. Even though he probably should have been inside under the care of the Cleric and Lessa's watchful eye. He was laying on his stomach, staring off into space.

A mouse suddenly darted past him. Shining managed to glance at it going by, staring where it disappeared for a moment. There was a few moments of silence, and then someone spoke up nearby. Their voice sounded a bit muffled, but it was pretty clear they were quite angry. Shining blinked a couple times, then stood up. From the sound of it, their voice was coming through a nearby wooden log, fallen over flat on the ground. He decided to stick his face up against the open end of it, mix-matched eyes peering through the hole.

On the opposite side, a strange owl-cat hybrid was staring right back at him. There was an awkward moment of silence between the two. "Stuck. Caught in trap." Shining finally spoke up.


[size=9pt]Moon's doing his typical shit when he hears it. He's got his paws all mucked up and there's flowers and undergrowth mangled in his hair. He'd been out to visit Edgar, check up on how the poor guy was doing, but there's a weirdly familiar yelling coming from the trunk of a tree and but the idea that what he thinks is happening is actually happening is so ridiculous Moon can't help but go see for sure.

When he does, he instantly knows those wings and that voice and there's a moment where he stares, thinking, this can't possibly be what he thinks it is. There's no chance God served Gabriel up this steaming cup of karma, and for Moon? Mark him down as a Believer.

He laughs so hard he thinks he might choke, and by the time he's able to speak, there's another voice coming from inside the tree. He pauses momentarily, and realizes that the moments he has to savor this are numbered, so he makes quick work of it. "Feathers!" He calls, his voice giddy, "Who knew you were hiding such a peach!"


Versailles isn't as confused with Gabriel being stuck as she is with the fact that nobody seems to be helping him. The humor of another's simple demise is lost on her, and she's quick to push her way into the trio to give the hybrid's current situation a hard look. While she certainly has no gasoline neither the means to conjure up some, she does have her teeth if he doesn't mind her latching onto his tail. "Never thought I'd see the day a slick guy like you'd get stuck in something," she can't help but note, expression never changing as she leans down and peers at his hindquarters, trying to find something thin enough that she can latch onto. It's not like she has enough strength in her to break the log itself in half.

She doesn't understand the words that he's spilling out of his mouth but she figures it isn't much good. Versailles looks at Moon and decides he probably shouldn't be the one to yank the poor guy out of this particular situation - with the power that body has, she's a little worried he'd just tear Gabriel's tail straight off - no, blunt force isn't going to do it. The she-cat's eyes find Shininglight on the opposite end of the log and she's quick to wave her tail to catch his attention. "Hey, you, come over here and help before you get stuck too. If none of us get him out here, we might as well just roll him back to camp."

She frowns, imagining it - it wouldn't exactly be a fun ride for the hybrid. Versailles turns to Moon and makes a face at him, a little worried at his reaction towards the predicament. How is it funny? Is it natural for others to laugh at another's misfortune and embarrassment? She would never understand. "Big guy, why don't you make yourself useful and find something slippery - hell, use those big paws and lope off towards the Trickling Falls, scoop some mud up from there," she murmurs with a flick of her ear, pointing towards the thin waterfalls' general direction. Really, if they're going to laugh about it, they could at least make themselves useful.

Re: DAME MÁS GASOLINA // OPEN - imperia - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]"Mon dieu..."

Unlike Versaillepalace, Imperia knows quite a few languages. While she is not fluent in many of them, she can understand and decipher meanings. And when Gabriel's string of spanish curses reach her ears, the young she-wolf is compelled to investigate. The poor creature sounds very upset--something that the kindhearted creature simply cannot ignore. She now stands in between Versailles and Moon, casting the latter an observatory glance as he laughs gleefully at the sight of Gabe stuck in a log. Peri resists the urge to smile in kind. Moon's laughter is contagious, but she thinks it would be inappropriate to start laughing as well. Humorous as it might seem, Gabriel is at risk for many injuries if he stays in that position too long.

She turns away from the young lion before he can be a poor influence on her and redirects her attention to coming up with a solution. Imperia listens to Versailles's ideas quietly before voicing her own. "I think the best way to go about this might be to split of weaken some of the wood and try to pull him out." At the very least, if they douse the wood in water, the fibrous material will expand and become more pliable. Wood is more bendable when wet.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabe could hear someone outside the log, and he gave another valiant wiggle, talons leaving scores along the wood. He didn't have to wait long before the stranger revealed themselves, though he had to admit, it was disconcerting for the empty space at the other side to suddenly be filled by a white face staring straight at him unblinkingly. He'd seen worse things, but the awkward silence passing was enough to make it fucking awful, and he gazed straight back at the feline, dark eyes narrowed. "Am I? Hadn't noticed." Okay, the guy didn't deserve that, and normally he was better at reining in his temper, but at the moment, he was humiliated and agitated, so staving off the attitude would take more effort than usual. Making an odd growl deep in his chest, the owl-cat squirmed more, the position a vulnerable one that he had no intention of staying in longer than he had to be. If he had to claw his way out of this damn thing, he would, although the plan of setting himself on fire grew more appealing as the moments ticked onward.

And, as though the scenario wasn't already awful, the world decided to throw Moon at him. His beak clacked, and he knew he couldn't look very menacing half stuck in a log -the kid could escape his baleful glare, which was 89% of the intimidation factor- so he'd have to resort to other methods. "Pendejo, as soon as I get out of this, you're gonna wake up not knowing your own name," he barked darkly, vowing to get some kind of revenge on the kid, although he supposed in the flow of things, this was probably payback for hitting him in the face with the plaque. However, Gabe would argue that incident was not his fault. Sighing, he dropped his head against the log, ears flat against his skull. Mice and Moon were both going to feel his wrath as soon as he managed to tear himself out of this.

Fortunately, he might not have to go through that; he could hear a somewhat familiar voice through the wood. She was the lady who'd bantered with Sombra, wasn't she? Flirted, more like, though that wasn't important. Entertaining, yes, but it wasn't going to get him out of this log. "And it might be the last thing you see." All right, he was still snippy; at least she followed up with some suggestions to help, and seemed like she actually planned to lend a hand, unlike the kid still enjoying the show, and the set of eyes staring at him.

Rolling him back wasn't so appealing, however. He could do mud- that wasn't an issue, but this wasn't the most comfortable of places to go rolling around in, so that was the more appealing option. The sooner he could get out the better, because his wings were starting to ache, and his skin stung from the many places he'd caught it trying to wriggle free. Nothing he couldn't handle, just...annoying. He twitched his ears, hearing another voice; Imperia was offering another solution: water, to weaken the log. "Anything works. Hell, set the thing on fire if you want, so long as I get out."



[size=9pt]Damn. Seems he'd pissed off the robot mom. He was still chuckling as she spoke, eyes glued on Gabriel's struggling figure, and it took him a moment to realize Versailles was speaking to him. He frowned, borderline pouting. "Jeez, Chica," says the lion, "You ever heard of humor? Me and tweety bird got history; this is Karma paying his feathery ass a visit." He's still smiling, though, and even as he speaks he's heading off in the direction of Trickling Falls, wherever that is.

He manages to find it, because they're close enough and the water is loud, and he returns with paw's muddier than they usually are and a weird bowl shaped piece of wood filled with the brown stuff in his jaws. He spots Imperia as he arrives and grins around the shape, but his fangs are stained brown and it's not such a good luck. Back in time to hear Gabriel's response, he outright laughs, muffled by the bowl, and he replies once he's scaled the log on clumsy limbs. Awkward, the young lion grips the wood with unsure paws, looking thoroughly uncomfortable, but not enough to hinder his words. "Oh, Hedwig, you're making me blush." says Moon, golden gaze glinting with mirth as he hands the bowl to Versailles. "You're doing the honors. There's only, like, 3 people in this place I'd gladly rub up on and Gabriel isn't one of them. Don't tell him; he's all hung up on me, it'll break his heart."

Re: DAME MÁS GASOLINA // OPEN - Cosmic - 07-21-2018

Honestly, the scene was hilarious, and I was grinning like an idiot, especially when he spontaneously swapped languages in his frustration. Spanish. That made it a hundred times funnier and I tried my hardest not to laugh at him. Oof.

"I do have a dragon form. Apparently. I can try and cut you out?" I offered, as my claws in that form were thick and sharp. As long as I was careful at carving him out of the wood it should be alright.


At Moon's response, she can't help but let out a sardonic scoff. "Please, I know what humor is..." She stops for a second, and a confused expression dances on her face. "I'm just completely incapable of determining whether it's being used in a sentence or not, go figure." It should come as no surprise that Versailles' version of humor is making self-deprecating jokes directed at her obvious lack of communication skills and selective blindness towards social cues. Hey, at least she's self-aware.

"Save your little comebacks for when you're out of the log," Versailles snaps towards Gabriel, although one should take note that it's sounding a little bit lighter than before. At Imperia's and Playerone's suggestions, the she-cat stops and thinks them over before shaking her head at both theories offered - it's not completely dismissive, but not a big enthusiastic affirmative either. "We can try each if one doesn't work. Simplest is the mud, then we try to chip it off - if it's still a no-go, break the whole thing off and hope he doesn't get skewered in the process."

Besides, lathering Gabriel in mud sounds like a pretty fun thing to do.

When Moon comes back and pushes the bowl over, she gets the wonderful idea of putting a paw in before flicking, aiming to splatter some onto the other's pelt. "Sure thing, big boy, but you're not getting out of this without mud on your fur." Feeling much more satisfied, Versailles gathers whatever of the slippery, stinky mud that she could before rubbing them around the area of Gabriel's body that's pressed up against the insides of the log. He's gonna have to take a long, hot bath before he can take it out. "Hey, owl-cat, try to shake around so that the mud spreads further. My paws aren't flat enough to squeeze in."

;; i'm sick and hungry and this is basically a shitpost wyd


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/this whole thread's a shitpost

He'd been in worse spots than this one, situations wherein he'd been a hairsbreadth from death, but the aplomb he had then far outweighed his composure now. It was starting to ruffle his feathers -yes, literally- and he'd irrationally torn out a bit of fur from his shoulder, for lack of anything else to bite. Gabe wasn't claustrophobic, he just...despised the vulnerability, and it worsened with the small crowd, regardless of how they were working to get him out. He had very little control over anything happening, and truth be told, he could really use Lazarus right about now. Someone he trusted, at the very least; sure, everyone here could trade quips and fuck around in good fun, but trusting them for more than some entertaining banter was demanding a lot from a guy who'd been burned one too many times. It would have been a little easier if he could see them, but instead, he was left to listen and hope they weren't orchestrating some kind of elaborate trick. No, he didn't think that lowly of the others, but one thing he learned from his work was how much you never knew anyone until you had to rely on them.

Gabe responded to Versailles with little more than a grunt, tucking his head into his foreleg, until he heard Moon return. Onyx eyes rolled, because of course he was going to keep up with the ridiculous nicknames, and Gabe was, overall, unimpressed. Mostly agitated, and attempting to cling to his patience as best he could, but also unimpressed. "Vete a la chingada, pinche idiota." It wasn't said with much heat, though it certainly could have been if Gabe hadn't restrained himself. the kid was just amused, and considering Gabriel'd hit him with a block of wood, he figured he'd have found it amusing too if their positions were reversed. It wasn't so easy to reconcile his own experience with the other perspective, though, so he fell into a moody silence, tail occasionally flicking erratically.

Someone suggested tearing the log apart by shapeshifting, which was an idea he'd rather be used as a last resort; Versailles evidently thought the same, and it sounded as though she'd taken the mud from Moon, before doing something with it that didn't involve Gabriel. He could only assume she'd splattered him with some. He was next, and even though he braced for it, the shock of cold still startled him a bit. It dredged up some unpleasant memories that the hybrid shoved aside in favor of squirming to distribute the mud, pushing it higher up his wings and torso. Her statement regarding her paws had Gabe snorting, muttering, "Tampoco lo fue mi culo, but here we are."
