Beasts of Beyond
o, feral utahraptor // BREAKING INTO PIECES - Printable Version

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o, feral utahraptor // BREAKING INTO PIECES - axiom - 07-20-2018

The teal dinosaur traveled to the island in the pursuit of better temperatures and less competition - while she enjoyed her stretch of territory in the Ascendants, the mammals with human technology over their heads just begged to get eaten with their shiny armor. Yet, this seemed to cause other problems with the mammal pack, and she concluded moving territories to a less human-influenced place suited her better.

Stomping her way through the dark jungle, the utahraptor already found herself pleased at the humidity and temperature levels. Last time she explored this territory, her attention was fixated on the hunt with her sisters. Now, she could practically feel the energy the extra heat gave her exothermal body. Her sharp senses picked out the signs of several prey animals - though she doubted the larger mammals she liked to hunt in the forest territory lived here. For one, she couldn't find any trace of deer; still, she liked the temperature enough to not care as much about the prey differences. As she continued to investigate, she heard movement and a warning cry from above.

Stopping in her tracks, she narrowed her dark eyes as she craned her neck to look up. Tilting her head, she made out the form of a fuzzy, long-limbed creature that seemed the source of the loud calls - it fumbled quickly with the branches to get further up the tree. Though she saw other blobs of the same type of creature, she ignored them and focused on this closest one. Taking a fraction of a second to spread her toes and flex her muscles, she leaped into the air; her clawed feet reached outward as she sunk her massive body into an equally large tree, her clawed arms digging into the bark for balance. As she positioned herself, her jaws snapped around the long-tailed mammal with several rapid-fire crunches coming from her mouth as she instantly broke several of its bones.

Swallowing the meal in one large gulp, the hungry raptor turned her attention back to the retreating and babbling mammals. Her upper lip curled upward in an irritated sneer, as she realized that the trees wouldn't be able to support her well if she continued to climb up after them. Huffing irritably, she unhooked her claws and jumped back down to the jungle floor - leaving the evidence of her climb on the bark of the tree.

[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member]

[ using the scientific hypothesis that utahraptors were actually good climbers back in the days when redwood trees were common ]

Re: o, feral utahraptor // BREAKING INTO PIECES - PINCHER - 07-21-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had despised the raptors that had come into the territory and caused trouble. But at the same time, he saw potential in them that he could use for his advantages. He knew that the territory was very satisfactory for the dinosaurs for the humidity and jungle were an environment that they had thrived in in the past. The territory that the Ascendants was decent but Pincher knew well that theirs was where the dinosaurs excelled best at and felt better, the constant heat that radiated off the jungle something that would soothe the cold-blooded reptiles such as the raptors. But he didn't know how to exactly attract them, they appeared to be a part of a pack after what he had been told of. They worked together to bring down larger prey that needed teamwork but a single one did certainly well enough for themselves with it's powerful jaws and nimbleness. The only problem was how untamed they were and the last thing, Pinche wanted was someone to be harmed in the crew because of his personal ambitions.

The cinder gray jaguar was stepping through the undergrowth of the jungle, his jaws clamped around a colorful bird as he was hungering for some cooked "chicken". The feathers softly tickled his bubblegum pink nose and he almost sneezed when Pincher became distracted to the odd markings that were embedded into claws of the rainforest tree, it's dark coffee brown bark had been spliced by long marks that crawled up. He didn't catch the scent of his crewmates and this caused his glacier blue eyes to narrow, his jaws loosening as he lowered his head to softly rest the prey to the ground to not make any noise. He allowed invisibility to cloak his form as the lean figure rolled his broad shoulders before hopping onto an opposite tree and began climbing, his noise being drowned by the various types of life that inhabited the jungle. Who the hell was here? What did they want? His long tail twitched as the hidden wildcat glanced around, trying to catch sight of the intruder of his home.

Re: o, feral utahraptor // BREAKING INTO PIECES - MARCELLUS - 07-21-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Marcellus didn't exactly know about the utahraptors or that dinosaurs like that could even exist, though it was funny he wasn't expecting that considering their were literal dragons and even things that looked like two animals combined in one. Despite that it was for some reason ludicrous to think that there could be raptors and dinosaurs. Either Marcel was stupid or naive or both, but they did exist even though the king cheetah would probably think someone was crazy if they stated that dinosaurs were alive. They were supposed to be extinct, not alive.

Well either way, the limping king cheetah had been padding around the rainforest, sniffing out some prey and following the scent trail. Lately he's been trying to learn how to hunt in dense wooded forests like this one and frankly as a Grim Ray, he also needed to strength his hunting and the control he had on only three legs which hadn't been much. The males paws pressed against the forest floor with each step before he lifted his head at the sound of chirping, looking forwards to see a small bird out in a small clearing part of the forest. A perfect practice target.  The male began to inch closer, his tail flicking before he spread out his legs and made the leap, the bird instantly catching wind of him and beginning to fly off. His out spread paws quickly caught nothing but air, earning the male a huff.

So much for a good hunt. But whatever, there were plenty more birds to catch. The king cheetah got back steadily to all three able paws, turning to make his leave to another part of the forest when he saw deep claw marks on a tree in the distance. What the fuck? Marcellus began to pad towards the tree, pressing his paw up against the deep claw marks. He knew no animal that could of made this and that's what freaked him out the most. Quickly the cheetah took cover into the bushes, not being able to camouflage with the background given to him but doing his best to try and remain hidden and watch for the one who made the marks.

Re: o, feral utahraptor // BREAKING INTO PIECES - Luciferr - 07-21-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

Soaring overhead, the dark shadow passed the trees below with a swoop as he angled higher into the sky, two pairs of wings beating and then arching back as he circled above in his usual patrol route of the sky.

up here he held true dominion with the manoeuvrability afforded by those extra wings and the feel of the wind currents rushing down below - that and raining holy hell down on any threat below from the high ground was a tried and true method and good tactics.

and given his daily patrol routes, often it put off stray attackers or strangers of ill intent when they beheld a dark behemoth protecting the territory where a border patrol might be unable to get there in time - indeed his ears were keen and would pick out the scuffles below easily, even without sweeping low and rustling the trees as he passed like he did now.

as it was, he looked below and watched on his continued cruise of the treeline.

//i'll wait before dropping in when commotion starts cx