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BUY MY OWN THINGS ;; m&g - Printable Version

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BUY MY OWN THINGS ;; m&g - ; albion - 07-20-2018

upcoming tailor
self titled knight

perhaps there was a takeover going on in her home, griffingate, but albion still saw work to do. they could not halt their responsibilities while squandering for a way to free themselves from the blackfallen that had taken advantage of their king's weakness; at least not her.

she saw it in a way a business opportunity. there wasn't much activity going on in the kingdom, but albion would be damned if she let herself fall into the same trap of absence.

lately she had been working on multiple projects at once, falling asleep on her sewing desk from spending most nights with her bolts of cloth and material. her own attire was made from herself as well, though not as flashy as her work for sale. it spoke for her, though. patchwork from other torn clothes she had come across made her loosely fitted shirt that hung at her shoulders, the sleeves resting at her elbows. her skirts were normally down to her knees or ankles, her personality shining through the vibrant colors of pink, green, whatever she could get her hands on.

her most recent projects were much different, though. a calmer tone and much more formal for her peers. they were all dressed on handmade mannequins that sat behind the windows of her shop. it wasn't much compared to her more extravagant neighbors that filled the streets with the smell of fresh baked pastries or gathered crowds with newfound items that would be rendered rare now due to the nuclear meltdowns across the other nations. sometimes her shop would be occupied by one or two people but for the most part she was by herself, working at her desk and sewing the tears in shirts or dresses that others brought in for her.

"you could always try to advertise through other stores." the all-too familiar voice of her friend spoke, appearing across from her. the dark haired man looked at her with wide blue eyes, a smile spread across his face as she scowled at him. "why the face? i think it's a good idea. you're not going to be able to eat much longer with what you're pulling in now." he looked behind her as if to check if anyone was in the store, and shook his head.

"i'll manage, merlin. your last idea almost cost me my whole store." she remarked with a sigh, making show of a sharp pull of her sewing needle. when no response came, she looked up to see him gone and rolled her eyes. standing up from the table, she pushed her project on the other side of the desk and walked out of the room, stretching her tired muscles and continuing to walk toward the door. maybe she should at least check up on everyone... see how they are coping without king frederick.

she gave one last glance at the interior before stepping outside, the bell above the door chiming. her expression turned from calm to troubled, seeing very little activity in the streets than she had grown used to. the smell of fresh baked pastries was gone, and there were no criers at the corners shouting the newest sales. perhaps griffingate was in worst shape than she had believed...

"anyone around?" she leaned against the rail to the steps, looking both ways of the street to see if anyone had come out at all.