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there goes ☀ kirishima - Printable Version

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there goes ☀ kirishima - arcy - 07-20-2018

Honestly, Izuku was a little upset with Kirishima. I mean -- you couldn't blame him. Who accidentally chewed of their leg? Weird. But, well, everyone had different experiences with how they woke up. Izuku had to deal with instincts too, just in a .. different manner. He liked warm spots with sunlight!! Except he never stayed there long 'cause it warmed his fur up .. too well. So. Completely different from Kirishima, yes. But there was no point on lingering on it. Izuku just had to make sure Kirishima was doing okay, and maybe have bonding time, he's not sure. How do you bond with people, anyways? Izuku had lost what little social skills he had with his months alone, and he was doing his best.
"Kirishima?" Izuku calls. His ears are pricked and eyes wide. But he's still grinning, despite whatever exasperation he may have with the Maned Wolf. He liked spending time with Kirishima, after all -- even if the other was friends with Bakugou-Kacchan, Izuku .. thinks .. Kirishima is his friend?? He's not sure. Izuku is never sure. Ugh.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]In order to let his wound close up, he had wrapped bandages around the spot where his hind limb used to be. He wondered if anyone else had instincts like this or in a different way. He knew Izuku would've been hurt badly if he had instincts like this, so he doubt that the other male did.

"Hey Izuku! Over here!" He would greet the Frosthealer, a lopsided grin on his maw.

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - arcy - 07-20-2018

'would've been hurt badly if he did' wow, rude. I mean -- Izuku didn't know Kirishima thought this, but if he did, he'd certainly give that dead-eyed reaction. But, y'know, he wasn't wrong. Izuku was prone to bad decisions enough that if he let his animal instincts override his normal reactions he'd be gone for sure. Anyways. Izuku didn't blame Kirishima, seriously, really. He was just .. exasperated. And a little annoyed that he'd had to use herbs for this.
"Hi!" Izuku chirrups, tail wagging. Uh -- right. Right. How does he talk to people? Who knows, not Izuku. In a moment of panic, he conjures, uh -- a pastry. A pastry, of course, just the right greeting present, and shoves it at the other unceremoniously. He acts like he didn't do that at all. "There's that. How's your leg, by the way?" Izuku has to ask, of course. He makes to seat himself, because of course. Of course. He wasn't allowed to stand like a normal person, that wasn't how it worked.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima would offer a awkward smile to Izuku as he watched the other male conjure up a pastry. Okay, whoa, when did he learn how to do that? That was cool. He would take the pastry right after his former-classmate passed it to him and he quickly ate it. That was, delicious.

"My leg's doing good. How are you doing?" He questioned.

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - arcy - 07-20-2018

Izuku doesn't know when he started using conjuration. Sometime around the time he'd joined his old group, and it'd been very, very confusing to first work with. Like .. one moment he .. didn't .. have something and the next he .... did. It was kind of weird and stressful, but Izuku could live with that.
"Even if it looked like it came out of thin air, I made that a few hours ago," Izuku allows himself a smidgen of smugness as he grins. He'd gotten better at pastry making. Not perfect, just better. I mean -- there wasn't a stove. Just .. make-shift stoves and fires. It would do, though.
"You don't need any bandage changes or anything?" Izuku asks, just to be sure. You had to change bandages pretty frequently, especially early on. He'd had to change his leg's bandages out every few hours at first, less when he went into the snow. That was with a burned leg, though. How much could he do for a missing leg? Ugh. Maybe they should try and find a prosthetic, soon. Izuku knew those existed even here, and anything would do. He can't image it'd be easy to walk on. "I'm .. doing as well as I can be. By that I mean I spent all night reading again and my head hurts," He shrugs. Admitting weakness? Izuku? Absolutely shocking. But he's tired and, y'know. Whatever. Was Izuku practically crying for help at this point? In little ways? .. Unfortunately. He was a depressed bastard.
Izuku shifts uncomfortably. Partly because how in the world does he interact with people, and also cause he's .. sitting on something. Izuku wriggles to pick it up and it is, unfortunately, a stick. Why is there a stick is the question. The Maine Coon scowls, and with a toss of the head, throws the thing away. Just. Into the wind. It's just a stick.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]"That's cool!" Kirishima said, his tail wagging as he listened to Izuku speak. He would then offer a grin to Izuku, noticing the somewhat-smug grin. It was nice to see that he had gained some confidence in himself. He knew Izuku had been a shy guy in the human world so that was definitely a good change.

Then he heard that Izuku wasn't getting enough sleep. Instead- he had spent all of last night reading a book. With a frown, he spoke. "Y'know, you should start getting more sleep. It's more healthy for you and way more manly." He said, his frown turning into a wide grin.

Then his red-eyes would stare as Izuku threw the stick he had on him to the side. His eyes would widen and before he knew it, he had chased after it and brought it back to the Frosthealer. "Uhhhh." He said, avoiding eye-contact.

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - arcy - 07-20-2018

//this is the aesthetic
Izuku's ability to have any sort of confidence .. fluctuated a lot. Sometimes he would manage a passive sort of smugness, or sometimes pride, but other times he was putting himself down like there was no tomorrow. But even if his confidence was a mess, his ability to talk to people had improved. .. Once he got past the 'I dont know how to hold conversations' thing. What do people talk about usually? Izuku doesn't know. He hadn't had a normal conversation before, they always ended really, really weirdly.
"I can try. But .. I dunno, I get nightmares a lot," Izuku shrugs uncertainly. He hasn't actually told anybody he had them. I mean. Some people might realize, like Aizawa or somebody, but he hadn't just said it. His grin wobbles just a little. Nightmares -- very nasty nightmares, really. And like ... they happen everytime he sleeps. Never when he passes out, luckily. Which is .. why .. he lets this happen. Oops.
... And then there's the stick.  Holy shit. Oh my god. For a second, Izuku stares, stunned, as the stick is dropped at his paws. Kirishima .. fetched a stick. Oh my god. He snickers. He can't help it, oh my god. He curls into himself a little because holy shit. "L -- Looks like you got the," He chokes. He can't do this. Oh my god. Kirishima. The Maine Coon ducks his head. He's going to explode. "The short end of the stick with this!!" Thank you god for Kismetpaw's puns, they've served him well. Izuku breaks into hysterics. It's kind of mean. But oh my god. He topples over, curling into a little ball as he shakes with laughter. He can't believe this. Izuku could use this as blackmail if he wanted. .. But he wouldn't. Because Izuku wasn't that cruel. Or -- he was. But he was trying not to be anymore.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A flustered look had crossed over the maned wolf's face as Izuku exploded with laughter. He was certain that the Frosthealer wouldn't tell anyone about this, otherwise he would be known as the stick fetcher forever and he didn't want that. "Don't tell anyone about this, alright?" Kiri said, his tone serious- before he spoke.

"At least I'm not the short one here." He teased.

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - arcy - 07-21-2018

Izuku was pretty good with secrets. Or -- no. No, he wasn't. At all. He nearly told Bakugou about One for All, he was terrible with secrets. This was manageable, though. Nothing too much. All Kirishima did was fetch a stick, after all, it wasn't like .. anything compared to One for All. Which was good. Because it'd be honestly terrifying if it was. He -- what's with his thought process right now, what the hell.
"Got it, got it," Izuku waves off as he pulls himself together. His wing gives a dismissive flap, and a few feathers fly off, but that's all. The feline slowly rights himself, still giggling. He'd never thought he'd see the day there one of his classmates, much less Kirishima, went to fetch a stick. In their mouth. Then again, none of this was really predictable. I mean. They were all animals. How not-predictable could you get?
Izuku sputters, then. Short -- oh my god. Short. How rude, he was a growing boy. He regards the Maned Wolf with teasingly insulted eyes, and sticks his tongue out. .. How strange. Izuku hasn't teased or been teased quite like this. Or -- in a way, maybe. Either way, this exchange has Izuku feeling a little .. he's not sure. He likes it, though. "First of all, rude," Izuku huffs, even as he shuffles his paws, paw, whatever, grinning. He makes another flippant motion with a wing, because he like using his wings to do stuff, it was kind of neat. Besides, he didn't have hands. "Secondly, we're entirely different species!!" He sticks his tongue out again, and manages to look distinctly like somebody much younger. Very childish, but he seems happy enough.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: there goes ☀ kirishima - Character Graveyard. - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]As Izuku huffed at his comment about him being shorter, Kirishima's grin would grow wide, appearing shark-like now. Sure, he could be serious at times- but he could also be very funny. He would notice the other male stick out his tongue in a playful manner, so he did the same.

"Bet ya won't catch up to my height though." He said, wagging his long tail and extending his fore-legs forward playfully.