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shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Printable Version

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shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Lokisaurus - 07-20-2018

[Image: 8Pzw.gif]
[div style="background-color: #896847; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Oh, how Amelia missed flying.  She missed her ship, she missed her crew, she missed the gut-wrenching feeling of going a knot too fast and crashing into some poor city's port at some God-forsaken hour of the night.  She missed a lot come to think of it, and that was not at all the feeling a captain should have if she were planning to make an entirely new ship and crew, now was it? 

No, not at all.

So, accompanied by her own four paws and beautiful new top-coat (freshly stitched, oh, how wonderful new clothes felt!), the self-dubbed Captain Amelia Smollett, Serval Sailor of the Stars, stepped deliberately over the border of the Ascendants' territory line and sat down.  Unable to wrap her tail around herself, Amelia settled to raise her paw to her face to inspect her claws.

How long would it take for some bumbling star child and their shiny meteorite necklaces to approach her?  Perhaps she would count for fun.

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Ada did not miss her home. It was a dangerous world where nobody was safe, with Umbrella and Bioweapons all over the place, there was nowhere one could hide and rest. The only real option was to keep moving forward or die. Now- she liked The Ascendants, but she didn't get a lot of alone time with Leon as much as she wanted now-days.

Now, she wouldn't call herself a bumbling star child with a shiny meteorite necklace, like Amelia excepted to come across. Instead, she refereed to herself as a lady. A proper lady with good looks and a amazing personality. And she was certain Leon would second her on that.

The black-feline had approached the other female, a welcoming smile on her maw. "Hello. You're on The Ascendants' territory. Name and business?"

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Grimm - 07-20-2018

the child with a heart of glass
To fly, with help of wing or contraption, seemed a far thought, a dream concocted by the tired mind of the child, bound in gentle longing. They bore no wings to bare them into the sky, though to find such feathered appendages upon their back would likely only cause them to panic, another stress they would seek to end, left only in scars. Truly it might have been best they were not permitted the freedom found in flight, given the sky to wander as they were the earth, one made to have ground beneath them, to tend and care for the very earth itself.

Given time possibly the chance would arise, when all had settled and their mind was given a chance to recover from the static of too much thought, yet for now the cub wandered, lost in the sound, eyes downcast.

Art had taken to wandering the land about the observatory quite a bit in recent days, separating themself from all who called this place home, too many new faces present amongst the few familiar, an escape from it all even if for just a few minutes. Even this seemed hard to find, however, ears perking and swivelling forward as a voice rose, words familiar though nothing else about it was. Their head rose, attention settling upon the two figures, both unfamiliar to them, new faces which brought with them a bout of uncertainty.

Slowly the red toned lion approached, shuffling forward to stand by Ada, offering her a soft smile. Her words showed she was one of the Ascendent and with the questions already posed they kept their mouth shut for the time being, merely looking towards the stranger, unaware of her judgement upon the group.
atreus "art" averim — the ascended — fireball — lion cub — information

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Lokisaurus - 07-20-2018

[Image: 8Pzw.gif]
[div style="background-color: #896847; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Four minutes and thirty eight seconds - give or take a few seconds for possible counting errors.  How very punctual these star children were, and perhaps even well-spoken?  Name and business was quite a greeting, much better than 'get yer scurvy pirate ass off m' port!'

She was no pirate, the nerve, why -

No matter, this was a completely new place with a face that required an answer.

"My name is Amelia Smollett, former captain of the RSL Legacy, a good sail, if I do say so myseld.  I'm well aware of where I am madame, as I have come here for a bit of shelter - perhaps a bunk and a half to set my new coat on before i get on my way to rebuilding my ship.  You do have provisions for such a request, I assume?"

The serval's eyes shifted down the approaching child before returning to rest upon her questioner's face.  Were children always allowed to roam in this way?  That was not sanitary or safe at all.

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Oh? Wasn't this stranger quite the talkative type? Ada would lift both of her ears upward, to show Amelia that she was listening to her speak. By the sound of it, it seemed like she wanted to build a ship then take off on it? How curious, yet interesting. "My apologies, miss Amelia, but I don't believe we have the supplies you require for your ship, but I do believe you could ask our Seraph, Bastille, about that."

Ada would then notice Amelia glance towards the child beside her. Ah. Was she not too fond of children being around her or was it something else? "This is Atreus, if you were wondering." She told the serval.

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-21-2018

"Depends on what materials you'll be needing, and depends if it's something we can personally give away." The blue-and-gold she-cat certainly isn't a child - she sets her shoulders in a formal way and keeps her chin tipped upwards, just like her mother taught her all those months ago. Old habits die hard; she gives the serval a sweeping once-over to ensure that her body language doesn't indicate that she means harm, but even after a thorough look she doesn't shift away from her own proud form. "If it's a place to sleep, food to eat, water to drink - we have that, you just need to make sure you start pulling your weight in kind. Everybody contributes here."

/mobile damb post rip

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Shininglight - 07-21-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Shining had been good friends with an explorer. Not a captain of any ship or crew, but a girl that wished to adventure the open seas and explore the furthest reaches of the world. The idea of it didn't appeal to Shining- he had much preferred staying in a cozy cottage somewhere, safe and sound. But everyone sought something different out of life, to find their purpose, and work towards their goals and dreams.

"Bathe in morning's ocean, find her salty trail..." The winged feline looked up from the ground to find himself coming upon a group of creatures. All of them unfamiliar in his eyes. Most had the scent of Ascendants, but the one with the strange coat didn't. Shining continued muttering to himself, but below his breath, so it was hard to hear. His gaze darted between the others, wondering what was going on.

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - Cosmic - 07-21-2018

I decided I would just sit next to Ada for the time being, observing this newcomer. She was quite odd, but pretty amusing, and I aimed to delicately place my paw over Ada's. Because touch. Affection. It was something I had dearly missed.

With nothing really to say, I just sat there, waiting for the 'Amelia' woman to respond.

Re: shut your howling screamer > open, joiner - MOONMADE - 07-21-2018

Moon approaches with no lack of curiosity. This is the first time he's been the other side of the border-- a 'name and business' instead of 'please let me into your clan i'm literally starving to death'. It feels good. Especially when the joiner is as interesting as this one. "If you're still joining," he says, once Versaillespalace has finished speaking, "I'm Moon. Nice to meetcha', Cap." The young lion offers a grin, all stumbling charm. He'd say with each new joiner this place is made more bearable, but, truthfully, he doesn't hate it here. The people are nice. Just, some could loosen up a bit. He glances at Versaille; exhibit A.