Beasts of Beyond
NO GOING BACK — PRIVATE - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]/ [member=183]izuku[/member] !!

a few days had passed since he and lirim had arrived in this place. they were settling in nicely, reserving a cabin for themselves and finally having alone time since they had reunited. he was glad to be with them again, to have them curled up against him and exchanging words of affection. oh, how he'd missed them.

bubonicplague currently sat alone, lying quietly on the porch of their little home while his husband had gone off to do who knows what. he had wanted to go with them, but it wasn't necessary for him to follow them like a lost puppy, no matter how much he enjoyed spending time with them. the dire wolf sighed quietly and stretched his legs as he rolled onto his side, sightless eyes staring out into nothingness.

Re: NO GOING BACK — PRIVATE - arcy - 07-20-2018

Izuku liked getting to know his clanmates. It used to be harder, of course. He'd always been shy and worried and just a general nervous wreck. It came with the territory of being blown up everytime he stepped out of line, or didn't. I mean, he didn't have any friends since Bakugou-Kacchan chased them away. He .. hasn't managed to wean himself off of calling the other Kacchan, yet. He's not sure if that's healthy? .. Either way. He's trying, that's enough. Anyways! Izuku had gotten better at talking to people. Enough to approach them first and to bother them, sometimes. Selectively. Izuku couldn't manage it always.
Anyways -- the two joiners from the other day. Those two interested him, of course. Would they stick around?? Would they?? Izuku has his doubts, but it wouldn't hurt to seek them out anyways. They looked really cool!! Was it rude to ask what somebody was? Like, species-wise. Izuku knows there's dragons and mythicals and stuff, but Izuku doesn't claim to know all of them. Mythology wasn't his thing.
"Hi!" Izuku's ears prick. There he was!! The one!! Izuku doesn't know his name relaly, though -- uh. Bub.. onic.... plague?? He thinks that's right. What did the words mean, though? Izuku didn't know. English wasn't even his first language. Right, uh, uh -- how did he .. talk to people. Izuku doesn't know. He really doesn't. Izuku may be better at approaching people, but his conversationalist skills were absolutely moot. He had questions, how did he start.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]hi!

the dire wolf's ears twitched at the broken silence. the voice was vaguely familiar. young, high-pitched... bubonicplague lifted his head and turned his head slightly to izuku, blinking his empty eyes. this was one of the ones that had shown up to welcome him and lirim into the group, the one that had offered hot chocolate. he seemed kind enough, if not a bit too kind. bubs had never been able to understand people who were so forgiving, so sweet and trusting to everyone, even after they had been hurt. it was obnoxious in a way; to him, at least. but to each their own.

the demon let out a quiet sigh and sat up, crossing his paws over each other. bubs settled his sightless eyes on the child and remained silent for a few long moments until finally his jaws opened to speak. "hello." he greeted simply. "is there something you need?"

Re: NO GOING BACK — PRIVATE - arcy - 07-26-2018

Izuku could suppose he was a little too open, sometimes. Too trusting, too gullible, sometimes. At least -- on the surface. But that's all the really mattered. Even if there was always that paranoid terror under the surface of everything, it's not like it affected anything. He'd gotten used to it. Besides, greeting all of the joiners in the most open way possible always tended to make them feel more welcome. And that's just what he wanted, see? .. He might learn, someday. He had good experiences in Snowbound, even if he didn't with people before then. He just .. tried to forget, a lot of the time.
"I, uh .. not particularly. I just .. want to ask some things," Izuku grins sheepishly. People got annoyed by his questions a lot of the time. And I mean, he'd leave, he'd stop, if asked. But Izuku was naturally curious. And he wanted notes, for his journal. He needed to know. So, slowly, the little feline shuffles closer to the much larger creature. His ears are perked, and eyes wide with a bright, child-like sort of curiosity. .. Though, that'd all be going to waste now, thanks. ".. What sort of, um, animal, are you?" He decides to start off with, though that's certainly not all, which is clear enough. The question is intended to be something simple, unlikely to be insulting at all. Unless he worded it wrong. Izuku did that a lot. He'd been getting better, but while Izuku had adjusted, had been a cat for a good half year, more, now, he still felt off balance with how to adjust at the worst of times. But that's okay with him, really. Just so long as it doesn't get him into too major of trouble, y'know?
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]