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IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU [p, Atbash] - Printable Version

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IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU [p, Atbash] - Dimitri - 07-20-2018

"Atbash?” The tom used a rock in his paw to knock on the door. He stood up on his hind legs against it, knocking again with the rock.
What if she uses it against us?
No, she wouldn’t do that. Besides....  if he planned to date her, he needed to tell her.
I’m worried more about the rest of them bulling you. That was indeed a possibility. Don’t ya worry kid, I’ll claw anyone that tries.



i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash's worry had been growing steadily after the Daisy incident, but she remembered how Dimitri said he'd tell her eventually, and she trusted him. And maybe that was her fault for telling him she was asking as his friend, not as his leader. Perhaps if she asked as the latter option, he would have actually answered and she wouldn't be left in the dark to deal with things she wasn't aware was going on.

"Ah, coming!" Atbash called, scrambling to her paws from where she had been trying to take a nap to relax. Hearing Dimitri's knock honestly scared her a bit, since she hadn't been expecting anybody to knock. The Hailcaller went over to the door and opened it, her ears pricking once she saw Dimitri. "Dimitri! Hey."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU [p, Atbash] - Dimitri - 07-23-2018

He took in a huge breath as she answered the door. His tail was held close to his body and his ears flicked to and back.
"I- I’m ready to tell you now." He said in a low tone, looking down at his paws then back at her. Dimitri gestured for her to follow him, heading to his cabin. He was taking deep breathes, keeping himself in control and siking himself up. They arrived at the door.
"Okay, okay- you can do this." Deep breath. Stay in charge.

He opened the door.
The cabin was somewhat easily divided. Dimitri had thrown out the bed frame by now, and was sleeping in the basket against the far wall, right about where the sun shined in the morning. Dimitri himself didn’t have that many possessions- his space was sacrificed for his alters.
On the far right corner was a folded blanket and a book shelf, about half full of titles. On the right wall was a rectangular coffee table. On the left side of that was a few bottles of whiskey. On the right, Delta had five books- the 48 Laws of Power, Th Art of War, and three similar titles. She also had a small collection of knives, battle plans, and strategies. On the right corner, by the door, was Daisy’s desk. She had her paintings hung up on the wall, most notably, a group painting, with different colors symbolizing everyone. Half of the painting had rips in them, as if they had been taken down in a hurry.
Donovan had developed his front left corner a little more. There was a little table there now, too. He had poetry written, the pansexual flag hung in a vase, and a bottle of perfume.
Darby had taken the left wall, where he had stunting plans laid out on another table and something about “skiing” whatever that was.
Divertimento has taken the last corner. There wasn’t a table there yet, but the tom had taken a few board games and a checkers board sat on the floor.

A small detail- they all had different handwriting.

"Okay, okay..." He gave her a little time to take in the room.

"Just... let me know when you’re ready."


i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Oh, he was ready now? Atbash seemed shocked at the statement but she quickly followed after the Eaglehunter as he led her back towards his cabin. She briefly wondered why he was leading her towards his cabin, when her's was just as secure. Although then again, it was more in the town rather than outside of it, and besides; when she talked to Cry about her past, she had asked Cry to come to her den back when they lived in dens. Being in our own home made you feel more secure, didn't it? Atbash entered Dimitri's cabin, scanning the area. It was almost a mess, really, but it was kind of interesting to her. It kind of revealed how Dimitri's brain looked, though she couldn't exactly go into his mind just yet. "I'm ready." She said as she took a seat where there was room, looking at Dimitri. "But... are you?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU [p, Atbash] - Dimitri - 07-24-2018

Okay, okay, good, she was sitting down. Dimitri paced back and forth, trying to igure out how to word this and stopping at her question. "Yes, I'm ready... I just- just- it would make me feel better if someone knew." He said, tail flicking and moving to the basket. He took out the journal and took it over to her, then grabbed Daisy's "family photo" and laided it out in front of her. He turned the journal to where they had all written their names in different colored pen and short descriptions of themselves.
"So the truth is- I don't know what to call it. I have.... I have... alternate versions of myself. I have these.... alternate personas. Personalities. They're, they're real people, real as they can be. We all just live in the same body. Not like possession, no. It's like... I have multiple people alongside myself...." Oh god, he was really bad at explaining this. He tapped on his head. "All in here...."

He took a breath.
"I figured... it was best to tell you first. Then I'm going to tell Aisawa. And eventually... the clan... It's better for us if people know... it makes the others for comfortable."



i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//Retro injuries
Atbash watched as Dimitri took out the family photo, and her eyes widened upon noticing all the different names and descriptions. "Different... personalities?" She echoed, looking up at him as he tapped his head. That made sense. All of this made sense now. "Oh, Dimitri, are you ashamed of them?" She asked with a sigh, frowning. "There's no need to be, you know. A lot of people have disorders." She would be the one to know, considering she controlled the mind for the most part.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU [p, Atbash] - Dimitri - 07-25-2018

”What? No!” He wasn’t ashamed of them. They were just a part of his life now and he had to deal with them. He had to make sure everyone had their time out. ”It’s just.... I’m one of those people that prefer to suffer silently, Atbash.” That was the best he could explain it. He didn’t want to burden other people with his problems and didn’t want people to think that he needed help. ”I have a pretty stable system and we all try to trust eachother... I just don’t want people to think we’re weird. I don’t want people to hurt us.”



i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
One of those people who like to suffer silently. God, Atbash could honestly relate to that. Only two people knew of her past in Snowbound - Cry and Jacob, and the only reason she told them was because it was an emergency. Although after Caesar attacked her for the first time, she assumed some of the Snowbounders knew what was going on. If they went to The Typhoon, they probably noticed Caesar and how she looked similar to him. It wasn't that hard to realize their relation. Atbash didn't like talking about her past, though she supposed if Dimitri was telling her what was wrong with him, maybe one day she should talk to him about what's up with her. "Nobody will hurt you, I promise." Atbash replied, her voice gentle. "We're all super understanding here, Dimitri - is that who I'm talking to right now?" Was that a rude thing to ask? God, she hoped not.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: IVE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU [p, Atbash] - Dimitri - 07-26-2018

He knew they wouldn’t hurt him. Snowbound was full of good people, but the fear was still there. Daisy especially, was vunerable. He made a whining noise and pressed his paws to his eyes, ears flicking back.
”That’s who I’m talking to, right?”

That was one of the reasons he kept his disorder under wraps. He didn’t like people playing the guessing game but he knew his alter hated pretending, and even more, knew that it would take time. "Y- Yes.” he said, looking back up at her. ”I tend to st- stutter and the others say I have a more boyish voice...” He isn’t sure how to describe himself. He can describe the others pretty well... ”I’m more nervous... secluded. Shy...” Maybe he should describe some of the others to her? "So, uh, the day you saw me being rude to a joiner, that wasn’t Dagon... He- He’s kinda- kinda- I’m sorry, do you have any questions first?”


i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
It would take time to get used to this, and Atbash knew that it would take a while to learn all the alters' personalities. It would take a while for the group as a whole to get used to things, but she was proud that Dimitri finally got the courage to talk to her about it. Atbash knew how hard it was to talk about these things. "Dagon... is he always rude?" The Hailcaller echoed the alter's name, trying to keep a mental note of him. "I don't have any questions other than that right now, honestly, but..." She tried to look at Dimitri in the eyes as she spoke this. "I'm glad you finally spoke to me about this. Thank you."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi