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take me back -- open - Printable Version

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take me back -- open - tori - 07-20-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
There many people here. Not that it was bad in the long run, not for the group as a whole, but Alex was too socially awkward for this. He hadn't stumbled upon the territory by choice, but he had two choices after he had. Stay and live, or wander back off and probably die. He still felt guilty, some nagging feeling that he didn't have the right to belong here, he was just another face to try and remember, another burden to everyone else essentially. Maybe it stemmed from the reason he'd stumbled into the fields in the first place.

Which is exactly where he ended back up. It was weird, he, again, hadn't mean to stumble back over. Not to mention the only other time he was here, he was shaking like a leaf could barely form coherent sentences to explain himself. Not that his short stay had automatically fixed that, but at least he knew people now. Some of them. Margaery's question about his parents still bothered him. He didn't know where they were, he didn't think he ever would at this rate. He was still waiting though. Hope was not yet lost! He would figure it out, he'd find them.

Re: take me back -- open - Warringkingdoms - 07-20-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]It was hardly uncommon for people to stumble upon the territory by accident. Rin had lost count of how many had crash-landed within their borders, or had been on the brink of death and in need of medical attention, or were just lost. If the Ascendants had taken her in even when she had had no idea how she would support them, they would take anyone, she figured. Everyone had the potential to be useful, it was just a matter of whether or not they wanted to be useful.

  Having spotted Alexander in the fields while searching for marigold, Rin cautiously made her way over to him. He seemed the jumpy type, so she didn't want to scare him off. Clearing her throat, she asked, "Hi. How are you settling in?"

  /very iffy post

Re: take me back -- open - Shininglight - 07-21-2018

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No one had yet to receive an explanation from Shining on how he showed up on the Ascendant's territory, riddled with scars and injuries. Nothing seemed to get him to talk about the subject- at least coherently. If anything they'd be lucky to get a few rambled words, but a lot of the times they didn't make sense. Shining was still far from being in a normal state of mind, and there was no telling how long it'd be before he recovered. If he ever recovered at all.

"Flames... Dancing flames..." the feline muttered silently to himself, limping through the fields of grass. His eyes were downcast. "Girl of Flames... dancing and burning..." Shining looked up, and found himself going towards two others, standing in the fields. One familiar, and unfortunately they'd probably be concerned as to why he was out and about on his own. Not that Shining seemed to be focused on that matter. He grew quiet and approached from behind.

Re: take me back -- open - tori - 07-21-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Alex's ears twitched when he heard Rin grow closer, relaxing slightly when he heard them speak. He really was the jumpy type, he had to get that under control, it just made people uncomfortable and situations awkward. "Very...well? Yeah." He was quiet for a moment, then nodded to himself. He turned his head to see the second person to stumble across him, he was in a wide field after all, wasn't exactly private. He decided that wasn't polite enough and turned his whole body around, stumbling ungracefully and almost falling over. "Am I, um...bothering anyone?"

Re: take me back -- open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-21-2018

"I don't think you are, no," comes the quiet response of Versailles, padding over and sending a nod in greeting their way. She doesn't know who he is but feels a small spark of recognition - not necessarily based on identity, more on personality. Something about him reminds her of herself from an earlier time, the fleeting feeling of self-doubt, of being small washing over her again. It's familiar in a sense that the way he's acting now isn't too far off from how she'd been before, and that immediately makes her feel something close to kinship towards him, not that she'd ever dare admit it. She hardly knows him, after all. "I don't think we've met. I'm Versailles, and you are..?"

Re: take me back -- open - tori - 07-22-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Alex shifted a little bit when Versailles joined the small gathering and made two others become three others. Not enough to really cause any alarm with him, but enough to feel surrounded. He did let out a sigh of relief when she said he wasn't bothering anyone, or at least she didn't think so. Was she sure or unsure? Just trying to be nice?

"I don't think we've met. I'm Versailles, and you are..?"

His ears perked up, brown eyes shifting from the group back up to her. "Alexander. Alex." He supposed that was another stranger down, now more of an acquaintance. "Versailles...that's a pretty name..." He mumbled, biting his cheek again and gaze going back down to his paws. He was trying not to be weird, it was just hard to break such an ingrained feeling such as his awkwardness.

Re: take me back -- open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-22-2018

Versailles... that's a pretty name... It's something Versailles hasn't exactly heard before, something that places a small kernel of warmth in her chest at the acknowledgement. She can't help the warm expression that unfolds across her face in response, blooming on features once cold and hardened by her bitter lifestyle, and it's one that suits her quite nicely - brings to life her decorative golden accents. It's not everyday she receives a compliment, even rarer that the compliment is directed towards something that she holds quite, quite dearly to her heart.

"Thank you, Alex, I really appreciate that," she responds in kind, and there's a supple, bubbling sort of warmth under her breath that causes her words to dance in the air - joy, perhaps, not that she would ever say it out loud. Let it be interpreted how it will be seen, Versailles likes Alexander already, so much so that she decides to divulge something of a secret to him. She lowers her head and smiles again. "My mother said a voice in the wind whispered it to her when I was born. She liked the name too."

Re: take me back -- open - tori - 07-26-2018

// three days late and i scream in pain

The subtle change in Versailles that came with his compliment was noticed, albeit not in the same way as one of his aura-sensing clanmates. No, he didn't possess any sort of power like that, he was just sensitive to emotions and the like. Even slight changes such as this did not go over his head. A small smile crossed his face as the sight of Versailles' own softening by the warm expression.

His ears perked up at what she said about her own name, and about the wind carrying it to her mother. It was such a heartwarming origin, really. A regal name, truly, one that deserved such a story. "That's so cool." Alex's eyes widened slightly, full of intrigue. He had no story for his name. It just was.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— ALEX