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Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Printable Version

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Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Whisper - 03-25-2018

It's been a while since I've opened an art shop, but since this place has a pretty stable in game currency set up & a good shop - I could use a few gems for my own creative liberties. So- if you've got some to spare and looking for a good match for youre signature/avitar- look no further!

o1 - Please be nice to each other! We're all here for art so there's no need to be mean
o2 - Don't spam me asking for art please
o3 - if slots are full, place your form in a spoiler & repost it when one opens
o4 - You'll be told a price after you're accepted
o5 - You will receive your art after you pay
o6 - I am willing to trade art for art - in which PM me your form instead!

o1 - Tricky
o2 - Roman
o3 - Open

On Hold
*Waiting for responce from applicant/ some other issue
- Bun

Prices & Examples - Art discord here
*All these prices are not set, and can be changed by diffaculty
Usually between 200g -1000g

1000g - Icon / Pixel
    Icons usually a headshot w/ a background - usually 500x500 x = x
      Pixel Full body pixels with a little bob - 2 frame gif usually transparent x - x
5000g - Headshots / sketches
    Headshots Usually transparent with a headshot image of you're character from shoulder/neck up x
    Sketches White background, sketches made of you're character. Personal details & small notes made while drawing them
7000g - Fullbody
    Fullbodies Usually transparent full profile of your character. Fully colored x - x
    * adding shading (shadows / light) is an extra 500g x - x

Screen name:
What you'd like:
Character name:
Personality / inspiration:
References: (pictures or descriptions, include items you want to be drawn in!)
Specifics: (pose, expression)

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open - Imortapose - 03-29-2018

Screen name: Imortapose
What you'd like: A shaded fullbody
Character name: Ioncore Magnum
Personality / inspiration: Ion is a sexist piece of crap. He believes in old world views, where woman are weak and men can't show any emotion. He's headstrong and believes he's always right, especially when he isn't. He doesn't allow others to try and change his mind or prove that way he says is incorrect. basically, he's a stubborn old mule who seriously needs to update his views and how he lives life.
References: link (pictures are un-watermarked)
    He's a sub-adult male lion, so he'll have the beginnings of a mane forming around his neck area. He's 2 years old and follows the same physique as a normal lion, except he's lack and green with weird markings and goo dripping from his eyes.
Specifics: I would love if his face was visible in the picture. I don't mind what pose you do, but I'd like him to have a snarling expression on his face. The mood of the picture should be that he's angry.
Other: Thank you!! Your art style is gorgeous so expect me to come back,,, a lot ;w;

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open - limerence - 03-30-2018

Screen name: limerence
What you'd like: icon
Character name: catriona
Personality / inspiration: Catriona is someone that could be described as hot-headed. Generally she's very friendly, outgoing, usually in a good mood and always willing to help others. However, it is also fairly easy to upset her, in which case she will either become sarcastic or agitated. She is loyal to her core, and very brave, though her stubbornness and brashness often get her into trouble.
References: general ref - A standard orange tabby with delicate features. Her eyes are a stunning moss green, dusted with specks of gold. Her left ear has been torn slightly due to a past fight, and she has a bobbed tail due to losing it to infection as a young child. She also wears around her neck a small silver pendant depicting a scottish thistle.
Specifics: any pose, expression preferably a smirk or a glare
Other: thanks love <3

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open - Whisper - 03-31-2018

You're up! Price will be about 7500g!

Noted! You're Price is 1000g

I'll get working on both of them later today/tonight!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/3 slots left) - Sorrel - 03-31-2018


Screen name: Sorrel
What you'd like: Headshot
Character name: Killua
Personality / inspiration: Killua is a former professional assassin that is currently dealing with the struggle of socializing in the real world. He has a extremely short temper and often mocks others for their weakness. He cares about those that he thinks deserves it. However, right now he is just confused on what he should be doing and what he shouldn't be doing as he struggles to carve his own path for himself. At heart though, he is still a child to some degree
Specifics: Most likely annoyed at something, or frustrated whichever works best : D
Other: You the best buddy <3

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/3 slots left) - limerence - 03-31-2018

Awesome!! Gems sent c:

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/3 slots left) - Imortapose - 03-31-2018

Hella, can't wait to see the finished piece! I'll send the gems over right away. <3

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/3 slots left) - Whisper - 03-31-2018

Accepted! your pay is 5000g! dork

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/3 slots left) - Sorrel - 03-31-2018

(03-31-2018, 03:19 AM)Whisper link Wrote:
Accepted! your pay is 5000g! dork

;P gems sent!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/2 slots left) - limerence - 03-31-2018

back for more of this bootifulness

Screen name: limerence
What you'd like: icon (headshot w/ background please <3)
Character name: catriona
Personality / inspiration: Catriona is someone that could be described as hot-headed. Generally she's very friendly, outgoing, usually in a good mood and always willing to help others. However, it is also fairly easy to upset her, in which case she will either become sarcastic or agitated. She is loyal to her core, and very brave, though her stubbornness and brashness often get her into trouble.
References: general ref - A standard orange tabby with delicate features. Her eyes are a stunning moss green, dusted with specks of gold. Her left ear has been torn slightly due to a past fight, and she has a bobbed tail due to losing it to infection as a young child. She also wears around her neck a small silver pendant depicting a scottish thistle.
Specifics: any pose, expression preferably a smirk or a glare
Other: thanks again c: