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NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - Printable Version

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NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - rhosmari - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]So much drama, so much turmoil and for what? A broken soldier with nothing to lose and no care for anyone that got in her way even if they happened to be friendlies. Perhaps if she had turned out a different way then maybe things would have been different but as broken as the woman had become she was nothing more than a shadow of herself. Of what she had been. Once upon a time she had been someone of prowess, someone to look up to and someone who had served a cause that she had believed in. Something she thought was right. But it had all come crumbling down around her and on that day she had been transported to another world where everything in her mind was just plain wrong. They worked as if backwards in the soldier's mind and she didn't understand their method of receiving new members nor how they operated in general. Though she hardly tried to understand them, too set in her way and having her own goals to look after. It was her way after all and she didn't see it any other way.

Then the meta came for them. She'd warned Washington of his betrayal though she hadn't said much about Texas. Carolina wouldn't every allow for her name to pass her lips. But the other Freelancer hadn't listened to her and hadn't attacked the other on sight. A threat that big had to be eliminated and the ginger leopard had to go in and helped him when his leg had been broken. But it had cost her much, five broken ribs and a broken jaw. A small voice in the back of her head told her that she deserved such wounds upon a body that had no sort of protection. How she had just rushed in without thinking of the consequences to herself because she was just trying to get the Meta focused on herself and to leave everyone else alone. The soldier wouldn't see it as a self sacrifice because something like this was expected of her. Keep the team alive at any cost was the nature of her training and why she pushed herself so hard. If she couldn't be the best then how could she expect for anyone else to take on that responsibility. It was a lot of pressure and she didn't think that anyone in the team was able to handle it. They hadn't been around as long as she had been.

Yet even here it seemed she was doing something wrong. When she had showed up it was like she had shattered all over again and she should have known better. She could never beat her. As hard as she trained and as hard as she pushed herself and shoved everyone else away it didn't matter. What she wanted wasn't going to be a simple task because with what Tex was, even if she didn't know yet, she'd never be able to win. Advice had been given to her to chill out and rest because her injuries might kill her. Oh. A realization just occurred to her that she didn't even know the name of the silvery canine that had given it to her. Had she not been paying attention? Did she say her name when those stranger joiners would arrive upon the border, easily let in? Slowly dull yellow green eyes closed as she released a breath as it occurred to her once more that she barely even knew the names of any of the creatures here besides the ones she thought was important. Another mistake she supposed and she opened her eyes, jaws slightly open as struggling breathes left her. If she had listened anyway, maybe she wouldn't be in the situation she was in now. Internally bleeding was a disaster for ruin and she was on her way out it seemed. It pained her greatly, not because she was dying but because her mission was going to be left undone. Death was always a friend in the realm of her life and she knew it would happen just....not like this.

Her gaze wandered away from the tree she was laying underneath as she debated on what her broken ribs might have done to her internals. Probably punctured her lungs, stabbed into some organs that she needed to live. Her body didn't hurt so she guessed it was just shutting down now that she had bled for so long on the inside. For a moment she thought about calling out but then decided against it. After all she didn't really think she had 'friends' here. Washington was just a freelancer she worked with after all and she didn't think they had that sort of relationship. Maybe she was wrong but it didn't matter now. Her muzzle suddenly clamp shut on a cry as her body shudder, a terrible spasm of her body that locked up muscles and squeezed her heart harshly. It was pain she didn't think she would be able to keep quiet of but it passed and with it her life. A breath gusting out of her slightly parted jaws and her eyes staring open at nothing, into the void. Carolina never learned her lesson but she also never gave up either.

Re: NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - Warringkingdoms - 07-20-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]In the end, there was little that they could do about internal bleeding with what was available to them.

  She had tried to heal Starrynight, but a punctured lung was beyond the scope of anything she was able to do even now. Without advanced surgical tools, anesthesia, disinfectants, and so on, any attempt to fix internal injuries was basically doomed to fail. Even now, when Playerone had brought Carolina back, Rin had been able to tell that there were wounds beneath the surface that were beyond her reach.

  She had tried her best anyway- they all had, working as a team. She had hoped that when Carolina didn't die right away, when she survived the first few hours, she would heal properly even despite her internal injuries. She was even able to walk around some, though Rin had encouraged her not to strain herself too much.

  Maybe, Rin reflected as she came upon Carolina's dead body beneath the trees, she could have saved her if she had just been more vigilant. It was a long shot, whether Carolina rested as she had been told to or not, but Rin didn't believe in lost causes. Bastille had revived despite the wounds on his neck. Even Suiteheart and Margaery, despite being well and truly dead when they were discovered, had eventually made their way back.

  She could only hope that the same would happen here. She did not know Carolina very well at all, but even having only seen her around a few times, she could tell that the agent had a stubbornness about her- much like the other freelancers. Even after checking the body's pulse and finding no signs of life, Rin could only sigh and shake her head. It was out of her hands now; they had done the best they could, but in the end it would be up to fate whether or not Carolina ever returned.

  "Washington," she called out, her ears flattening back. "You might want to see this. It's your fellow agent." If there was grieving to be done, then there was no point in trying to hide it.

Re: NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - Roy Mustang - 07-20-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was pissed beyond at that fight with the Meta a few nights ago. Why was he pissed regarding the situation? Well for starters, that hellhound had armor on, just how Washington and his four colleagues- they were associated with them. They didn't know about the Meta, or how dangerous he was, as the four wouldn't tell them about their past lives/mission. Roy tolerated them not opening up about it, as Roy too once kept his past hidden from the Ascendants, but he thinks warning the clan of a dangerous, traitor of theirs would have been helpful. Plus, he was mad at the scent he found on the attacker- Tanglewood. The only thing he was happy about was that Bastilleprisoner agreed to go to Tanglewood with him to demand questions. It seemed like Bastille couldn't argue with Roy then, whether if Bast liked it or not, even he knew they had to approach Tanglewood about it.

Tanglewood entirely wasn't responsible for the attack. While dealing with their immature leader was a hassle, Roy quickly learned that they had no control over this member. He appreciated the apologies they received from their deputy, he hoped that no incidents like this would happen again. Roy still wasn't a fan of Tanglewood, for their sake, he hoped they'd gain better control of their members. They wouldn't want Roy marching up to their border for a second time. As if he did, Roy would be almost at the point of steaming with anger.

Since the attack from Meta, it certainly seemed like Carolina got a more severe blow of injuries. While Agent Washington had a broken arm, if Warringkingdoms attends to it quickly- it probably can heal. And if it heals incorrectly- he can get it properly amputated, not gnawed off like Roy did to himself. No no- that's a horrible idea. Roy's still regretting his decision to this day. But Carolina on the other hand, not only did she suffer five broken ribs, but the hellhound managed to break her jaw too. Plus, there was one wound that was invisible to the naked eye- internal bleeding. Internal bleeding was not good in any way, most of the time it's severely fatal if not caught on early on. Usually, it's not caught on until it's too late, especially if you aren't a medic.

When Roy was padding through the territory, he came to a stop when he noticed Carolina's limp body beneath a tree. Roy was clearly not a fan of her- Roy hasn't forgotten the disrespect she gave him at the border. Plus, the two didn't get along well at all- it was like they clashed heads. Roy wanted to know what their mission was about, and she tells him to get lost. While they have their differences, Roy knew whatever pain she's going through must be excruciating. Broken ribs can make it hard to breathe, and a broken jaw wasn't helping her case. While he wished he could simply walk on, he couldn't get himself to do it. She needs to see Warringkingdoms, if she doesn't get treatment, then her condition will only get worse. A sigh escaping his lips, the Flame Alchemist began to make his way over to her, padding over to her after the Cleric(who got to her a lot quicker than he did).

As he got closer, he realized that Carolina was laying perfectly still. Her chest was not rising and falling, her eyes were not blinking. When he looked at her eyes, they looked like they were staring off into space, never to be animated with life again. Oh shit, He thought to himself as he watched Rin search for a pulse, but when she sighed and shook her head, Roy assumed the worst. Carolina was dead. Roy didn't feel much grief about her loss, but he knew Agent Washington would be. It seemed like Washington was as close to Carolina like his bond with Riza, the two really did seem to care for each other. A sigh escaped his lips as his ears flattened to his skull. "I'll go look for him," Roy offered up, in case Washington didn't hear Warringkingdom's call through the territory.

Re: NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - Cosmic - 07-20-2018

I felt like something was off in the air today. Like something horrible was about to happen. Like... someone was going to die. I sometimes get that feeling and nothing happens, but sometimes it was much stronger and persisted the entire day. And today had been one of those days.

I was beyond devastated upon seeing Carolina's dead body as I came up beside Warringkingdoms after hearing her call. This was... unbelievable. I dropped my head, tears beginning to stream down my face. Soldier or not, I was human and had emotions. I had attachments and bonds, as hard as they may be to make. But they were still there.

"C-Carolina..." I almost wimpered, my body dropping and showing my grief as I quietly cried. No. No more death. I swore it, but...

No. I couldn't protect her.

I failed.

Re: NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - Suiteheart - 07-21-2018

Tragedy of any kind never seemed far away from Suiteheart's life. The white feline was constantly effected by it. Ten lifetimes and one thousand years and Suiteheart had yet to figure out how to prevent it.

It was Warringkingdom's call that drew her forth. Though her name was not Washington, the tone of voice Rinny was using tugged upon her being. Worry and panic coursed through her veins and flowed into her heart. It must have been Carolina that Rinny was referring to. While Suite had not interacted frequently with Carolina (much to her chagrin), that didn't mean she wasn't fearful of what she was about to encounter. Hasty pawsteps thundered for the scene, and her pace did not stop until she saw what had happened.

Ears pinned back to her skull as she slowly crept forward. Her gaze landed on Warringkingdoms and then Roy. She couldn't ignore the exhaustion on Rinny's face - how many times had something like this happened? Roy seemed tired too, but in a different way, and her heart also went out to him.

Playerone's cry broke the silence that settled over the group after Roy's offer. A tight frown marked Suiteheart's lips as she moved closer to the hybrid creature. "Hey, keep your head up, kiddo," the white feline murmured. "There's a chance she'll return." 'Most of us do,' she thought, a paw rising to brush the massive scar around her throat. Dropping her paw, the domestic pressed closer to her friend, offering her a shoulder to cry on if needed.

"May the stars accept her with grace," the Ecliptic Admiral mumbled, baby blues settling on the still form of Carolina.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Death was final. There was no coming back from it no matter what anyone else told him. He had seen time and time again someone die over the course of several years. Probably longer than what these animals were capable of living through. 26 years. 26 years had been nothing but war and death. It had all started with his father and nothing else. Washington thought that the death of his father would be the end of how worse it could possibly end up getting. He had hoped that the same wouldn't happen to his mother and to the rest of his siblings. At this point in time though, the Freelancer wasn't even sure if they were alive. The thoughts of his family come and gone as there was more of a chance that they were actually dead throughout the entirety of the war. Everyone lost family though, so who was the one to complain anyway? Year after year he had to struggle as he watched some of those that he considered friends when he was younger deal with the death of their parents.

His father only died when he was very young, meaning that he doesn't remember much of his father's death and wasn't afraid to talk about the way he died. In War. In Battle. He didn't want to grow up being like his dad like every kid in the school park wanted to end up doing. The human race struggling to survive from the very beginning anyway. It was only when he realized that they were losing the War right after high school that Washington knew that he was going to have to do something and maybe offer a hand. He may not have been the best soldier but he had helped save lives and kill those that were enemies to them. It was understandable when it came to being a soldier that he got used to the killing. He wasn't killing humans after all. They were aliens that were trying to make them go extinct and had already destroyed one planet before coming to Earth itself. Once they were driven to Earth they went to other planets that Washington was stationed in. One thing he knew for certain though, was that he wasn't going to end up finding his father on the battlefield and wouldn't find his father back with his mother when he was allowed to visit home.

That was simply unrealistic. It wasn't something that was possible when someone had been said to be blown up by the likes of a grenade. There wasn't really anything to bury either. Washington then knew death was final when it came to those that died by his side on the battlefield. Washington watched as his comrades fell, and how they were quickly killed off if they didn't have their wits about them. It was probably harsh to say something like that, but they had trained for this and should have been more careful. He did feel grief for those that died, knowing that they would only allow the dog tags to be returned back and not the body. They didn't have the resources. Everyone lost family in the war. Maybe even the aliens that attacked them lost family in the war as well. He wouldn't know. He didn't know their culture after all. He watched people killed before his eyes. He didn't have the insane fantasy that they would somehow magically come to life either. Washington was a logical person for the majority of his life, and one needed to be fairly serious when given orders.

During the next portion of his military career in Project Freelancer he had watched Freelancers die. There were those that he was simply told that they had been killed and those that he had watched die themselves. Agent Utah basically cooked himself in his own armor when he tried to use equipment in the field, not being able to hold the equipment for very long before he was killed. Agent Georgia was thrown into space. None of those names were replaced during the course of his time there, at least not that he could remember. Washington probably wouldn't be able to tell if they had been replaced if they were in the lower ranks as he didn't deal with lower ranked soldiers all that often. He was on the leaderboard, meaning that he had a strict schedule to follow that was created for him by a computer. No one came back. No one. Hence why he had been so confused when Suiteheart had suddenly managed to come back from the dead it seemed. Had the wound not been fatal? He was pretty sure that much blood coming out of the likes of a domestic cat would mean that she would be doomed to die.

He didn't know anything about being a vampire and still didn't believe that they existed. It had to be some sort of trick, and that it actually wasn't Suiteheart. The concept of death here didn't seem to bother any of them. And in all honesty, it pissed him off. They treated the aspect of death almost as a joke when it was brought up. It almost made him want to throw up. Washington didn't believe that he would get the same treatment if he were to get killed here. He would most certainly stay dead if he were to die. There was no doubt about that in his mind. Death was supposed to be final. They weren't supposed to continue living after death. Like some sick horror movie. Washington knew he had made a mistake when he hadn't attacked Agent Maine. He should have listened to Carolina, and maybe if he did she wouldn't have managed to get herself injured. He hadn't been there to support her, and as usual, she had been there to save his ass again. As usual.

That seemed to be the sort of dynamic that the two ended up having to each other. Washington felt guilt during that battle when everything happened. Her injuries were his fault, and he thought that she was going to be okay. Maine couldn't have done lethal damage, could he? That's what Washington was hoping but he didn't exactly have all the means of knowing feline anatomy now did he? He knew a little bit but not that much. Then when Agent Texas arrived, Washington wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do. He had been out of commission almost immediately. Memories of Allison plagued inside of his head to the point that it crippled him. He nearly suffocated himself thanks to his hyperventilated but passed out because of the lack of oxygen. The Freelancer hadn't been able to see the fight against Carolina and Texas if there had been one. He didn't know that her injuries had ended up getting worse as he had to get checked up himself. Difficult considering that he didn't trust any medics that he came across nowadays. Washington had his own reasons that he wasn't willing to tell anyone. He thought she was going to be fine.

He thought she was going to be fine. The soldier hadn't managed to keep track of Carolina, his arm still well broken that getting around was still difficult for him. Washington had walked through the territory calling out her name hoping that she would answer so that he could get a debrief on what they were going to do now. The last thing he needed was to be around Texas right now. The mental health that he had worked so hard to repair basically was ripped apart by her appearance. His head felt like it was going to explode just looking at her. He didn't want to be the only one that wanted to get out of here anymore. Caboose was gone. Church was somewhere. Maine was still at large. Texas was now here. And Carolina was missing after her injuries. He didn't know if he would be able to deal with the stress of her suddenly being gone. Since she had arrived she had grounded him and helped him get slightly better with everything.

It was a difficult road, especially with the Ascendants breathing down their necks all of the time. "Carolina!" Washington called out, getting more and more frustrated. Where the fuck was she? Washington tilted his head until he heard a pop in his neck, his headache slowly blossoming to a migraine. This was ridiculous. She wasn't in her usual area and no one seemed to know where the leopard even ended up going to. He couldn't track down scents like everyone else could, and so that meant that he had to rely on his hearing to be able to find where the hell she would be and by sight. The armored creature wasn't hard to see walking around, and eventually, after almost an hour of walking around, he came across the area where familiar faces were gathered. Well, at least one that is. No one had informed him of Carolina's condition, which wasn't surprising since he had been passed out. The smilodon squinted his eyes behind his visor as he tried to see what they were doing. He wasn't able to see anything so he limped his way over on three legs to see what was going on. As he neared, his pace quickened as he saw them hovering over Carolina's body.

His breathing inside of his helmet quickened, and the coffin of Allison flashed in front of his vision nearly making him fall over his own paws. What the hell were they just standing around for? "What's going on? Everyone's just standing here.." Washington's voice trailed off as he came to stop a little bit of a distance from where Roy was standing. He was looking at their faces, and he had expected to hear an answer from Carolina herself. She usually was quick to update him on what was going on situation wise and if they were questioning her like they always did. A frown was hidden underneath his helmet as he turned his head to look back at Carolina when he didn't hear the expected response. "Carolina?" Washington had asked in a more quiet tone, his voice sounding strained from screaming just a couple hours ago. He had just barely woken up, and the pain he was going through was certainly immense. He took a couple steps forward until he was at Carolina's side. If his helmet was working, he would have been able to check her biological signatures. But his helmet wasn't up to that point yet. His jaw opened inside of his helmet before he closed it again.

She wasn't breathing. What was happening? What was happening?! The smilodon raised one of his paws as if to touch the corpse of his comrade, only to stop the shaking paw and put it back down on the ground. "Boss-" Washington stopped himself again with a choked sound. She was dead. One didn't need to be a genius to see it. His jaw snapped shut, and no other sounds escaped him. His shoulders shook as his flank sat down on the ground with a loud thud. His head hanging low staring down at Carolina's corpse. She was dead. She was dEad. Death was final. She wouldn't be coming back. He was alone. The feeling the Director felt through his memories of losing Allison gripping the smilodon's heart in a grip that he couldn't undo. But he didn't cry. He didn't dare cry. It was his own damn fault of course. He should have been better. She was always taking shots for him. She had always been the best. She left him alone. Left him alone with all these animals that he didn't care about. Washington didn't say another word as his head twitched slightly to the left. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: NO PLACE LIKE HOME - open; death - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]For as large as the clan is, word still travels fast. It does not take long for Imperia to hear news of someone's passing, though the information is not thorough enough to inform her of who exactly had passed. But who died does not matter much to the she-wolf, for she is going to go pay her respects regardless. It is the right thing to do. She drifts through the plains like a ghost, small paws making nary a sound as she moves with the grace of a deer. She arrives shortly after Washington, having spotted his hulking figure making haste through the grasses so she had decided to speed up. And that's when she sees Carolina there, motionless. It saddens her to see such a sight, even when the more logical part of her brain recognizes that the fiery femme died of her injuries. Did Imperia not warn Carolina of that just the other day? Her eyes start to water, but she resists. Washington begins to say something, but he chokes back a sob instead. "Je suis désolé, mon ami," she says, feeling that the consolation sounds better, more emotional, in french rather than the common tongue. Tentatively, she reaches out a paw to comfort her friend, unsure if he would welcome the touch or not. But she can sense that he is not alright, and she is compelled to try and soothe him.