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In hindsight, a fire was probably inevitable. They had so many fire wielders in the Ascendants that it was only a matter of time before someone set the camp or more on fire, and frankly? At one time he would have bet that it would be him, losing control again. As it turns out, it wasn't.

Smoke billowed out of rooms in the farthest hallways of the basement, thankfully uninhabited; it was dark and invasive, spreading rapidly, and Bastille was coughing as he slid to a stop in the middle of the Circle. "EVERYONE OUT," he yelled, wasting no time, before he ducked into the Control Room and started to fiddle with the controls. He knew he had seen a button for it before, and soon enough, sirens started to go off inside of the Observatory, lights flashing all around the Circle. He was back outside moments later, headed back towards the the basement as relative chaos ensued.

[ note: the fire is currently contained in a few rooms but might spread quickly, smoke is a main threat here, and this fire will NOT be able to be manipulated by someone! for clarification purposes, this will not force them to move camps/territories afterwards, so don't worry about that ]
[div style="width:450px; margin-top: -2px; margin-bottom: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: STEER CLEAR OF THE SUN | OBSERVATORY EVACUATION - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A fire in a place like this- the thought of it was horrifying. So Ada preferred not to think about what might happen if a fire ever happen to start. It would surely engulf the fields and swallow any buildings with hungry flames. Of course, it was something they couldn't avoid. She had seen a few other Ascendants around with the ability to wield fire.

So when Bastille told everyone to evacuate the Observatory, Ada automatically thought about the risk of a fire happening. Then she saw the smoke, black as the night skies. So she hurried outside of the Observatory, keeping a close eye out for Playerone in concern.

Re: STEER CLEAR OF THE SUN | OBSERVATORY EVACUATION - Warringkingdoms - 07-20-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The acrid odor of smoke unsettled her in a way that nothing else had thus far.

  Bastille had, at the very least, warned everyone, and they would all be out in the open air soon enough- moreover, the fire was relatively contained within the basement for now. The odds of anyone becoming severely injured before the fire could be put out were slim. Yet, as Rin hurried over to the exit and held the doors open for the others, staying low to avoid breathing in smoke, she had to wonder if they would be able to save the observatory. She knew it wouldn't be wise to rush back in to grab anything, especially since she had some herbs left in her bag, but she wasn't sure what they would do if they lost their primary means of shelter.

  As scorching black dust began to pour into the Circle, and the rest of the clan poured out into the grass, she felt that odd feeling of deja vu striking her again- the same as when she had stumbled across Suiteheart's impromptu concert, and when she heard Atreus' fear about being the cause of someone's death. Shaking it off, she focused on the last few clanmates as they left, glancing back and forth between the inside and the outside of the entryway and mentally counting heads. Bast hadn't left yet, but he probably would appear soon.


At first, Versailles doesn't even realize that there's anything different. She's in her room, pouring over a book Marg had given her to help her learn how to read - growing up in the wilds, she never even knew what a book was. She's struggling, concentrating on trying to remember which letter is which sound. The vowels are easier to remember, the consonants a little harder due to how many there are. Her pace is slow and tentative and, for a moment, she feels rather stupid. She doesn't know how to read, and it makes her feel like she has to be dumbest thing alive. It's intimidating, it's frustrating, and it's embarrassing; certainly embarrassing enough that no one but Marg and Bast know about this handicap (and maybe Suite too, Suite probably knows already).

It's during another bout of frustrated silence that Versailles first smells the smoke. For a second, she figures it's just another Ascendant playing with their fire powers (tch, they should really be more careful with that), but the smell grows ever stronger until it's almost seeping into her fur. That's when she knows something isn't right. Immediately hopping up to her paws, she runs to the door and pushes it open just to hear Bastille's yell, followed by - oh God, what is that? Sirens are blaring and lights are flashing and, for a second, it's a little too much for Versailles, stepping back and rubbing her eyes on one hand and trying to cup her ears in the other. It's too much noise in such a little space and she's still not used to it. Her head is pounding, blood rushing in her ears, stars dancing behind her shut eyelids as she tries to take any semblance of calm she can get.

She forces deep, acrid breaths into her lungs while she still has time, feeling the ringing recede with every gulp. When her eyes open again, they're steely and determined, and suddenly she's rushing to gather whatever supplies she could from her room and shoving it into a small pack Bast had given her. Wrapping her tail around the strap when she knows she's kept what's important to her, Versailles finally bursts out of her room and looks around, noticing the encroaching flames from the far corridor. She just stands there for a few heartbeats, watching the golden embers dancing in a sea of black smoke - there's something quite fascinating about the way they shiver in the air - but she soon snaps herself out of her awe and runs down towards the Circle before veering for the exit.

Just as she's reached the grassy plains beyond, she realizes - what if anybody's still in there? She can't live with herself knowing that she's the coward who saved only herself. With a determined gnash of her teeth, she throws the pack outside before running back in, hoping she can find and direct everyone else lagging behind to safety. Versailles finds herself next to Rin, aiming a nod the other Ascendant's way before running back into the hell of it all. Bast would probably kill her if she doesn't die, but hell, she will never leave any straggling clanmates behind, even if it's the last thing she does.



the child with a heart of glass
For a time there had been little within the walls of the observatory which drew them closer, which permitted them to enter beyond those doors, heart seized by something they could only call fear each time they tried. Yet time had worn at their feelings towards it, until it was little more than a faint thread, a sense of unease when they had been cooped up for all too long. It had begun in those hours, too much time spent alone within the dark space of their room, sleep hovering about the edge of their mind, never strong enough to fully take them.

Upon the edge of sleep the acidic tang of smoke found them, cloying and overpowering, each breath becoming strained, a gasp which seared the lungs. As they lay sprawled upon the mass of soft fabric and pelts they could do little, heart pounding in their chest, shuddering breath escaping with strings of drool, mind slow to be brought back from the brink of sleep. It seemed their decision to stay near to the basement, out of the way of those who slept within the higher rooms, had proven a bad one. Limbs ache faintly when finally their eyes opened, blurred and given a haze, the thick smoke about them stealing any shred of light.

A mumbled groan, shaky movements proving too unsteady to lift their weight the first time, the cub struggled to rise, wiping at their chin and mouth, for a time confused. Slow was the realisation that something was wrong, their mind going into over-drive as they moved about their room, gathering the few things they would need. Cinched about their waist the satchel was filled with their journal, writing utensils, necklace and a somewhat disgruntled Juron, cushioned by the herbs already left within.

What if i just stay here. The thought entered their mind for but a second, bringing with it a flicker of fear, yet they seemed strangely unresponsive beyond that, movements mechanical as they draw themself through the observatory. Faintly Art registered the presence of others, absorbed in their own thoughts until they bumped into one, mumbling a soft apology before they finally snapped back to reality, the threads of worry strengthening until it became fear, churning in their stomach.

This wasn't right, they shouldn't be doing this. Quickening their pace they came to a faltering halt when a voice rose through the smoke, a child such as they were. Turning their attention towards the source Atreus slowly moved closer towards Aaliyah, tone soft and light to announce their presence. “Hello? Where are you?”
atreus "art" averim — the ascended — fireball — lion cub — information


[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]She had been nothing more than a little girl when the first sirens had gone off.

It had been late at night, just as uneventful as the other days had been as she played with her friends in the clearing outside of the little village that the group had called their own. She had been five months old, maybe six, too young to fully comprehend life and what was plaguing her life. The creatures in power were oppressive, but they weren't a big threat to her until that night, more interested in people who weren't her family. If it wasn't her family, Sombra had never cared, living in a happy bubble that her parents had eagerly kept their daughter in, hoping that one day, things would turn out okay.

They hadn't. Their little girl had to grow up at five months old, watching her entire family get slaughtered, the fires rising high and engulfing everyone else, and running away with nothing but a scrappy little teddy bear to keep her company.

It had been two years, after that. Two years of wandering alone, trying to find a place to live, with nothing but señor Teo by her side. She had learned what it meant to have power, what it had meant to be poor. She had learned exactly what her place was according to those who had the ability to kill her on sight if they wanted to, and then learned exactly what she needed to do to keep them all in check. Knowledge became power, and whatever information she could get as blackmail to keep herself alive was a valuable asset.

So she stole. She prodded. She made sure to know exactly where it hurt, and where to stab the metaphorical knife into the backs of those who dared to wrong her or those who had been in her position. Olivia was gone, replaced by someone that would never be weak again. Someone who would never live in the shadow of the oppressors for as long as she stood.

It had been two years. Perhaps she had joked with Gabriel about fires, fantasized about getting away from these giant plains of grass... but she could never start one on her own. The fire always reminded her of them. It reminded her of home, of all she knew and loved going up in flames and turning into nothing but ash and dust in front of her eyes. She was scared of it, was scared to lose everything she had once again even though she had nothing left to give but her own life. She wasn't afraid of losing that, if it meant for the right cost. She was afraid to die before she could make a difference.

But all others saw was a woman who was a thief, a woman who did nothing but live as a nuisance. She hadn't made the difference she wanted. She wasn't ready.

She didn't want to die.

She didn't want to die.

She didn't want to die.

"Papi!" her voice was broken, a sob shaken out into the smoke filled air, the flames already licking the outside of her door as she huddled against the wall, tears streaking her cheeks and shock rendering her immovable. "Por favor, no mueras!"

But he wasn't there. He wasn't alive anymore. The face she was looking at wasn't real, melting before her as her screams blended into the crackling flames outside. She wasn't there anymore, but that was something she couldn't tell.

In her mind, she was five months old once more, begging for her father to stay.


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The sirens and flashing lights had awoken Shining from his slumber. Not a startling awakening, but a slow, gradual process, as if the alarms had only a small effect on him. He was still confined to the Clerics' Hide, for the most part, so Warring could keep a close eye on him. Oh, and Lessa would headbutt him again if he dared to be caught outside of it on his own. The feline's senses eventually came to their limit, and he began to partly realize that a commotion was going on within the Observatory.


Shining rose to his paws, limping slightly into the fray. All sorts of clanmates were rushing about, yelling over the sound of the sirens, heading outdoors. It wasn't entirely clear at first what was going on. But the smell indicated that things were burning somewhere. He blinked and looked past the chaos, spotting smoke starting to rise from the stairs that led to the basement. A fire, down in the depths of the hallways. The feline started walking towards it.


Creatures ran past him, their numbers reducing gradually as most of the Ascendants reached safety in the meadow. But Shining did not join them. He descended downstairs, the smoke growing thicker, making the air difficult to breathe. The flames were noticeable now, crackling and dancing away at the end of the hallway. A brilliant display of orange and yellow and red. It crawled forward, inch by inch.


Shining was too familiar with the effects of fire. It wasn't something to be played with, something to control, something to tame. He had learned all that the hard way. Flashbacks ran through his mind, but one in particular stood out among the rest. The warmth of a fireplace. The comfort of a feline next to him, blue with white paws, eyes filled with care and love.

The fire lashing out.


Shining was frozen in place, staring deep into the heart of the fire, eyes filled with anger and regret and pain.


[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was in his room when the fire broke out. While Bastilleprisoner had his little power mishaps in the past, Roy thought Bastille had them under control now. The male wasn't expecting the fire, and when the smoke reached his nostrils, he was quickly running to the entrance of his room. Roy knew this can't be another power mishap, never once did Bastilleprisoner's past incidents ever cause the fire alarm to go off. Roy heard Bastilleprisoner's cough filled voice, ordering them to evacuate.

Roy should have listened to the order, but Roy was planning to stay behind- Bastilleprisoner wasn't wrong that there are Ascendants members who wield fire. Roy happened to be one of them, there was a reason why he was called the Flame Alchemist. While he can produce flames with a snap of his mutated claws, he can also kill them. This fire certainly seemed much larger than the small fires Bastilleprisoner caused in the past, he can only hope he won't suffocate in the process of putting it out. But before Roy could run deep into the black smoke, his ears pricked up at a familiar voice.

"Dad? Daddy?"

That was Aaliyah, she was in another room! She's in trouble- she's caught in the smoke! Aaliyah was almost six months old, she no longer had to stay in Roy's room anymore. She had her very own room so she can have her own privacy. Suddenly, Roy was deeply regretting that decision- he indirectly put her into danger. If she was still staying in his room, she'd be able to get out without getting caught in the smoke. Her room was closer to the fire, meaning the more smoke you inhale, and the harder it is to breath. "Aaliyah!" Roy yelled out in between coughs as smoke went into his lungs, the male shaking his head. He has to get to her- he has to get her out of there and outside to safety. And then, he'll go back in if he doesn't see Riza outside.

Without another thought, Roy crouched low to the ground, so he was under the smoke. And then, Roy began to crawl, slowly making his way over to Aaliyah's room. Thankfully, Roy knew where Aaliyah's room was- Roy was still quite the protective parent, so he got there as quickly as his three crawling legs could. When he finally crawled into the room, it seemed like Aaliyah's yelling grabbed another groupmates attention. Atreus also came after Aaliyah, to whom Roy spoke up to first. "Go! I got her!" He said to them with a commanding tone, blue gaze landing on Atreus for a moment. Quickly after, his gaze landed back onto Aaliyah, he crawled his way over to her. "Hold you breath Aaliyah," Roy coughed out as he crouched beside her smaller body, attempting to grab her by the scruff with his jaws. "I'll get you out of here," He said with a mouthful of fur, before he began to crawl backwards, attempting to safely guide Aaliyah out of the observatory and away from the flames and smoke.

Re: STEER CLEAR OF THE SUN | OBSERVATORY EVACUATION - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]What she was about to do next would probably be seen as a idiotic move by her fellow Ascendants. She sprung to her paws and she ran inside the blazing Observatory, upon hearing someone's loud cries for someone. In a hurry, she ran over to where the entrance of Sombra's door had been.

"Sombra!" She yelled to the other female, running through the flames, hissing as she felt the painful burns on her pelt. She would then drop to the floor, putting out the flames on her pelt. "Come on!" She would paw the other female rather roughly.