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METEOR SHOWER ♡ aizawa - Printable Version

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METEOR SHOWER ♡ aizawa - arcy - 07-20-2018

Caboose already liked this place. This was not saying a lot. Caboose liked a lot of places. And it took very little time for him to like the place. But!! He still liked it!! He liked the snow and the people and sometimes he felt like his paws were missing but they were always there so he did not understand why they felt like that? It was very strange. Caboose, however, did not really care. It was really fun to play in the snow, too!! It was kind of lonely but!! He did not have to wander far to find something to do!! Snow was a good friend. .. But a temporary friend. It melted. And that was very, very sad. He did not like temporary friends a lot.
Anyways!! Caboose was just walking around. He does not know why. Or where he was going. Just walking. Where was he? Good question. There was a lot of snow. But Caboose can still smell the snow people so he is not worried that he is too misplaced. It was very strange to learn that they all smelled different. Sometimes, Caboose could not smell stuff. Sometimes, he could not see stuff, either, and not 'cause of his helmet. But it was very rare. But -- there's something? Yellow is a very strange color to see here. Caboose, absently curious, trots over to approach. And then screams. "Ah!! Giant caterpillar!" He shrieks, panicked. What a .. strange conclusion to reach. But he reached a lot of strange conclusions, what was new.

Re: METEOR SHOWER ♡ aizawa - guts - 07-20-2018

Of all things, Aizawa had never been called a caterpillar. Sure, he looked like one when he rolled and wiggled about in his sleeping bag, but none had ever said anything. Possibly because they were too intimidated by him and his mind-bending antics to comment. No student wanted to be expelled because they had called him such a name. But now things were different, so it shouldn't have come as such a surprise. If anything, he was amused--and annoyed--by the sudden yell.

His eyes flicker open, trailing up to Caboose as he stands over him, a scowl forming on his face. He didn't like his naps being interrupted, as anyone else would. "No," is all he offers as he unzips the sleeping bag, clambering out of it's warmth and stretching out, now being the one to tower over the retriever. "Not quite," he probably just busted the jovial male's bubble, but whatever.
