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CHEAP THRILLS / open - Printable Version

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CHEAP THRILLS / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]//tw for slight blood and gore.

Kirishima had gotten himself stuck in a sticky situation.

He had patrolling Snowbound's borders when he had come across a small handful of large boulders. Curiosity had gotten the best out of him, so he had decided to try and climb one of the boulders. Of course, this was a very stupid idea, but he was young- so who could blame him? He continued to climb up the boulder when he slipped, landing on one of the shorter boulders, though one of his hind legs wasn't so lucky.

It had been caught between two of the boulders, so he attempted to yank it out. That didn't work, so he tried again. Nothing. Then in a flash, he leaned his head over and began to bite at his hind leg, trying to get it loose. Instead, it only caused blood to start flowing out of his leg and he torn flesh off it. Soon, the only thing left of his hind leg, was a stub and there was flesh and blood all over the boulder.

His red-eyes would widen at what he'd done to his own leg. Damn animal instinct. He would never be used to being a animal.

Re: CHEAP THRILLS / open - arcy - 07-20-2018

Izuku was pretty used to dumb little mistakes ruining your entire life. Like with his leg. He hadn't meant to but damn, look at him a month later, still hobbling around and in pain. So -- yeah. Izuku got it. That didn't mean he wasn't absolutely horrified He'd just been exploring, of course. And then he'd scented Kirishima so he followed the scent and there was blood scent and honestly what the fuck. Izuku stops, incredulous, because there was Kirishima and he .. didn't .. have a leg. It was .. under a rock. There was blood. Christ.
"Kirishima, why," Izuku says, pained as he rounds the other to see his leg. Gross. How do you deal with amputated limbs. Badly amputated limbs. Kirishima could've just waited, what the fuck. He's a little nauseous. Izuku just -- didn't get it. He'd also had a lot of instances where he had to ignore them. Or catch himself. Right. Right. Treatment. Izuku groans, conjuring his bag. He's tired and jaded. And he really needs to stop the blood flow. Just bandaging it wouldn't be good enough. Stitching? .. Ugh, no, too big. Holy fuck how did he do this. .. Right. So he could cut off blood flow just above the injury, right? Izuku frowns and conjures a cloth. A stick, too. How did he go about this? "C'mere, I need to stop the blood before you bleed out," He sighs. He hate how he can be calm in some situations but not others. Oh, North shows up with third degree burns? Panic. Kirishima chews off his goddamn leg? Easy. .. At least Kirishima wasn't too panicked. Maybe in shock? .. Right. He'd lug the Maned Wolf back home and make some tea for thta later, too. Still, he shuffles closer to Kirishima, and, if allowed, begins setting up a .. tourniquet, right? Like -- wrapping the cloth around the injury and the stick and then spinning it so it was tight. Apparently you needed to be worried about the limb you were doing this on but there was no limb to worry about so that was .. great. Ugh. There's a professional way to amputate limbs, and this was the opposite of that.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: CHEAP THRILLS / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima wasn't panicking on externally, but he was basically having a panic attack internally. He would turn as Izuku approach, a frown on his maw. "Uh, instinct?" Kirishima guessed, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "I don't know, I just know my leg was there one second and now it's not there."

He would hold himself still as the Frosthealer tended to what was left of his missing leg. He would lift one of his front paws and attempt to help his former-classmate wrap the cloth around the stick, before he would allow himself to carefully-and-slowly slide off the ground. Damn. He'd left a giant mess on the rocks.