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BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - Printable Version

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BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - APHRA CIPHER . - 07-20-2018

aphra had only joined the typhoon for one reason, and that was to have a home for her kittens that were growing in her other feline body she had. it was strange to know that she had another cat body despite being born as one, but this white fur she currently had was oh so boring. besides, when she met pincher, she was a bengal cat and unfortunately for him, that body was fertile, unlike the cat body she was born in. she kind of did it purposefully, wanting to get child support from the guy in a sense.

and, sure, she could have stated that when she was joining, but nah. she wanted to act like she was here because her father was a high position here. but no, the real reason she joined was just to get on pincher's nerves and to let him deal with the spawn he created. and today was that day. aphra shifted back to that bengal cat body, an overwhelming feeling of pain crashing over her just as she did. maybe she had incorrectly guessed the time of labor a bit incorrectly, but it's fine, she could get through this.

and indeed she did. aphra was in her room, of course, curled around four bundles of newborn kittens. the firstborn wa as a beautiful, silver she-kit with darker grey spots, followed by her sister, whom was a darker shade of grey. "nyssa and aita." aphra named the two in order in which they were born, though her gaze and tone held nothing. she wasn't exactly glad to be stuck with these kittens, but whatever. it was pincher's fault for... you know. sure, she could have stayed in her infertile body, but by the time she met pincher and he was leading her back to his room, it was too late to shift back.

aphra went on to look at the remaining two kittens, her icy-blue gaze steady as she tried to come up with names for them. the thirdborn looked almost like her father, with a chocolate pelt, which didn't please aphra too well. she supposed that's what she got, though. genetics and all that. "kathrine." she named the tiny child, before turning to her final kit. the last kit was another female and she looked almost exactly like a panther. a strange fur color to come out of this little, but aphra liked it nonetheless. it definitely contrasted against her sisters, and aphra had a feeling she'd like this one - along with her silver-pelted siblings - the most. "sylvina." that was it. she named the final child, and honestly? aphra was quite exhausted. so the silver bengal laid her head down and closed her eyes, though her ears were pricked to see if anybody happened to come by and see what had happened.

open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

Coming out of the womb and being born wasn't fun at all for Nyssa. She had meowed and complained loudly and she had squirmed around as well. Then she was free. Free to move around and huddle up against her mother and her siblings.

Meowing loudly, Nyssa would start to move around, attempting to find a way to get out of the tight circle she and her siblings were in, so she would paw at Aphra's flank, as if she was trying to climb up.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - MARCELLUS - 07-20-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Marcellus didn't exactly like kids nor did he love them, but he did tolerate them and wouldn't dare to hurt a child even of an opposing enemy group. Maybe he would have children of his own someday but that would be a long time into the future and not something that he should think about right now. He was young, still learning and growing and thus at this age he would most likely be the worst father on the planet. Maybe even win an award for it. Besides he would give himself that talk when he meets the right guy. Girl? He frankly was kind of confused himself in terms of which he wanted to be with, though he couldn't help but admit that a lot of the guys in this place served as excellent eye candy.

That being besides the point, Marcel was out on a run through the territory, trying his best to learn how to run on three legs without ending up tripping and falling and frankly he had been failing quite a bit. The male ended up flat on his side a few times or even crashing into the ground just like he did Tanglewood which had definitely earned him a massive headache, still the cheetah went on to continue his run. Practice made perfect and frankly he was more eager than anything to just be completely perfect. Marcellus began to run a bit faster, the wind beating against him as his paws pounded the ground outside of the houses of the group and upon passing Aphra's house, he heard the sound of names and whining. Usually Marcel was the type to not invade privacy but he couldn't help his curious nature and thus, the male came to a stop and peered inside the house to see bundles of fur curled up against the new mother.

Kittens, an exciting time probably for Aphra he would assume.

Marcellus pushed his way into the house and looked over with a gentle nod. "They're beautiful. Do you need anything? Water, food?" Of course he would offer his services considering she probably wouldn't be able to just walk away to get food and water at the moment.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - KATHERINE PRAELIUM - 07-21-2018

From the start, Katherine had been in the womb of her mother, as it was still warm and she was surrounded by her siblings. But suddenly, everything changed as she was pushed out. She was pretty much forced away from her warmth. This caused Kate to start meowing and crying. She barley was able to move around as she was trying to get warmth from her mother. Her eyes and ears were not open yet, as it was going to take some time. But she wiggled around hoping she would find her mother.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - ROXANNE R. - 07-21-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She heard the sound of kittens which attracted her over only to realize that the scent was lingering with Aphra did she step back with her ears flattened against her cranium, the Siamese would show up after Marcel only to see that some kittens were huddled up next to Aphra's belly and she knew that she wouldn't ever be able to bring herself to hate any of the kittens just because of their mother though her eyes did narrow a bit as she asked in a light tone "Whose their daddy?" She might as well ask and well, the answer she was waiting for was some four or more guys that Aphra met at the tavern. Pfft, why did she even ask? She already knew that at some point Aphra sleeping with other people would get her here and frankly Roxanne was glad that she wasn't as needy as Aphra was. She only wanted her own kids with the person she loved and if they were even up to that kind of commitment or challenge of raising kids together.
"character's speech."

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - madster - 07-21-2018

Merihem was next to approach. Unlike the others, he wasn't particularly drawn to children. Children were boring and flirting with them or handing them drugs was generally frowned upon in most societies, so he didn't want anything to do with them. Still, the group of people drew him over like a moth to a lamp. Like his brother, he was a bit of an attention whore and he wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

Birth, huh? It grossed him out. Usually he enjoyed the sight of blood, but not like this. He gagged, trying to focus on his clanmates instead. Shifting his weight, he merely said "Yeah, who's the baby daddy?" He purred, a grin spreading across his face.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - purgatory - 07-21-2018

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - ADAKIAS - 07-21-2018

And just like that she was born.

It was sort of ironic, really, that she was the last to arrive following after her siblings. In any other situation the obsidian pelted female would have done anything within her reach to be the first to arrive upon the scene to begin feeding. Being that she was only but a blind and deaf kitten at the moment it would only make sense that the lastborn be the final one to feast. However, that tiny hint at her developing personality would begin to make an appearance as the scent of her mother’s milk reached her nose. The small feline would let a mewl arise from the depths of her lungs as she mustered up the strength to press past her sisters as best as she could. Latching on, Sylvina would take the first gulp into her new life.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - VANDAL R. - 07-21-2018

Vandal is unfamiliar with the scent of birth - in fact, it's so new to her that when it first hits her senses, her lip is immediately curling in confusion, tongue passing through the outside of her teeth to taste again. It's nothing she's ever really scented before and, out of curiosity, she follows its wafting trail to a source surrounded by a bunch of - a bunch of them; Vandal never really did find out what they're all supposed to be called. Typhoons? Typhooners? Lil itty-bitty droplets? How the fuck would she know? It's not like anybody ever gave her a damn pamphlet.

The mutated maned wolf quickly weaves her way around the crowd to stand beside her sister, quickly taking note of the - the something - in her voice. Vandal can't quite put a paw on what it could possibly be, but one look at her sister's face is enough to indicate that it might not necessarily be a good thing. Vandal doesn't even know who this 'Aphra' is, much less what to do with her, so she completely looks over the new mother in favor of giving the little children a once over.

Vandal can't even remember when she last saw kits. It certainly would've been before she turned to stone-and-coral, and so seeing them again touches something deep in the canine's chest. Without even a word, she lowers herself to her belly and places her chin on top of her paws, happy enough to watch the little things scuttle about in their own, blind little worlds. Vandal might be a bit of troublemaker but she's a sucker for cute things - and kits? Kits are definitely up there.

Re: BEING LONELY IS ONLY FUN IN A GROUP // open, Pinch babiesss - Luciferr - 07-21-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

ah, new life, something to celebrate.

and it never failed to make him feel old, watching new lives be brought into the world and old friends wither adn fade - or be taken before their time, it brought home how long he and his kin lived, even death was only a temporary stop gap until they came back - ever reborn and ever without respite.

out of respect for the crowding - and not just because of his size being too large to simply meander in - the dark dragon stayed back, merely watching from the windows and making an effort to keep his cool form from exuding and taking the warmth from the little ones - even at this distance.

[sub]TYPHOON - RANK - TAGS - EXTREME - REF - FACE REF[W]isker[/sub]