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heartstrings / open - Printable Version

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heartstrings / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

Nyssa's a sweet child. She didn't have the personality of her mother, nor did she have her father's personality. She often thought about that to be honest, bur it didn't trouble her that much, thankfully.

The gorgeous feline had been strolling through the forest, a frown on her delicate facial features. The jungle was always a exciting place to explore- as it was full of life and interesting smells. She had been looking at a tiny butterfly, that flew near her face and landed on her nose for a few seconds. Then it flew off.

With a smile on her maw, Nyssa would make her way out of the jungle.

Re: heartstrings / open - no more - 07-20-2018

the lamb with hidden fangs
The odd one out, a delicate wild flower amongst the thorns. Many things rise within their mind when they ponder on their sister, of which little time is spent for the two are unalike in more ways than prove similar, enough so it seemed pointless to try and grow closer to her when there was little there to start with. Yet it never dampened the love they felt for Nyssa, held close to the chest and never quite expressed for their way with words proved rather bad, barely touching such areas.

No hesitance was within Aita's steps, quick, purposeful strides bringing them closer, never bothering to even attempt to stifle the sound they made, focused entirely upon their sibling. With only a short distance left they came to lower themself before they pushed themself forward, aiming to land upon Nyssa and bring her down, making a move to draw her close to their chest in a hug of some sort.

Re: heartstrings / open - bubblegum - 07-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie was actually not unlike her new half-siblings in an origin sense. guru and pincher never loved each other; not to her memory. her papa did not wish to interact with her or her brother at their young age and their mama gave little involvement, as well. the only similarity goldie truly held to her mama was her eyes, really. not that she knew this. she never got to really know who guru was and that was probably for the best, given the brief stories she had heard. they were not positive ones.

nonetheless, everything else she had received came on its own or was influenced by the adults around her - mainly being mister jacob and her papa. she held the kind spirit that came from mister jacob, the workaholic natures of her papa, the loyalty, the calculative sense, the ambition, and so much more. she held a desire to make others happy and the world a nice place, yet at the same time was unafraid to make harsh decisions if she believed that was what needed to be done. and, with all of it, she carried a divine grace in nearly every interaction she had.

but, goldie didn't quite know or think about all of this too much. the girl worried more for her family than anything else. perhaps that's why she felt compelled to immediately grow closer to these new half-siblings she'd been informed of. it honestly probably was the main reason. that, and, because she liked to be around crewmates her age. there weren't too many other kids in the typhoon, really, even if she did try to act older than she was sometimes.

the injured girl approached the two, a friendly smile upon her features. "hiya," she greeted sweetly, a bit of wobble in her stance. "whatcha' doin'?"

Re: heartstrings / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

Nyssa loved all of her siblings equally. She did not care about their looks, nor did she care about their personalities. She only felt the love towards them. So when Aita approached, she watched them approach with no hesitation, a small smile on her mouth. Then she felt them land against her chest, pulling her down with them. She would allow them to hug her and she would wrap her paws around their back in a hug. Ah, that felt nice.

Nyssa would let go of Aita and her heterochromia eyes landed on Goldenluxery. She was aware that she had half-siblings in the group, so she often pondered what they looked like. Was this one of her half-siblings? The older female resembled Pincher in many ways, so she wouldn't be surprised. "I was exploring the jungle." Nyssa told Goldie.

Re: heartstrings / open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

Oh, Caesar was aware that his daughter had kitted, and it wasn't exactly hard to guess who the father was. The was only one person other than Aphra Caesar knew around here that had a bengal body and bengal kittens, and that was Pincher. But whatever, that whole affair wasn't none of his business. "It's dangerous out here, you know." The Officer said as he came over, though his voice was less than sincere. Just like his kids, Caesar did not care for his grandchildren. In fact, it was likely he'd end up hating them even more than somebody who wasn't related to him.

Re: heartstrings / open - no more - 07-20-2018

the lamb with hidden fangs
It might have been the disconnect between parents and child but something drove them towards such acts, wanting to be close no matter the differences, finding only a want to stay connected, a tiny family of their own even if it meant those who had given them life were left out.

Ears flicked back, head rising up to look towards Goldie. Though aware of the presence of others sired by Pinch they lacked the desire to know of them, little more than an afterthought pushed aside for other matters, given only seconds of their morning and so it was odd to find one who seemed familiar. Their eyes narrowed as they untangled themself from Nyssa, rising up and offering a paw to help her in turn, a brow raised in a quizzical look.

“Who're you?” A sharp tone lightened with a hint of curiosity, further softened by the slight curl to their lips, a smile seemingly made from harsh edges.

Re: heartstrings / open - bubblegum - 07-21-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl nodded to the simple response, glancing towards the jungle. she occasionally would walk through the jungle, though tended to not do it so much ever since she had woken up injured in it. she still didn't remember what had caused the injury exactly, but she figured it'd be best to avoid it happening again by keeping from going too deep inside. she preferred the beach, anyway, even if the jungle as pretty as it was.

"the jungle's got lotsa' plants n' animals that i like," she said, thinking of all of the life it contained. there were lots of birds of all sorts of colors, and lizards, and so many things. she thought it was quite interesting, even if she did prefer the ocean. goldie glanced to caesar as he arrived, shrugging at his comment. it occurred to her briefly that he was related to her now. that was...a very uncomfortable thought. whatever. she wouldn't think about it too hard. he would never be family in her eyes.

she opened her mouth, about to say something else, when the other spoke up. her gaze turned to the other female, and she gave a small, friendly grin. "oh, i guess we haven't technically met yet. well, my name's goldenluxury roux, but most people call me goldie! pincher's my papa, too, but i've got a different mama. it's nice to meet ya!"

Re: heartstrings / open - VANDAL R. - 07-21-2018

Vandal hasn't really set out to explore in quite a while, so she figures it's time to get herself out there and wander instead of her recent routine of wake up, drink, eat, hunt, flirt, hunt, eat, drink, sleep. It's like going around in circles and it's starting to drive her crazy - she lives for the fun, the thrill, the shits-and-giggles of it all and having a routine isn't something quite up her alley. She wonders if she can find something particularly interesting in the wild, like a new landmark or maybe somebody to either kiss or kill - she'll take anything that isn't her stepping another paw into her self-made rut and, quite frankly, she'll even take to putting herself in conversations she isn't sure is suited for her if it means making a little deviance from her current state of 'norm'.

The maned wolf approaches the small group, coming to a stop beside Goldie and flashing a look at the young kits. They sure seem to have grown really fast, and a part of Vandal swells happily at the thought that they're managing to kick it just fine in the warbound group. One would think such a mischief-leaning alignment would be unfit for raising children but they seem to be doing just fine on their own, hugging each other and shit, being all cute and cuddly and - Ran, Vandal is a big sucker for kids, really.

As she had during their birth, the mutated maned wolf slowly lowers herself onto her stomach, tucking her front talons under her chest and flashing Goldie a soft smile indicating that she feels rather amused. Vandal doesn't talk though, simply watches curiously, quietly, letting herself bask in the simplicity of it all.

Re: heartstrings / open - ADAKIAS - 07-21-2018

Sylvina felt the same way as Aita and, in the same sense, drove her to feel more compelled to her siblings. They shared the same relationship between both parents; a 'bond' that had been formed from the inability of her mother and father from keeping their lust to themselves. Whether Aphra and Pincher felt affection towards the four kits was somewhat confusing to the young feline. Perhaps that cloud of uncertainty would begin to unveil itself in due time. Nevertheless, Sylvina was glad she didn't need the inclination of love that most children required from their parents. She was perfectly happy being on her own and with her littermates.

The scrawny kitten would lope forward - there really wasn't anywhere she went at this age where she wasn't running. Slowing herself down, Sylvina would perk her ears towards the unfamiliar faces of the gathered group. The introduction of Goldenluxury was somewhat of an eye opener to the tiny feline as she developed the knowledge of her newly discovered relative. "You mean we're sisters?" Her small voice would pip up with utmost curiosity. She wasn't quite sure whether having a half-sibling was a good thing or not. What if there were more and they weren't happy about the new arrivals? She'd keep her caution, like always.

Re: heartstrings / open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-22-2018

"Officer Caesar Cipher." Caesar replied to Aita, his ears flicking. He was sort of disappointed Aphra hadn't told her children about him. Especially considering she was the only kid he's ever cared about. Turning to Sylvina, the demon raised an invisible eyebrow at her. "What, is it not obvious?" Although then again, she had only been alive for what, four months?