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ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - Printable Version

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ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - arcy - 07-20-2018

.. Things had been kind of weird for Izuku since he'd grown in wings. It'd been just a few weeks after he'd woken up, and boy, was waking up in agonizing pain only to realize he head baby bird wings growing from his back a wake-up call. If you looked closely, you could still see the scars around the base of them. But that was months ago. He was .. what, four, five months, then? Izuku isn't sure, time didn't flow smoothly, then. To be fair, he was just pretty recently into survival mode, eating garbage and nearly killing people in hysterical attempts to stay alive and all that. A very dark time, needless to say. It still affected everything he did these days, in subtle little ways. Snark, anger, whatever, Izuku doesn't know. But. This isn't the point. A while after Izuku had grown them in, he started to get these .. urges. To take to the air. Flap his little wings and fly and all that. It started even before his wings had grown in enough to carry his weight, and Izuku wasn't dumb enough to try. He couldn't risk injury like that. It got worse over time, too. Even as he left his wings in fairly horrible condition, as he really didn't know how to take care of them, he'd look over edges of things. Sometimes he'd think 'i could fall and die, wouldn't that be neat' and sometimes he thinks 'if i jumped off and opened my wings, would I fly?' and Izuku .. wasn't going to do that at all. But the urge was there. There enough that he knew that it wasn't just another dumb impulse. He wanted to fly.
.. The urge had gotten worse, recently. Where it'd only been niggling under the skin sometimes lately, the thoughts would appear unprompted. Flight. Wouldn't that be fine? His wings were big enough to carry his weight now, considering that a single one was far larger than Izuku's own body. Considering how badly he took care of himself, he didn't get why they kept growing? .. Maybe that was why he was always so hungry. Alongside this, he .. kind of preened? He didn't know how to groom his wings, but they were itchy and he wouldn't be able to fly if they were all crooked like that, right? So he did. He spent hours earlier just grooming through his wings to the best of his ability and trying to set them right. It wasn't any good, of course. He couldn't figure out how to reach some spots. But, it was at least more presentable than it'd been, and not quite as many feathers went flying when he spread them.
... This restlessness reaches a peak, later. He's not sure how, but the Maine Coon finds himself peering over the edge of the rooftop of he and Aizawa's cabin. His wings are partly spread, and his eyes are wide. He doesn't know why he came up here, this was a horrible idea, he was hurt and this was a bad time, he'd been deathly sick only days ago. But. But. He has to. He's not sure why, he just has to. And Izuku is reckless and stubborn. His minutes spent hovering there are in silent contemplating, arguing with himself. Bad plan. But the compulsion is undeniable, and Izuku carefully spreads his wings, massive as they are. He stands, wobbles a little on the uneven roof with one paw in the air. And he thinks, hey, even if I die doing this, it'll be just as good, right? .. For a long minute, Izuku doesn't see anything wrong with this statement. It was fair. And then he realizes and shakes his head. No. No. Bad. And before he can think anymore, he takes long few steps back, ears pressing back and eyes narrowing in concentration. Everything is blurry. And then, with a running start, Izuku jumps, wings spread wide. And -- it's not as even as he'd like. His wings, spread, are enough to allow him to glide just a little. He'd practiced that before he'd grown into them entirely, too. Then he wobbles and then Izuku realizes oh god I don't know what I'm doing. Tail feathers were necessary for this, right? His wings aren't positioned entirely right and neither is Izuku. A short plummet, and a beat of the wings has him slowing down his descent, but then -- shit. Izuku hisses as he slams into the ground, because it hurts, holy shit. That hadn't gone well, what was he thinking, oh god. He squeezes his eyes shut, and his head is spinning. Did he hit his head? He can't tell, but the world takes a minute to slow down once he opens his eyes. Ow.  Ow. Holy fuck. He hurts. He wheezes and sits up, looking a little dazed and in pain. His leg .. hurts. Not his already injured leg, he lost like .. all of his nerves in that one. Fuck. Ow. No, why'd he do that. Did he break his leg? Izuku .. doesn't think so, but he might've? Uh. He frowns a little absently, before violently shaking out his head. Ow. Uh. Wow. Okay.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Honestly, Atbash had been wondering why Izuku never flew around with his wings, despite having them. She supposed a simple answer of 'I don't know how' could be given if she asked, but she just never got around to it. She assumed Izuku knew how to fly, since they seemed to have been there a while; she didn't know they just appeared one day. The savannah was heading back into camp just as she saw Izuku leap off of his cabin, and a flash of alarm coursed through her as she saw him do that. "Izuku!" Atbash cried as she rushed over to him, her eyes wide. "Izuku, are you okay? Can you hear me?" Her words were frantic, though he did seem to be okay, didn't he? Just a bit dazed.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - Character Graveyard. - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima didn't really see Izuku fly around at all, which was the odd thing. If he had wings, why didn't he use them? Did he even know how to use them? Well, he now knew. He didn't know how to use his wings properly. Perhaps somebody could teach him to fly? He had hurried over, a frown on his facial features.

"Atbash!" Kirishima called out, in his concern. "Is he alright? Should we carry him back to the village?"

Re: ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - Blazic - 07-21-2018

Re: ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - Dimitri - 07-21-2018

Hehehe. Looks like Icarus flew too close to the sun. Haha. Good one Dagon. No. That was awful. Fuck it. Okay. Act like Dimitri.

"Hey uh. I-Izuku." God just kill him now. It was so hard to keep the grin of the face. ”Looks like ya- ya kinda did yourself in there.” Fuck. Don’t laugh.

Re: ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - arcy - 07-22-2018

Izuku is a little dazed, but .. he thinks he's okay? Uh. His head is a little wonky and his leg definitely hurts. Damn. That was a really, really bad idea. Izuku would like to question why he thought that was a good idea, but then he realizes he didn't but he did it anyways. Wow. He ruffles his wings, because they kind of sort of failed them and -- no, wait. They didn't, he just didn't know how to use them. He .. also should've done some wing exercises before? Stronger. I mean .. they were big enough. He thinks? I mean .. damn if his wings weren't big in comparison to him. How much wingspan did you have to have before you could fly?? Izuku doesn't know, but he knows people have done it. Judging by his short big of air-time, though, they were big enough.
"I'm, uh, fine. I think?" His speech is just a touch delayed and slurred. His head .. hurts. But what's fucking new. His head always hurts. Uh .. let's see. One, two, three, four. Wow, thanks for coming to his shame-fest, everybody. Why not kill him, you just saw him jump off a roof and fail tremendously. His frustration shows itself in his slightly spread, ruffled wings, and the slight glower.  But -- hey, wait. No, no, they were trying to help. Except Dimitri. Dimitri was just there and he might be trying not to laugh but Izuku can't quite tell. He's a little insulted, but he forces himself to relax anyways. "Uh .. it's always blurry. Dizzy, yeah. Maybe concussion? Hopefully not. Uhh .. Might've broken my leg? Probably not? Hopefully not?" He swears to god if he broke his only uninjured leg. He thanks god that his bones are not the same ones that he kept on breaking at UA because he likes using his legs, thank you very much. Also, he doesn't want to waste herbs on himself again. Ugh. Ugh. He'd have to go out and collect some more except he wouldn't be able to 'cause of his legs. How would he even get around??? Like .. he could deal with back legs, easy to support, but front legs? Oof.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: ANTISOCIAL ☀,, failed flight attempt - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"I think he should be fine," Atbash's words were quiet as she responded to Kirshima, as Izuku had started talking by the time she replied. The Hailcaller relaxed a bit, though she definitely was still concerned. But at least her Frosthealer wasn't knocked out by what happened or seem terribly injured. Like, life-threatening injuries. "H-how do you check?" She asked Izuku, wanting to at least seem helpful in this situation.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi