Beasts of Beyond
MODERN DAY CAIN | private, pinch - Printable Version

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MODERN DAY CAIN | private, pinch - JUNIOR - 07-20-2018

Junior... wasn't exactly sure what to do around here. People went out and things, but he wasn't sure what they did while they were out of the Typhoon's camp, and while he supposed he could ask, he kind of wanted to figure it out for himself. Which was what he was trying to do now, though he also didn't want to leave the base after his entrance ritual, which, whether he'd admit it or not, had really shaken him up. He knew it hadn't been real, but it sure as hell felt like it, and the thought of going back anywhere near there was not one he was into. So, for now, he would just watch those around Barracuda Bay and try to figure exactly what was going on. Besides, it was nice enough here. The tabby had placed himself under a small cluster of trees, sheltered in their shade as he listened to a small group of his crewmates nearby, chin rested on white paws. They didn't seem to be talking about anything interesting, however, and another person had just caught his eye.

Junior didn't know who they were, but they seemed to know what they were doing so the young tom pushed himself to his paws, wandering in their general direction, though he didn't bother to watch where he was going. Rather than getting a chance to strike up casual conversation with the person and possibly get some information out of them, he ran head-on into some jaguar guy. He looked important, and Junior was sure he had seen him around before- was that the mayor guy? Or, no, he was their Captain, that's what they called him- the guy in charge of the Typhoon. Though Junior hadn't ever spoken him or even seen him up close, this man certainly looked the part of a leader, so the boy had a suspicion that he was right. [color=#5B81AE]"Oh- I'm sorry,"
he was quick to apologize as he took a step back, manners so strongly engrained in his mind by his father surfacing. Up close, Pincher - that was his name, he was pretty sure - was a bit more intimidating, but, used to growing up around bigger, scarier men, Junior wasn't too fazed by it. "Are you, uh, Pincher?" He hoped he'd gotten that name right.

