Beasts of Beyond
BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - Printable Version

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[Image: KIo2Uqw.png]




With the world ridden with global warming, pollution, and destruction, the modern world has evolved. Over time, territories have found themselves gathering in the continents of Europe and Asia after their population had dwindled to a few million. For years, Kalopsia stood strong -- but it was wrought with the same issues that arise in any monarchy. Those who'd been effected by the radiation were quickly shunned by the royal society, and within months a grim divide emerged. The lower classes struggled to survive, developing their own Black Market system in the slums of Kalopsia, and resentment brewed within. When the King decided to try to crack down on the illicit trade, the people decided that they'd had enough of the monarchy. A rebellion was born.

Prometheus led the newly minted Blackfallen into war, and eventually, they came out with their freedom. They fled towards the coast of India and established Blackfall along the docks of an old city, operating primarily as the militia they were born as. Prometheus was cut down all too quickly, however, and King Axel rose in his stead. They had a few months of relative peace before he too was murdered, and his Commander stepped up — vowing to abandon the monarchy for good. Now, the Blackfallen live to see the Crown burn.


After splitting away from Kalopsia to form Blackfall, they had to move away from Griffingate's European parts. They eventually moved east to India, where they now remain. Due to the proximity of one of the nuclear meltdowns, a vast majority of the nation has been decimated. Barren plains stretch across middle Asia, ridden with the side-effects of the blast, but the Blackfallen do not fear the radiation. They've since established themselves in a port city along the coast, one that has more or less survived all of these years. Their buildings are not as pristine or put together as those they came from, but they feel significantly more at home here.

THE COMMAND CENTER — Following Axel's demise, the Commander shifted operations away from the castle and closer to the people themselves. Taking up residence in one of the larger buildings just off of the docks, the Commander's home doubles as the meeting area when he isn't calling meeting from the port itself. He lives on the upper floor, while the lower one is designated to the war council, meetings, and other higher level operations.

THE DOCKS — The docks are one of the most defining features of Blackfall's coastal port. Many of the militia members take residence along the edges of the docks, or at least within the streets closest to them. Here is where impromptu meetings, gossip, and general daily activities take place. It is also the heart of the Black Market, where Blackfallen members can trade amongst themselves as they had become accustomed to in Kalopsia. There are many old naval ships at port, and while they have been nonoperational for years, the Blackfallen have been working to revive them.

THE OLD CASTLE — On the outskirts of the city lies a castle, with two large towers jutting up into the sky. Inside there is an ancient throne room. The building, falling Axel's death, has since been abandoned and is frequently treated as training grounds for new recruits and newly discovered mutants. The Blackfallen treat it as a place to be torn apart, and thus, they save their most violent or destructive training for inside its great walls. The outer walls are heavily vandalized, with several marks of the militia's insignia.


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Blackfall is primarily a militia, and operates accordingly. While there is a hierarchy in place to maintain stability, many decisions are made democratically or at the very least with insight from the people themselves. They scorn the monarchy and vow to avoid the errors of Kalopsia's Crown.

COMMANDER — The leader of Blackfall. The Commander maintains control of the militia and has the final say, though often leads by majority rule or popular assent.

GENERAL — The second in command. The General is expected to be by the Commander's side and offer insight into plans for the militia. They will also oversee training of new recruits and have Lieutenants report to them.
— NAME, played by NAME.

LIEUTENANT — Lieutenants serve as leaders and highly trained soldiers. They are expected to set any example for the militia, and frequently are tasked with running lower-order concerns to keep the daily life running smoothly.
— NAME, played by NAME.

MEDIC — The official medical leader of the clan who has experienced medical knowledge. They are expected to train anyone who may be inclined to learn first aid and so forth, and to uphold the health of the militia.
— NAME, played by NAME.

BLACKFALLEN — The Blackfallen are the normal members of the militia. They are not required to act as fighters, though most will receive defensive training at the very least.
— NAME, played by NAME.


The Blackfallen are pragmatic people, and they do not believe in strict divides between good or evil. They are warbound and choose to exist in an extreme gray area, fighting for what they believe is just through the most vicious means necessary. They pick their alliances based on the will of the militia and who benefits their goals the most, not based on who they deem to be similar politically. Overall, however, they scorn the monarchy and are unlikely to associate with royalty.

CURRENT ALLIES — No one but themselves.

CURRENT RIVALS — Griffingate.


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - vellichor - 04-23-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - Una. - 05-17-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - Amren - 05-24-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - Luciferr - 06-04-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - Alice, - 06-12-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - jabberwocky - 07-10-2018



Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - lexasperated - 07-10-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - axiom - 07-13-2018


Re: BLACKFALL'S GUIDE - MALKYN. - 07-13-2018
