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dangerous woman [open/treasure] - Printable Version

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dangerous woman [open/treasure] - adomania - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]If there was one thing Sombra loved, it was collecting things. Small tidbits, items that most people would never notice were gone until they were, and then feel devastated over it. Things that were important, but not that important, things that she could trade for other things and for information about people. That was what she was always after: to see what made other people tick, then to get down to the dirt and grime of a system and hijack it from the inside out. Things like this, organizations like these were a cancer on this earth as far as she was concerned.

Where had the Ascendants been while her entire home was being devastated? What fucking stars had they been so intently staring at that those out in the wilderness seemed worthy enough to be ignored?

None of that was important right now. There was a reason she donned a smile wherever she went, why the mischievous glint in her eyes couldn't be discerned between genuine hatred or simply the look of a child about to get some candy even though she knew she wasn't supposed to. There was a fine line between both of those for Sombra. It always felt great to get something out of her hard work, to get that one step closer to where she wanted to be in this world so that others didn't have to suffer like she had.

For now, she was simply huffing over a pile of trinkets she had found scattered around the village and outside of it, sorting through things that were or were not important enough to keep, not at all oblivious to the fact that anyone could come over and see their shit in that pile and get angry over it.

That was sort of the point.

// feel free to have your character's prized possessions to be in here ;D makes things interesting

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - Suiteheart - 07-20-2018

Suiteheart did not often get angry... Okay, so that was fucking lie. Suiteheart was always angry like she was always mellow. Behind the quick smiles and laughter and general easy-going air about her, there was a ravenous monster that lurked underneath. She was equal parts discord and harmony, and while her harmonious side was often out and about, discord burned brightly in the shadows. She supposed she could thank Erlend for this (her first soul was born to bring balance to the world around her, and as Suite was a hodgepodge of nine different lifetimes, she was born containing two opposite spectrums to attain Erlend's balance).

When Radeken had been active, Suite had disliked her immensely. At first, she had loved the she-wolf. She was funny and wild; she was an all around good time. However, after she almost succeeded in stealing pictures from Suite's locket, things began to slide downhill. Suiteheart had little tolerance for petty thieves, but she now had a new understand of them thanks to the awakening of her past lives.

Still, that didn't mean she wasn't pissed to find her ukulele missing. The white feline thought it might have been Hazel who was in the mood to practice, but after discovering Sombra's scent, she knew that wasn't the case. Anger tumbled forth, and the Admiral stalked from her room, following Sombra's trail.

It hadn't taken long to find her. Sombra was sat with a large assortment of oddities, and Suite's eyes flew to her instrument immediately. "Hey, what the fuck, man?" she asked, a slight edge in her tone. 'Hm. She needs a better hiding spot for things she finds. You should let me teach her, Suites,' Damiana sounded off in Suiteheart's mind. The white domestic chose to ignore her soul's remarks as she moved forward to grab what belonged to her.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - adomania - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]It seemed that everyone was just starting to wake up and notice that their shit was gone, as the first customer appeared and looked just as pissed off as Sombra expected them to be. It didn’t deter her at all, however, the grin on her face widening as she watched Suite pad up, proceed to curse her out, then grab what was evidently hers. Sombra didn’t try to stop her, simply watched and smiled as she took the ukulele, then waved good morning to her with a flourish.

Hola, amiga! ¿Dormiste bien?” She scurried over to where Suite was, evidently not at all concerned about the fact that she sounded pissed and was more than big enough to kill her. “Hope you don’t mind me borrowing that. Wanted to try my hand at playing, though I guess I’m not that good at it. Feel free to take it away.

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - trojan g. - 07-20-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

There were very few things that Roman had kept with him in his travels. His paints were something that he could find around anywhere, there were so many around that liked art or used to like art he could just ask around, and it was the same with most of the other things that he had. But there was a small box that the male owned, much like a jewelry box - because it was, though he'd never admit it - filled with personal possessions, things that he would hate to lose. A necklace with tribal feathers on it from an old clan, beads covering each side from ceremonies he went through, ranks he climbed. A stack of playing cards from another clan, not all too important, though they still held value to himself, the place where he and Caroline had made a home for themselves in a casino, and lastly, different letters that were written to him from Caroline that he often had read. They were old, but every now and then he liked to get them out to read them - remember the good times - and when he woke up that morning, he wanted to do just that. But his box was missing, the scent of one of his clanmates surrounding the area that it was usually at.

Walking out of his room, the male would look around for Sombra, ears pricked as he saw her with a pile of items, speaking to Suiteheart - who seemed quite angry herself. So it wasn't just him. Immediately the male would start looking for his box, once spotting it, grabbing onto it and opening it up to make sure everything was still there.

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - Margaery - 07-20-2018

As large as her collection of belongings was, Margaery still knew almost immediately when something was missing or out of place. She supposed it was some sort of ancient intuition, paws leading her right to the spot on the shelf where one of her necklaces should have been. [b]"Perfect," She hissed lowly to herself, no doubt feeding off the anger that Suiteheart produced through the bond as she turned on a heel and prepared to find and rip apart the thief, "Just perfect." Margaery realized very vaguely that she was being irrational, her connection with Suite essentially pouring more and more gasoline on the fire. At least it brought her to the expansive pile of items, those blue gray eyes of hers narrowing as she quickly found and snatched back the sapphire necklace.

"This was my mother's, love," She extended icily, scanning the piece of of jewelry for any missing stones or kinks in the chain. It passed inspection but still, she was wary. "What are you doing going through other people's stuff? That's so disrespectful," She huffed with a shake of her head,"You should apologize."

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - tori - 07-20-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Unlike the others, Alex had nothing of value to be stolen by the impish little Sombra. He kept himself as unburdened as possible, and the less he had to worry about losing, the less he had to fret. He really only had some rocks he found down by the coast that he would occasionally collect, but they weren't anything super valuable that he would smack her up the side of her head for.

He didn't say a word as he scooted over to the pile and sniffed through it, tail wagging when he pushed something gently to the side and found his missing rock. "Hello rock." He mumbled to himself as he picked the rock in his small jaws. Was he mad? No, he wasn't the angry type. He just wanted his rock back. Margaery and Suite on the other hand looked...irritated. He blinked, head tilted slightly to the side as he watched them both. So maybe Sombra stole people's things, but he still hoped they didn't try to eat her or anything.

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - Suiteheart - 07-20-2018

Suiteheart could have rolled her eyes at Sombra's coolness about the situation. However, her gaze remained steady. She inhaled through her nose, refusing to let her anger spiral out of control. While a handful of her past lives were pushing her to do it, all she could think about was Damiana. Damiana had taken to stealing after her mother was killed and she was left alone. That version of herself had to steal to survive. Suite almost wondered if Sombra was the same. She couldn't believe she was empathetic about this.

"You know, you can ask if you want to borrow shit, right?" the white feline asked, arching a fictional brow as she inspected her instrument. It seemed to be in the same condition as she left it. Good. "And taking without asking isn't borrowing, dude. That's fucking theft." She began to calm down a bit. However, as more and more Ascendants arrived to retrieve their stolen items, the anger returned (mostly thanks to the bond she shared with Margaery).

Removing her stare from Roman and Alexander, she returned it to Sombra. "You might outta watch yourself before you steal something from someone that's not so nice," she warned, but her tone wasn't rude. Were there notes of concern there? Was she channeling Damiana?

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-20-2018

Admittedly, Versailles is a little confused. Everybody seems to be gathering around and taking stuff from Sombra's stash, looking very angry at their discovery that they've been robbed - but Sombra isn't making much of an effort to hide anything and claim those items as her own, so maybe not quite a robbery? She's not entirely sure, but, out of habit, Versailles checks her own room just in case, browsing through the few possessions that she has (barely anything, really) and only notices a small deviance - the small pot of forget-me-nots seem to have obtained a new friend, a tulip glistening in the low light.

She doesn't think much of it, figures it's just one of the 'weird stuff' that keeps happening to the Ascendants. Seriously, fire powers, that's really something wild that her brain has grown rather tired of explaining.

Sure that she's not missing anything except for the new flower, she pads back over to where the others are and presses her lips together when she notices that the crowd has grown, more and more people discovering that their items have been added to the piles of treasure that definitely isn't Sombra's. Half of Versailles wants to be mad, but the argument still stands - Sombra isn't really making an effort to say she owns them, she's just letting them take it back. Almost like... she's just wanting to cause a scene, or a ruckus.

The blue-and-gold she-cat approaches, feeling her lips automatically twitch into a smirk at the presence of the other. "Couldn't stay outta trouble? You better keep your sticky hands to yourself next time, you'll never know what else you'll attract," she drawls with a cock of her head, snapping her jaws at the air - Sombra's peculiar, that's for sure, but that doesn't mean Versailles can't try and poke fun at her. "By the way, you missed a spot - I don't think you're as keen-eyed as you think you are, sweetheart. Work on that a little bit, yeah?"

Re: dangerous woman [open/treasure] - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A thief? How irksome. Ada was happy that she kept a majority of her items inside Leon's room in a secret-yet-secure place, so Ascendants like Sombra, wouldn't be able to place a paw on them. She hadn't had anything to say to the thieving girl, so she had decided to remain silent.