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I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - Printable Version

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I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had been debating this for quite a while, and she talked to her high positions recently to get their view on this idea. The she-cat was making her way towards The Typhoon's border, her heart racing as she tried to come up with how she was going to word her recent decision. "Hey, uh... It's Atbash from Snowbound," The she-cat started to speak as she stopped at the border, frowning. She shuffled her paws a bit as she went on, "We've, um... decided to drop you guys as neutrals. You-you guys have been great and all, but politically, we're opposites, and I, um... haven't noticed a lot of activity between us recently, either." Which was also her fault, as well, but she was hoping with these alliance changes she could start something new. Snowbound needed to be more active with their allies as well. "And-and I know we haven't been the best either, so it's not entirely you're fault." She added quickly. "But I think it'd be better if we just stayed as neutrals, at least for the time being."

If Atbash was honest, she was slightly relieved now that she made this 'official'. She would no longer have ties here, which meant she wouldn't be forced to interact with Caesar. Which... opened up a whole other can of worms, including the possibility of him attacking her, but she had faith that her Tribe would protect her if that ever happened. But that wasn't the entire reason she had decided on dropping The Typhoon, her high positions had agreed that they haven't been around as often as an ally should, and how The Ascendants - despite being neutrals - were around more often. Of course, they also brought up being more active with potential allies themselves, so Snowbound wouldn't suffer the same fate as The Typhoon was.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - PINCHER - 07-19-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher frankly didn't really believe in alliances, they all seemed like a chore. He had preferred one with the Ascendants but they had been rather lousy allies believing that the Typhoon should do all the traveling to their place than it being equal. And it seemed that Snowbound was heading the same way as he heard the announcement being made by Atbah as he had been sitting on the wrecked train station that was located behind the entrance of the island. He was taking a smoke break from work, his glacier blue eyes turned into slits as he observed the sky for any sign of a possible storm for he had smelled the faint trace of rain the morning. Ever since the tsunami, he had been rather jumpy about Mother Nature's wrath and simply hoped that it didn't desire to rain on his parade. The muscular broad-shouldered wildcat simply stretched as he heard her speak the announcement, a long circular puff of smoke flowing out of his jaws before the sleek male snorted and decided to hop to his bone white paws, stalking towards the smaller feline with a cool expression settled on his face but there was a sudden dangerous glint in his gaze.

As he grew closer, frost began to form around his paws as a toothy sly grin laced his jaws as he towered over the chief, left ear twitching as he hummed softly with amusement. "My envoys went to visit you this week and you have never once sent your ambassadors here except for some party invite. I sent resources and if I don't get my equal share sometime soon, I'll just come and get it from ya." He spoke flatly, sharp and icy as Pincher was not making any threats, he was making a promise. Pincher was not fond of when he made deals and was not given the same share so he wasn't afraid to fuck around with three other clans at once if he had to show he wasn't fucking around. His claws unsheathed as he took another step forward, his dangerous grin growing. Pincher hardly showed this side of him, the one that enjoyed ripping apart creatures that got in the way of his plans.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - madster - 07-19-2018

the little white cat pranced over, eyeing the scene and analyzing it. so they were now neutrals with a clan called snowbound... hmm, he had been to two different clans and had never heard of them. the savannah girl- she must be the leader, he guessed- seemed nervous to bring this up, and meri grinned. pincher was fucking sexy, but was also terrifying as a person. merihem stood next to pincher, looking at the other. he was engaged, wasn't he? well, it wasn't cheating if it was onesided, and he was content at leaving it like that.

"fuck, haha," was all he could say, a scared laugh emerging from him. pincher was scary, and even though they were on the same side, he knew snowbound had fucked up in not delivering resources or whatever it was that pincher desired. he eyed atbash, a grimace forming on his pale face, trying to warn her wordlessly to please their leader.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Honestly, Atbash had been relieved that it had been Pincher who approached first, but as soon as the canine started to look upset, the she-cat shrunk back, lowering her ears a bit. "R-right, I-I know that." The Hailcaller responded. Ambassadors... Shit, they didn't even have Ambassadors. "I know we're at fault h-here, too. I know Snowbound hasn't been the best ally themselves," Was she making excuses at this point? Probably, but she really did mean her words. "I plan on changing that soon, everybody's still adjusting to Jacob leaving." She wasn't even aware the husky came here, though she wouldn't be too surprised if he did show up. Now, as for resources, Atbash couldn't exactly give them back, since she was sure her tribemates used up what Goldenluxury and Solveig had given them. "I-I don't know if I can exactly promise that," She said, her gaze briefly flickered over to Merihem before she looked back over at Pincher. "But I can try to bring something here of equal value. Is there something specific you're looking for? M-maybe gems, or something?"

Was she intimidated by Pincher? Oh, yes, absolutely.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

the girl was always pleased to see snowbound. it was filled with many members that she thought were pleasant and it was quite different than the typhoon. not to say she didn't love her home - she absolutely adored it, but it was nice to get a friendly glimpse into another world. it filled her thirst for at least some adventure. plus, mister jacob came from there, so that must mean it's good, even if he did leave.

so, when the injured girl spotted atbash upon their territory, she got excited. she began to stumble towards the familiar female, a smile upon her tired features. but then, she heard the feline's words and stopped dead in her tracks. her face dropped. dropping them because they've been inactive? she narrowed her eyes, tilting her head, immediately feeling a desire to defend her home. she was about to come closer and say something, but then her papa responded.

oh, he was...not happy. understandably so. her gaze hardened as she watched it unfold, a little surprised by his threatening stance, but she was satisfied he was holding his ground. so, the female would quickly come to stand by him, her expression appearing betrayed. atbash's response was less than satisfactory.

"we'd been hit by a tsunami - of course we were inactive. you knew that." she said flatly at first. any kindness and happiness she would normally express to atbash's presence disappeared and was replaced with a defensive tone. "snowbound was provided shelter when your territory was invaded, we invited you to several events afterward. we held an event specifically for your group just before the tsunami, and solveig and myself visited just earlier this week with whatever supplies we could scrape up after everything, despite being low on everything." she was, quite frankly, annoyed that atbash would accuse them of being bad allies. they worked hard for them and she knew it.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - MARCELLUS - 07-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Alliances, neutrals, and enemies, he didn't exactly know which groups were which to The Typhoon but it seemed that he would learn of which were which quite quickly around here. In humans he could tell that their was no bond however, only people with a mutual goal that bonded them together to form "alliances," but in reality it was every man for themselves and only themselves. Maybe the situation was like that? Every group for themselves and only forming alliances based on mutual goal or resources. But what did he know? He was new to all this confusing group shit anyways. He had only very recently joined any group in general so to him this was all too confusing, but that was beside the point. The point was that someone seemed to be dropping them from being allies and frankly even Marcellus who had little to no idea on what that meant for the groups, was annoyed and showing disdain towards the messenger who even seemed to be the leader.

The king cheetah moved to stand beside the others, looking at the messenger with a small narrow of his eyes. Being drop to neutrals didn't exactly sound like a good thing and it definitely wasn't. For now the king cheetah would stay neutral and not voice his opinion since he didn't know much of the matter due to being new.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - VANDAL R. - 07-19-2018

Vandal had never even heard of Snowbound before - perhaps that's already enough indication that they weren't pulling their weight. If Pincher is mad and her clanmates are mad then she's sure she's got every right to be mad after hearing what they have to say. They provided shelter and aid and received nothing in turn except a single party invite and a drop to neutrals. That doesn't even sound like a fare trade and Vandal's not too willing to let it go, and she knows none of her clanmates are either. If they're all going to start making up for things now, when the entirety of the Clan is already mad, she knows there likely won't be any going back.

"Oh, now you're trying to scrape up some excuse to pay us off?" She scoffs, sardonic, standing tall next to her brother and lashing her thick tail with agitation. The nerve, really. Perhaps she would've found it amusing, but Pitch's anger is pulling at her anger and she's getting less and less in control by the end of it. "To think you came here to drop us to neutrals, eh?" She cocks her head to one side, a mocking gesture, and flashes a sick smile towards the leader - formalities be damned, if this little pest came here to say they're dropped only to backpedal, Vandal isn't likely to let it go.

"And for what? All that effort for gems?" She laughs, then snaps her jaws at the air threateningly, hearing her sharp teeth meet in a resounding click. The humor of it all. "Like a few little shiny doo-dads are gonna fix what you're trying to pull right now." Her neon gaze turns to Pincher, almost desperate for him to say that there's no protection waiting for the Snowbound now - that there's no solace for them this time. Her talons dig deep into the familiar sands of the territory and she knows - she knows that this time, if there's going to be a fight, she's going to be ready. She's going to enjoy it.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - ARGUS - 07-19-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Dull red eyes zeroed in on atbash. The white wolf landing on the same husk of metal as the snowbounds leader. Though they made to threatening move closer. instead of moving closer to them they looked down towards the rest of their cremates with a slight grimace.

Allies or enemies, there really asn't a newtral for a clan in the typhoon. "I hope you understand there ain't such a thing as neutral here. Either your friend or you've got stuff we can steal." Argus was blunt, their red eyes turning towards the new leader. With the way this conversation was heading it was quickly devolving into aggression. Argus did not attempt to defend or add to the tension other than that. In attempts of being neutral they hid their own anger. Gems? Was it meant to compensate the farms that they had lost, the houses left crumbling?

"With the way things are, we've got plenty of things to steal, and our knowledge of your camp would be make it easier to find what we need." Of course argus was angry- this was their home. But Snowbound had been a second closest thing to it. They knew that this wasn't the entirely of the clan that was speaking here so much as a leader who only took notice in the lack of activity. That did not stop the anger, it only added a somber note to what a figure in power had over a clan.

To think they were next in line for it wasn't something they particularly were eager for.

politics suck.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - PINCHER - 07-20-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn't give a fuck if he had started with a heavy wall of tension between the Snowbound leader and him, he wanted good reason onto why Snobound believed they were fine without them. Political alignment? Hadn't Leigh agreed that because they were warbound and Snowbound as peaceful, they would be able to provide security if the other allies sought trouble with the peaceful group? He had allowed himself and his crewmates to be the ones that weren't afraid to get their paws dirty, dripping with the blood of whoever had decided to mess with their allies. But if Snowbound really believed that his group, the ones that had taken them in had nothing to offer, he was more fucking pissed off that his crew worked hard to keep the connection while Snowbound had not done shit for them. More frost began to form around him as he listened, the ground slowly becoming almost a sheet of ice as his claws cracked into the frozen water, sinking deep into the sheet of ice as he was restraining himself from biting down on the neck of the chief. It was tempting especially how easy it would be and how he knew that he could overtake the rest of her clan without much trouble since he knew a majority were prey. That was the danger of making deals with Pincher. If you decided to cut him off, he would leave with heavy amounts of information that he would use to make sure you knew never to break deals with him.

"So you plan on aiding finally by dropping us as neutrals? What kind of strategy is that?" His voice was becoming sharper and biting, his steady voice holding a hushed snarl as his grin turned into a scowl at her explanations. What the actual fuck was she talking about? When she stated that she couldn't promise her part of supply, a wild chuckle rumbled in his throat and he raised a paw from the ice, his claws now covered in ice as he inspected it as Atbash now tried to bargain with jewels. He then heard his daughter join in, noticing her dissapproval as well and frankly was proud she had decided to bring in more evidence about how much the Typhoon had contributed. "When we were struck by a tsunami, everyone heard and you didn't help. You didn't come to check up on us or bring in shit while some of my crewmates were injured and we needed supplies...and I took you in. I ALLOWED MY FUCKING CREW FIGHT YOUR STUPID FUCKING HUMAN PESTS AND I DIED BECAUSE OF IT, LEAVING MY CREW WITHOUT A CAPTAIN FOR FOUR DAYS." The jaguar's cool broke as he remembered the fight and how he had risked the lives of his crewmates just to help Snowbound. He frankly didn't really give a shit that he had died because of the spear that had impaled him from a human he had fought but Pincher was pissed that his death had traumatized his daughter and son. And now he was an immortal demigod bound to some unknown sea creatures in a deal he had never wanted to make, forced into a trapped feeling that he had tried so hard to escape.

Pincher's dark ash gray fur bristled, sparks of electricity coming off as he took another step closer, edging towards the water as he was prepared to fry Atbash. But then he hesitated, halting just a few inches from the water as he gritted his teeth, remembering that he was already preparing to fight the star fuckers soon and already had Tanglewood as their enemy. Last thing he wanted was to burn out his crew with multiple enemies at once. His long tail lashed behind him as the male's lip curled back to reveal rows of shark-like teeth as he snarled "I don't want your fucking gems. I want my goddamn shit and I mean it, Atbash. I will break every fucking bone and skull in Snowbound if you don't give me what I want by tomorrow. If I don't see you or your little snowflakes here with your fair share of resources, we sure as hell aren't going to be neutrals in my eyes." Pincher eyes were frigid and ruthless, narrowed and locked onto the savannah as he wouldn't mind sicking Caesar onto her if she decided to disagree. He wouldn't mind coming after her, attacking and attacking, again and again, until he had her head on a platter. He could wait. He had all of eternity to wait.

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - bubblegum - 07-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie didn't like being so harsh - she really didn't. being kind and understanding was much more in her nature than being harsh was. but, she also understood there were times she did need to be that way. it was pretty hard to get on her bad side most of the time, although the quickest way was surely to offend or insult her family. goldie was, if nothing else, loyal to her family. they meant everything. and, right now, atbash was disrespecting her family. her care for snowbound diminished once this happened.

her crewmates' responses only made her stance grow more firm. they were not afraid to instantly defend the typhoon at any possible threat. in fact, it seemed they desired to do so. the girl, personally, did not want such tensions between them and snowbound, considering everything she had felt for it. she didn't even really care about getting "repaid" all that much - she was generally a generous person to her friends. but, what bothered her more than anything, was the fact atbash was trying to blame them for this decision.

her attention shifted to her papa as he began to speak up again. his words held an authority she wished to match, but still was learning how to do so. but, he was certainly captain for a reason. however, as his voice raised, she felt a lump in her throat. she had never seen him so angry. the girl didn't feel intimidated, though, just surprised. but, upon hearing his words - his death - her expression quickly grew painful. she looked to the ground, disliking to recall the event. but, she realized something too. for some reason, it had never occurred to her that this all began because of snowbound. he died because he fought for them. anger began to rush through her.

her striking green eyes shot back to atbash, her lower lip holding a slight tremble. "y'know, atbash, i really respected and loved you and snowbound. i really did. i loved seein' y'all and wanted to help as much as i could. but, that really doesn't matter now, does it?" her tone became low and threatening as she said these words. she knew her crewmates would be violent if they so desired. there would be no punishment to strike out on snowbound now, after all. she knew this really couldn't be taken back, either, though.

"i understand caesar attacked you. when i'd heard that happened, i was very upset, as was the majority of the typhoon. that's why he was punished. don't let your experience with one member dictate your opinion of the whole, and don't you dare say the typhoon has been 'bad allies'." she hissed those last words. she knew atbash and caesar didn't get along - it didn't take much to pick up on that. but, it looks like caesar was right to some extent after all.