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blame it on the rain — atbash - Printable Version

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blame it on the rain — atbash - guts - 07-19-2018

Aizawa had never been the type to be insecure. His attitude didn't exactly scream confident, more-so 'I just don't care what other people think.' But now, he was a lot more unsure of himself, especially since he was second-in-command. He wasn't ready to be in charge again. He had failed once, and he wasn't ready to do so again. He didn't want to disappoint anyone again. So he avoided his duties, not bothering with any of it.

But he knew he couldn't run forever. Yet he was fine with sitting around, curled up on the couch in his and Izuku's cabin. He just wanted one last moment of peace and relaxation before he gave it up once more. This was the sad reality of someone who was responsible for others. Or maybe he was just being dramatic, who knew.

[member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member]


Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash never expected to be leading Snowbound. In fact, she thought she'd be the last person Jacob would talk to about that, considering Aizawa's rank and Izuku being here longer than she has. Atbash had never been the one to be in charge, even back home. Females were the lowest of the low back in Dimension FiveX, and it was really present in the Seventh Tier. They were often sold to males and forced into marriage, or worse. They were always stay-at-home mothers, tending to their children. And yet, here Atbash was, leading an entire tribe.

She had no idea what she was doing to say the least. She was tired and stressed almost all the time, and now she understood why Jacob had stepped down. "Aizawa?" The she-cat called as she came to his and Izuku's cabin, knocking on the door. She wanted to talk to her second-in-command, just to see if he had any words or encouragement to say.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - guts - 07-21-2018

Aizawa had never been the victim of such roles, nor was it very common in the world he came from. Women and men were equal, even in the hero profession. Some people had such views, of course, but they were only a small percent. In the end, whether you were male or female, you were treated as an equal. He didn't know where Atbash came from, and had simply assumed her timid nature was just part of her personality. Hopefully she could get over it with time.

The lion stirs at the calling of his name, blinking his eyes open and groggily lifting his head. He quickly recognized the voice, yawning before slipping off the couch towards the door. "Atbash," he says, opening the door to the leader, his head nodding in greeting. "Come in," with that, he steps aside and slides the door open wider to let her in. "What do you need?"


Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash's timid nature was sort of her personality, although it was from where she was conditioned to be so. It was just the way females were treated in her Home Dimension, simple as that. It was a horrible place for many reasons, but that still didn't give Caesar a reason to just destroy it like that. Atbash missed it terribly, though mostly because of the ties she had there, not because of the way she was treated. She liked actually been treated like a normal person here, and it was honestly quite hard to grasp at first. Hell, even her first promotion to Flurryhost shocked her.

"I, um, wanted to talk if you have the time." Atbash replied, frowning a bit and glancing down at her paws. "N-nothing about you. Honestly? It's... about myself." Yeah, that was it. Herself and being leader.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - guts - 07-23-2018

Even if this was about him, he wouldn't have been too nervous. If he was being demoted, he probably deserved it, what with his inactivity and such. He wanted to do his duties, but it was..difficult. Still, he refused to talk about it, especially after the whole thing with Izuku. It would probably only cause more problems. So he simply nods as she explains her presence, turning and heading towards the kitchen.

"Make yourself at home," Aizawa calls back as he scours through the cabinets, eventually fishing out a tea bag. "Would you like some tea?" might as well be a good house-guest. Things would probably get tense here in a minute.


Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"Thanks," Atbash sighed with relief, glad that Aizawa wanted to talk. It was really reassuring to her that she had somebody who would understand. Cry was too nit-picky sometimes, as much as she loved the raven, and Izuku had too much going on for him to worry about his leader's mental health. "Yes, please." She replied to his offer about tea, taking a seat somewhere in his cabin. It was oddly homey, if she was honest.

"Do... you think I'm doing alright?" Atbash decided to just go ahead and blurt out her question. It got it off of her chest a lot easier, a lot quicker, just so she didn't have to think about it. Not for long, anyway.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - guts - 07-30-2018

With his offer accepted, he got to making them both drinks, filling up two cups with boiling water and scooping out two bags of tea. Aizawa dipped them into the drinks, placing one of them in front of Atbash before taking a seat himself. At first it seemed like he didn't hear her question, but after a moment of dunking the bag, he lifts his gaze and stares at the leader. "What do you think?" he asked in a serious tone.

He probably wasn't the best one to be giving advice, mostly to people who were afraid of the truth. When it came down to it, he kept it blunt and to the point. However, with her concerns, it was a bit different. Plus with her disposition, he had to be a bit more considerate of her feelings.


Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
What did she think? That was a heavy question. Atbash considered the question as she mindlessly fiddled around with the bag whenever Aizawa gave her a cup. "I... honestly don't know." She admitted with a frown, looking up at the Icestriker. "I feel like I'm doing okay, I suppose? I could be doing things better." But was she afraid of being judged or confronted on things? Yes, she lacked having the courage to make her own decisions, and perhaps that would be her downfall one day.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: blame it on the rain — atbash - guts - 07-31-2018

He doesn't say anything, only nods and focuses on his tea. The water had turned dark now, his head bending down so he could lap at the drink, contorting his face at the watery taste it still had. He was only somewhat trying to distract himself from the situation. He had already known that Atbash needed some encouragement, and considering all the close ties she had here, it was surprising that she chose to come to him. But then again, Izuku was always busy with his research and Cry wasn't exactly the best person to go to for such emotional advice. So it was up to him it would seem.

Aizawa tilts his head in thought. He could somewhat understand how she felt, though only to an extent. "If you think you could, then why don't you? I know how you are--timid, especially in the face of criticism and decision-making--but you're leader now. These people follow your words, and I doubt you want to lead them astray just because of your uncertainty," he pauses, eyes flickering down towards his cup for a brief moment. Then he continues. "Whether you like it or not, you're responsible for their lives. Don't let that go to waste,"
