Beasts of Beyond
WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER HERO | open - Printable Version

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WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER HERO | open - HAMMOND - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Axle's confidence in his directions would never increase. To a wanderer, the world was a dying place and all of these varying places had no purpose within a one-track mind. Something about the Heeler felt... different, in comparison to what had been racing through his mind just weeks ago, but an introspective look into his own life wasn't good for his health. It was best not to question what had changed, unless old anxieties pried for their return. Wet soils within the marshes caused his toes to feel suffocated, trapped between water and mud and all other nasty things that marred his spotted paws. His tongue dry and cracked did not dare to touch the contaminated, murky liquids that seemed around him like quicksand, even if he had been able to. A 'trap' was on his snout so to speak, an iron muzzle created by humans and mastered by the beasts he'd been surrounded by for weeks whilst in a dazed state. In the words of others, he had been 'captured', it hadn't been the first time someone had taken advantage of a disorientated dog and it surely wouldn't be the last.

No amounts of jutting his head around and rubbing callous leather against the wildlife of this world had been able to get the cage off of his mouth, and with a chain wrapped around his neck, connected to the muzzle, the light pressing against his windpipe was starting to tire the male out. He needed this thing off, and he didn't care how he'd have to do it so long as it was sunk within the swamps at the end of the day. Honey coloured eyes growing a temporary glaze to them as a girl with lovely blonde hair danced around his vision, Axle gave a few hardened blinks. It was a vision that was persistent to disappear, thirst and hunger combined together with his grief to make an ugly image that made his heart throb with guilt. You could've protected me, why didn't you protect me? He followed that waving girl until she faded into obscurity, a grimace appearing on the face of the Cattle Dog.

Deep into foreign territory he was, and though his jaws may've been clamped together by a malicious device his nose still scented danger past the rust and blood on the sides of his face. Desperation had kicked in for the male by now, with seemingly no natural way of eradicating his burdens he had to get the help of those who he refused to associate with. Clanners, groups that fed on distrust and lies and stole resources that could've been used by him, yet for all of his cynicism they had their uses. Whether they consented to the disgruntled looking trespasser's request or not, Axle would get what he wanted. He had to make sure of it, else he'd be stuck as a hound too vulnerable for this world's cruelty. Asking nicely would've just given credibility to his favour in certain places, but such a thing was alien nowadays. Instead, the blue heeler settled down slowly within the polluted territory, eyes flickering like half-dead lights as he kept an eye out for ambushes. Axle refused to sit, refused to calm down, but for now at least, he'd stand still until he'd thought of how to approach this.


IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Very rarely did someone trespass so bluntly, and Ivan would make sure they suffered for it. At the stranger’s scent, Zimavihc rose of the the nearby swamp water. A massive dog, smelly and sopping wet, heavily setting its paws down as it shook off water than began to bark and growl in a defensive tone.
He blinked, slight confusion coming over his face. Another dog? He edged forward, growling still, and moved to sniff the other mutt. Taking a step back, he bared his teeth anyways.
Ivan couldn’t help his dog brain.
”What are you doing here...”
© madi

Re: WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER HERO | open - beck. - 07-20-2018

    Funnily enough, the commander leading a ragtag group comprised solely with animals used to be scared by dogs. And rightfully so, considering the barely-domesticated canines of his childhood were trained to track and kill thieves like him. Even after discarding his humanity to disguise himself among friendlier company, he still was set on edge at furious barking, memories of search hounds snapping at his heels interrupting his thoughts until he distracted himself. Beck couldn't help but flinch as the throaty barking of Zimavich sounded from deep within the marshland, disturbing his search through his hoard of objects stolen over the years and confirming a trespasser had stumbled onto their land yet again. Grumbling profanities in his native tongue, the poltergeist fumbled for his trusted dagger, figuring he would need to cut down another stranger from a trap.

    Ancient blade clenched between his teeth, he was quick to arrive for once, slipping through clawed brambles to pause at the bear dog's nauseating side. Glossy eyes burned into the cattle dog unfortunately not ensnared by one of his defensive creations, but rather by man's interference. Beck gave a hesitant sniff, unable to pick up much of the stranger's scent through Zimavich's reek besides traces of fear. After a moment of squinting, he finally discerned the muzzle held fast around Axle's snout -- "Oh, ya got one of those thingies, don'tcha?" the little feline wheezed out, dropping his dagger from his razor-sharp jaws into his grip. "Lean down a bit, I'll try not to hurt ya," he croaked, patting the mud for Axle to put his head down on so he could reach before wearily inching closer. If the taller dog lowered his head enough, Beck could slip his blade under the main strap tethering the cage to Axle's head, beginning to saw with an awkward grasp around the dagger's handle yet practiced method. The leather was sturdy, but the knife was even more so, and after less than a minute, one strap was severed. Was that enough or would the others need to be cut as well? Just to be certain, he moved onto the side bands next, impatience making his work sloppy yet swift, and hastily recoiling as soon as Axle's muzzle was freed. As for the chain around his neck, that was a different story, but either now the unfamiliar canine could slip the entire contraption off or someone else would know how to finish the job. For the moment, Beck watched the dog with suspicion returning to his amber glare, tilting his head to the right for a better view.


Re: WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER HERO | open - HAMMOND - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Canine instincts should've defined the male. Aggression towards strangers, an extreme possession over food and a unwavering loyalty to those whom fell under his limited care. Yet, there was still one thing that brought him away from such a stereotypical role and that was his lack of interest in 'packs', the preference to be a lone wolf overwhelming any other behavioral patterns. Seeing one of his own kind approach him caused his legs to tense, ears pointed directly upwards attentively as Zimavich chose to approach him. No words came from the other's underused vocals, a dark cloud casting over his gaze and breathing smothered in a hoarse undertone as he resisted the urge to growl back. Nothing would've stopped him from telling the other to 'back off' in normal circumstances, pride and caution were things that needed to be swallowed in desperate times however. Grunting in reply to the other canine, Axle was too used to solitude to bother coming up with an excuse for his shortcomings. These were creatures that weren't too be trusted with simple words, oh how they'd twist them and use them to their own advantage.

Tail about as tall as his ears, the appearance of a second caused his laser-like stare to flicker, the Heeler giving a harsh look towards Beck. He wanted him to do what? With a blade? An exasperated look was offered to the leader, something that just screamed 'are you kidding me?'. Twisting his neck around to give a look behind him, realising that he'd be outrun in the current circumstances, Axle lay himself down, this time growling rather loudly between gritted teeth. Don't try anything stupid. A simple request, with unsheathable claws digging into the sloppy earth, the former pet flinched in preparation. A knife pinching his neck, teeth ripping into his spotted fur, he swore that was what he expected, but there was nothing of the sort. As his chin grazed against the mud, the male's entire body was frozen in place as the feline got to work. Honey coloured eyes locked onto the smaller being, as soon as he heard something snap the Heeler pushed himself upwards, spinning about like a bucking bronco. Raising an ashy paw up to his cheek, Axle put enough pressure on the muzzle to push it off of him, whirling his neck around to unravel the chain he'd been burdened with. Clunk. The contraptions fell onto the ground in a petty heap.

For a while he just seemed to move his jaws up and down, extremely happy to be able to move cranky muscles again, but as soon as a third individual arrived he was brought back into the grim reality of the situation. What did they want in return for helping a stranger? Remnants of a grin fading back into his signature scowl, the Heeler would let out a sudden snarl, taking a few defensive steps back as he eyed the three up warily. It was times like this where words spoke louder than actions, and gratitude should've been shared, but the idea of making a deal with some sort of devil rang about in his mind. Should he have bowed so easily? "What do you want?" he asked, words sounding drunken and slurred from being silent for months. No one helped another for free, and the sooner he figured out what he owed the better.


IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Ivan was quiet for a long moment, but went ahead and asked, stepping up to the other dog and inspecting him. He sniffed the muzzle, then looked at them. ”Join?”
© madi