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cool me down /-/ new body, open - Printable Version

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cool me down /-/ new body, open - deimos - 07-19-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]After seeing the cub, after seeing those two lions arrive, the ghosts of her past were on her tail. Deldrach was walking through the wooded area of the Typhoon, before breaking off into the sand, escaping underbrush and bothersome bugs. She didn't like what she saw in her dreams, of course. He stood over her, claws unsheathed and rearing towards her eyes as she defended her child, maw agape and her deathly grip soon to reach about his neck.

Safe to say, her child didn't live as long as she wished it had.

Deldrach winced, stopping as her head tilted towards the sky. She then looked off the coast with a sigh, the sandy pelted lioness sitting, pride and regal stance gone. She was hunched over, eyes dulled as she looked out over the coast, towards Haven Island. Some have told her in passerby that she needed to do that before she could be considered 'one of them', as they put it. So it wasn't just a loose opinion on how to get into this group. To truly be part of them, injest this drug and have a lucid dream them come back alive, good luck! Deldrach snorted as she stood up, tail lashing.

She would do it, of course, she wouldn't back down. Deldrach wasn't one for backing down- she actually was one for the opposite. She would take what she wanted, nothing would get in her way. Her head picked back up, a grin on her maw. No memory would stop her. Her child was dead, but that was when she was younger. He.. was presumed to be dead, but would he ever come back? Absolutely not, she had made sure of them. One paw step, then the next, and Deldrach was off at a run. She felt lighter, narrower, as if those thoughts alone had taken a weight off of her.

The queen didn't notice the darker colors on her front paws, or that her muzzle shape had changed slightly, the white blaze of her muzzle didn't appear to bother her. She made it to the shacks at the bay, the constant drum of her paws slowing as many people stared at her, as if they didn't know her. Deldrach raised her lips in a slight snarl, turning back towards the jungle. What was their problem, anyways?

// her new body is a jaglion!

Re: cool me down /-/ new body, open - jacob w.c. - 07-23-2018

the subtle grace of gravity
code by spacexual
Jacob had only ever had one body. he wasn't really sure if he was capable of having another but he'd never really tried to change so he supposed he wouldn't know. He had considered attempting it now that he knew that he and Pincher were entering a long term relationship that would last the rest of their lives. Jacob had always wanted children and he couldn't have that with Pinch with the way things were currently. He wasn't sure if that'd ever change but he'd at least considered it. That wasn't something that'd be seriously thought about for some time though. The first thing to do was that they'd need to organize the wedding and make sure that everything there would go as smoothly as possible. That was his only priority right now. Well, that and his usual medical duties but he didn't even count those things in the same categories. His medical research was always ongoing and it was hard to count it as a necessary responsibility when he did it so often without even thinking about it.

In any case, the man had just been out on a simple walk today. He was trying to clear his mind from thoughts about the wedding, actually. While it was exciting and he would never regret for a moment his decision to marry Pincher, he had only just started thinking about the family complications it would cause. Jacob's family wasn't known to be the most accpeting group of people and Jacob wasn't sure that Jerseyboy had a very high opinion of Pincher as it was. It might all end up being a mess but that was alright. What was impotant was that, by the end of it, he and Pincher would be married and they'd be free to live wherever and in whatever way they wanted to. There'd be no more running, no more wondering what people thought of them. He knew that their troubles wouldn't magically disappear but he was looking forward to living a long, happy life with the man he loved more than anyone and he was excited to see every single milestone with him, all the good and the bad. It didn't matter what happened so long as they were together.

He was pulled from his thoughts when a stranger seemed to dash into camp. She smelled of the Typhoon, though he didn't recognize her. While he'd been sulking about Luca, there'd been an awful lot of new members so it was very possible she was one of the ones that'd come in earlier this week. "Um, hello? I don' think we've met before, ma'm, my name's Jacob. 'M assumin' by your scent that ya' live 'ere in Typhoon but I can't say I recognize ya'. Are ya' feelin' alright? Ya' jus' look a li'l frazzled, I suppose," he asked. If she was a new member, his first through was that she might be on jungle juice currently. If that was the case, he wasn't really sure he should be talking to her or stopping her or even acknowledging her. Who knew what she might see him as and he was significantly smaller than she was. He hadn't hurt anyone when he'd taken it but that didn't mean no one else would. Some, he was sure, would have violent reactions to their fears rather than just sobbing like he had. Then again, in his case there hadn't really been a lot of things that he could fight off so there was no reason for him to lash out at those that'd been around at the time. 
the heavy weight of stone

Re: cool me down /-/ new body, open - ARGUS - 07-23-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;text-transform:lowercase;"] It's easy to brush people off without knowing them, it's easy to hurt them when you don't know them too. Anyone who had their first go at killing another sentient animal would be told to pretend it was just game. Mindless. Sonder is a different thing, a terrible horrendous think to killers. It doesn't even have to be everyone just- to look in the eyes of their victims and understand that they have done wrong is enough. sometimes it's the driving force to peace, sometimes argus wished it was enough to make peace a reality.

Argus could be the first person to admit that sonder didn't deter them in the slightest, no it was time. Years of hurting amounting to nothing did little to impress anyone and everything to their own guilt complex. Time widdled away thier claws and added to the list of names to remember and sadly- quite a few of them shared the same name as them. A lot of them- all of them were family in some aspect. Mourning never truly stopped, and if someone thought they were over it they were wrong- just lacking the right trigger to remember.

Argus did not need someone's life story to understand that coming here had more to do with running away then it did with joining someplace new. to a clan that celebrated freedom there were an awful lot of secrets. And that wasn't bad it was just... people here respected privacy, and it was something argus respected, admired. even if it drove them half mad with worry when they saw someone suffering and could do nothing to help. it wasn't in their way to help everyone- they simply couldn't. It would do more harm than good either way.

Argus saw the jagress storm off not to long ago, it was a split second decision to follow afterwards. Light trek making it rather easy to catch onto Jacob's conversation to deldratch. They blinked slolwy at the words, not really understanding- had jacob not met her before or was it- oh


See, Argus tends to see with aura's before they ever do with anything else. It's a more reliable tracking sense, and more perfectly honed than their nose or eyes even. So it took a moment to detect the... differences. Dull eyes brightening slightly on hinted self-amusment.

so, instead of responding, or correcting jacob, they sit back. muting the larger grin on their expression to something more neutral. Letting out a hum as if to hide the laughter that they feel bubbling from their throat. "Hnn."

Re: cool me down /-/ new body, open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

Caesar was used to taking on different forms. After all, being a dream demon allowed him to have the ability of shapeshifting and possession, however those powers had been stripped whenever he traveled here. Luckily, possession has come back so far, and he honestly preferred possession to shapeshifting. "That's fucking, uhhh, Eldritch or something." The Officer snorted to Jacob as he came over, almost following Argus. He honestly had quite met Deldrach officially, he just heard her name being mentioned here and there, so it made sense that he'd mess it up.