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OLD PALS [p, Duet] - Printable Version

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OLD PALS [p, Duet] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-19-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
He had slid the scarf over the German Shepherd nose, too. He tied it and used it as a “leash” to guide him back to the camp. He took it off when they arrived, wrapping it back around his neck. He ushered him along with the sharp points on his mask, barking at him to follow, and brought the German Shepard to his house. Ivan was just moving into it, and there wasn’t much to look at. A little corner for him to pray at, a mound of blankets, knitting supplies and terrible products.

Ivan took off his mask, revealing the fluffy mutt face of the bear dog. ”You said.... you knew me.” He said, shutting the door, and moving to the basket of terrible knits. He started taking the out, searching for something and glancing at the dark. Green was his color. Zimavich grabbed a novice, dark green scarf. The knitting wasn’t near as even, it had holes and looked like the maker was new to knitting.

”The dog brain is very powerful... but healed my dementia... I need to remember who I was, Duet...”
© madi

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - Deutschland - 07-19-2018

It was humiliating to be led around like this, but at least he wouldn’t be able to see the expression of the members of Tanglewood as he was led by the scarf like a leashed pet. Yet, once more, he swallowed his pride and focused on what must be done: to help Ivan remember who he was.

He blinked rapidly upon being released from his blindness and took a moment to silently study the room and breathed aloud a sigh of relief when the strange mask the other dog was wearing was removed. ”Yeah ... I do.” He murmured. The last times he had seen Ivan ... it hadn’t been in a good state. He had recognized the dementia, and he was glad to hear that it was healing and now Ivan understood that he had forgotten things and was trying to remember. Deutschland’s paws shuffled against the ground, frowning as he furrowed his brow. ”You want me to recount what I remember about you?” He asked, a hint of doubt in his voice, as he was not entirely sure how to help Ivan remember ... was just simply talking about it good enough?

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-20-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Ivan trotted over with the new scarf, dropping it at the Shepard’s feet and looking at his, close enough to touch noses. He moved, opening the window a crack to let out his own smell. 
”I want you to accept the gift... first...” He said, circling around and laying down. 
”Yes. I want you to tell me everything you remembered about me, Deutschland.”
© madi

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - Deutschland - 07-21-2018

A new scarf. He could not remember what the color was of the last one, but his face broke out into a smile when he saw the new one because green was his favorite color. Despite it looking like it was crafted by an amateur, he was quite happy and could not hide the twitch of his tail when he saw it. ”Vielen dank ...” He murmured, pulling the scarf over to him and took a breath before he launched into his story. There was bound to be minor mistakes, as his memory was not perfect ever since he and Feliciano had done their mysterious journey.

”You were in this group that prided itself on its judicial system. I was a part of another group living in the woods, and at that time, I was their leader and I asked your group to become allies. I think you eventually became the second in command. I cannot remember who the leader was at the time, but I do remember one who was there during your time and his name was Alfred. You gave me a scarf when I first met you. And there was this one time ... you did something ... I was dying and you where there in the Thunderlands, I don’t remember why ... but a while after that, I visited your group for gift baskets and you approached me. I liked castles, and your group lived in a castle so you took me there and carried me, I think I told you that already. That interaction was the one I remember the most about you. You talked of justice and trials, since there was a problem in my Clan with two unruly females who were always fighting ... but you didn’t seem to mind suggesting torture or execution. You also told me you were raised in a circus ... you were a polar bear at the time. And, and I think you have a history of reincarnation, because you told me about how you saw Napoleon and attacks on Berlin in the second world war. But ... things changed and I remember the last time I saw you, you could barely remember me or where you lived ... dementia, and now you’re here.” He cleared his throat after all that and glanced from the scarf up into Ivan’s eyes, waiting to see how he would take his little rambling of a story. There could be more that he could say, but that was the basics of it, and it was in Deutsch’s personality to make things simple when he’s talking.

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-22-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Ivan had back away during the story, sitting somewhere in the shadowy corner while the after light shine on the German Shepard. The bear dog’s ears were at attention and his tail wagged slightly as he listened, panting and letting the drool fall. It was hot in here.

At the mention of Alfred, Ivan seemed to freeze in place, struck by the information and displeased with it. So that was his name. his recovering mind had shown him images of a cat and the angered, disappointed feelings tied with it. Of a pair. Of Alfred more or less going nuts. Poor decisions. Lack of attention.

Reincarnation? His head tilted at this, curious and unsure, but maybe more infor would reveal itself in time. He’d find a way. He needed to know who he was.

"Deutschland....” He gave a long pause, his mind focusing on the talk of execution. "Was I a bad person?”
© madi

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - Deutschland - 07-22-2018

Deutschland hadn’t told the whole story of Ivan. He did remember when Darth Vader had taken Ivan in. The memory of the first order attacking and Ivan being there was fresh in his mind, but ... was that really Ivan? He didn’t know what had happened, but something did, because in that time it seemed like the polar bear had had a purpose being with the strange lion. He refused to accept it, however, because that was not the Ivan he knew.

A hesitant look entered the German shepherd’s clear eyes as Ivan asked about the morality of his former self. His ears twitched and he was silent for many heartbeats because he was not quite sure how to respond. He really didn’t think so. Ivan seemed to appear more threatening than he was when Deutschland had known him. He didn’t doubt that Ivan could be a menace, but only to the people who were bad and deserved it. After all, he wouldn’t have prided his group’s judiciary system so much if he really was that bad.

”No.” He finally replied, tipping his head up to look the larger dog in the eye. He could hardly think so ... now perhaps the former lives during different periods of history might have made him bad, but when Deutschland had known him, he had never seemed like an evil person. Deutschland’s past was littered with lies, manipulation, and greed and he couldn’t even trust himself with a position of power anymore. He was going to try to be as honest as he could be.

”And don’t ask me why, I just know.”

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-22-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
He took off his dirty scarf and folded it, showing the eyepatch with Anakin’s blue Isosceles Triangle, and his cross. "I remember Anakin... He was good to me, but he admits he did wrong.” He said, head tilted as he thought about the ghostly lion. "Did you know I’m going to die permanently after this life, friend?” Killing Winter exchanged the ownership to Anakin. Ivan was dead after this life. This time.

A long, unsteady pause.”Sit down. Stay a while.... what was I like?”
© madi

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - Deutschland - 07-22-2018

So he did know about Anakin as well ... however much Deutschland decided he disliked the Ivan he had known under the lion’s control, he did remember that Anakin was the very one who had pointed him in this direction. Perhaps he should give more credit... it was pretty apparent that Anakin had changed his ways.

His eyes widened and he shook his head as a silent answer to Ivan’s first question. He couldn’t tell if Ivan felt like he had been released from a burden, or that it was a terrible thing to face. Deutschland’s own heaven-gifted leader lives were gone and he was mortal and knew of no way returning when he died. He had reincarnated after his last death, but that had been a mistake.

Deutschland’s eyes shifted toward the window, trying to tell the time from the height of the sunlight, because he knew very well that he did not have enough time to stay here for as long as he should. ”You seem very threatening at first, but you were friendly to people who were friendly to you ... however you are a formidable and deadly enemy to make. You were kind of funny, too, though I doubt you would have believed it. I think you like to be around people, that much I could tell from your gifts.”

His eyes flickered toward the window again and he let out a huffing sigh. ”Feliciano will be worried.” He mused outloud to himself, remembering how he had not told his companion of this visit.

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-22-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
He watched the dog’s reaction at this, a light smile coming to his face. ”Anakin took transfership of my contract.... I have to do one last thing for him, then I am free.... it’s okay.” He looked at Duet. ”I don’t think dying would be that bad... God is waiting for me.”

That was depressing.
”I was funny?” Ivan couldn’t exactly see himself as a funny guy. ”Do you remember any of my jokes?” he asked, tilting his head the other way now.

”.....I think you two should stay here. You and Feliciano.”
© madi

Re: OLD PALS [p, Duet] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-25-2018
