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OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - Printable Version

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OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - MOONMADE - 07-19-2018

[size=9pt]Word on the grapevine was that there was a Cleric position up for grabs.

Moon will admit his feelings towards the whole Hierarchy system any day of the week; he thinks it's complete bullshit. Thou be active, thou wander the borders mindlessly in hopes of finding a newcomer to fret over, thou engage with thou's surroundings and thou will be granted a Super Cool Title. Perhaps his shakespearean grammar isn't the top notch, but he's pretty sure thats the gist of it. The point is; he's not looking to climb the ranks.
His reasons are a bit more personal. A bit more emotional and a bit more along the lines of 'orphan tries to prove his worth to dead parents'. He'd sooner tattoo a My Little Pony symbol on his hind leg than he would admit to it, but the guilt and the grief still hangs tight to him like an annoying third wheeler and he thinks, maybe, possibly, perhaps, continuing the tradition would help him shake that baggage. He'd be saving people, like his mom. He'd be doing something.

And it's with that thought in mind that the lanky teenager takes off towards the plains, deadset on finding some herbs. He's an hour into the pits of grass and flowers and an hour away from any landmark he recognizes when he realizes he hadn't thought this out. He hasn't the slightest bit of a clue where to find what he's looking for, and even though he's got a good nose, the wind here carries everything from the scent of roses to the local Hedgehog's last fart and he'd be lucky if he were to pick up on some hints of Comfrey, Chamomile or Burdock.

That's where he meets Edgar. Moon is sniffing at the ground like a dog when he feels something tap his shoulder. It's no accidental brush, no, 'Oh, sorry, I just bumped off you'. It was a tap with intent. An, 'Hello, I am here, I just tapped you and I did it for a reason.' The lion startles more than he'd ever admit and when he looks he's genuinely scared for a moment.

There's something in front of him, and it's got it's arms crossed and it's staring at him like it knows what he's up to. Moonmade will admit he quite literally has never seen anything like it, and it's so thoroughly ugly he almost flinches.

"I have a proposition for you."

It turns out it was a mole. The mole's name was Edgar, and the mole had a feral wife named Mabel and Mabel was a rabbit who had gotten into a scuffle with a fox. Moon immediately offered to hunt the bastard down and stew him up for dinner, but Edgar knew Moon was looking for something and so a deal was made. He'd help him find his herbs if Moon would fix Mabel's leg.

And it was like that that the lion found himself wandering through the Ascendant's grassy plains with a mole by his side, noses to the ground in search of herbs. Edgar would direct him to the parts richest with undergrowth, but for the most part, it was Moon who found them. His childhood smelt only of these herbs and berries and he held them so dear to his heart it was second nature to pick up on their notes in the air, once close enough. The comfrey root was most difficult to uncover, but Edgar was a skilled digger and they managed to have all four herbs gathered by sunset.

They parted with vows to meet again the next day, and Moon stumbled back to camp with paws filled with herbs and a mane made of leaves and twigs, a sight for sore eyes.

/basically u can just read from the fourth para onwards lmao

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - GABRIEL - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabriel wasn't familiar with any of the clans' methods in regards to promotion. He knew of the ranks, because it was difficult to fully break old habits, but how one climbed the ranks wasn't an interest to the hybrid. As far as he was concerned, he'd done his time soldiering and crawling his way up the ladder, and in the end, none of that was worth it. Burning out exacted a terrible price on a person's spirit, and he'd lost his spark to it, so naturally, he didn't give much of a shit about it now. Earning his positions had involved a bit more than making nice, though. Once, he learned the news of his sudden promotion waking up after three days spent unconscious, recovering from wounds that left scars Gabe no longer had. Everything the past. Or so he kept telling himself. It would be much easier to keep up with that statement if he actually followed it for once, instead of launching his mind into memories every time a tendril passed by. Whenever that happened, he needed a distraction, which manifested today in a hunt.

Whether or not he intended on actually eating whatever he caught was another story.

Gabriel emerged from taller grasses with several mice in his jaws, just as the kid from earlier entered camp looking like he'd been dragged through a field. Onyx eyes trailed over the lion, before he dropped his catch, head tilting. Was this one of those- concurso? Well, he'd forgotten the English word for it at the moment, but it was some kind of herb gathering he'd noticed other people doing. If Gabe remembered correctly, they were all vying for some kind of healing position. Hadn't Moon mentioned he could take care of his own injuries, with the proper supplies? It wasn't so strange that he was doing this, then, if he had experience. "Fall down a hill?" Gabe couldn't grin, but his gaze was amused, and his wings shuddered out briefly. "Looks like you took it with you."


Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - MOONMADE - 07-19-2018

[size=9pt]Moon's in a mood on his way back. A good one. The skip in his step isn't just his torn up paw, this time. He's borderline grinning as he walks through the fields, and he feels... Nice. He's gonna' help this weird blind guy and his crazy wife. He'd made something of himself.

And so he was on a high of self fulfillment, feeling like he was finally making his folks proud, when he stumbles upon Hedwig again. There's a dramatic pause in his step and Moon freezes mid motion, squinting at the hybrid creature. This guy. The one who completely ruined his grove earlier one. Lune, Luna, Lala, whatever the fuck. Mr. Dictionary. "What's it to you, feathers?" He grunts, mouth filled to the brim with the stems of various herbs. He's frowning but, really, he's not holding that much of a grudge. There's some vague humor hidden under it all. He'd give this guy another chance. "'m not that clumsy." He says, and then drops his luggage, careful as ever, to the ground so he can speak properly. "I'm trying for that whole... Doctor thing. Cleric, or whatever you guys call it. I've got a package to deliver."

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - imperia - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]"I can help you carry some of that, if you'd like."

The soft, angelic voice belongs to none other than young Miss Imperia. Like a streamlines ship breaking through the waves, her petite figure emerges from amidst the trembling blades of grass. Bits of plant debris from her wanderings cling to her argentine pelt, the ever-present scent of lavender and citrus permeating the air around her. A motley of wild blossoms are woven into the thick silvery mane along her neck, primarily blue cornflower and Queen Anne's lace. Strapped to her torso is a leather satchel, one that now overflows with herbs and snacks and whatever else the creature finds during her travels. Is it strange that she arrived just in time to meet both Moon and Gabriel only a short couple of hours after their first interaction? No, not really. In Imperia's opinion, at least. She believes that the Maker guides her wherever she needs to be--coincidences are merely a matter of divine intervention.

Sagacious sterling silver eyes flicker over Moonmade's form, drinking in the sight of herbs clamped within his jaws and how he still favors his injured paw. "Comfrey, chamomile, and burdock..are you participating in the tryouts as well?" Peri tends to think aloud, but so far it has not harmed anyone. Her eyes seem to light up once she realizes that her new friend(ish) shares a similar interest in herbs and healing. It is clear from her demeanor that her interest in becoming a Halo is centered more around the pursuit of knowledge rather than an obsession with rank. Much like Moon himself, her passion stems from her mother's influence. Granted, Marguerite was by no means a professional doctor--her natal pack did not believe in healers. Injuries were a weakness and weakness was not allowed. But her mother made sure to teach Peri everything she knew on the topic and cultivated the girl's love for learning. In a way, she too is doing this to honor her mother's memory. It is unknown whether Marguerite is alive or dead, but Peri knows that she will never be returning to the place whence she came. All she can do is honor her mother through actions. Marguerite would be proud to see Imperia finally doing something for herself.

Moon's rambling comment to Gabriel answers her question. "The Halo tryouts--yes, quite a few are participating, as far as I know," so many that Peri doubts all of them will receive the position. If it comes down to it, the she-wolf already plans on dropping out. She is doing this for the sake of learning, not competition. She would be pleased to just watch and listen--getting an official title is simply an added benefit.

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-19-2018

Versailles understands the importance of reward given to those responsible enough to receive them, but agrees that the amount of time an Ascendant spends hanging around the border shouldn't be any proper indication of somebody's ability to hold a special post above the - what are they called again, Watchers? From what she's heard, activity is a pretty good way to secure a position, but she isn't exactly interested in getting more shit on her plate. She's already struggling to stay afloat in clan life as it is, the last thing she needs is to have even more things to have to deal with other than her own shit-for-brains self. Then again, she wonders whether criticizing this Clan would be fair to Bastille at all - she's yet to see their methods of promotion, perhaps the young leader has more sense than the others she's heard yapping around.

The Cleric position, though, she can understand. While everyone should have at least an inkling of knowledge when it comes to what damn herbs can and will help save their life, a specialized medic will do wonders to boost a Clan's mortality rate and morale - as long as that medic knows what the fuck they're even doing. She figures it should be even better to have multiple medics, but she's yet to fully cast her vote on the matter. Like anything else in her life, she (and they) will just have to see what effect it has.

Although, Versailles has to admit, it is nice to see people so determined to follow what they feel could be their purpose. She's a little jealous, if she's being honest. Personally, she doesn't quite know what her purpose is, still, so seeing everybody else knowing exactly what they want to try and achieve is satisfying... as well as a little harrowing. Still, she approaches the odd group and flicks her prehensile tail in what could be taken as a greeting, the thick golden rings wrapped around its base catching the dying light. "I'm glad to see you're starting to get into the swing of things," she starts with a half-shrug, not entirely sure if it's an appropriate thing to say or if it will be taken well. "I'm guessing you found all that you'd been looking for?"

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - Warringkingdoms - 07-19-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/can I just say that Moon is a treat

  There was something to be said for making negotiations, even as a medic with little to no social involvement with allies (technically she should have been more involved with the allies, but at the moment she was not). She had had to negotiate with Bastilleprisoner in order to try and get him to quit drugs- she had offered to give him small amounts in order to wean him off. Moon's deal, had Rin known about it, probably would have elicited an intrigued but accepting nod from her, especially since it did involve him treating another animal's injuries.

  As for Rin's own reasons for being a medic, to put it simply, it was because the clan had needed one. Radeken's absence would have led to Roy's death otherwise, and even when Rad had been around, she had been irresponsible enough to get Bastille addicted to drugs. The clan needed someone who could keep their head on straight, and while Rin doubted her ability to do so for a long period of time, she had been able to hold on this far.

  Noticing Gabriel, Imperia, and Versailles gathered around Moon, and smelling the four herbs that she had tasked the would-be Halos with finding, Rin made her way over to the three of them. "Well, your intended recipient is right here," she commented, casting only a brief glance at Moon's tangled fur before meeting his eyes. Gesturing to the bag slung across her form, she added, "If you'd like, I'll take those. Well done."

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - GABRIEL - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]He would've smirked, if he could, although he was able to see that his attempt at relatively light humor hadn't been received as gracefully as he'd anticipated. Moon didn't seem genuinely agitated, so he supposed it was at least a point five percent success. Better than zero. "Nothing, twigs." His gaze went pointedly to the many bits of sticks in the lion's fur, and Gabe assumed this would be the end of their conversation, with Moon off to deliver the many herbs he carried to whomever demanded them, but instead, the kid set his collection down. "Well, good luck with that. Didn't look like you were timed or anything." In fact, he seemed he was completely unsupervised. How was anyone to evaluate his performance when they merely accepted the end result, rather than the path taken? The road forged was where true ingenuity and capability revealed themselves, but this wasn't his show to run. Which became more apparent as a few people drifted in, first the gentle Imperia, then the less-so Versailles. Halo try-outs. Gabe wondered just how many were gearing up for that. Every person who'd gathered herbs lately, he figured.

The hybrid stepped back as another person arrived, one he didn't recognize, and she soon revealed herself to be the one in charge of this shebang. His dark eyes remained there a moment, blank, before Gabe gave Moon a shrug. He could interpret that however he liked, if he cared to at all, and with that, he turned to leave, knowing there was little else for him to do. He wasn't helpful in collecting herbs beyond the barest of necessities, and he wasn't one to stand around needlessly.

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - BASTILLEPAW - 07-19-2018

Ah, yes: a healthy disdain for ranking and authority. As ironic as it may sound, Bastille hated the hierarchy. He understood why it existed. He'd agreed with Starry's vision, made suggestions about what the ranks could be like based on other groups, knew damned well that the lack of any sort of order would lead to chaos. People had to be rewarded for not fucking everything up. Just because he understood it didn't mean he had any interest in participating in it, however, and to this day he still refused to utter his god-forsaken title aloud. He'd tried every step of the way to get Starry to just take pity on him and demote him, but instead the bastard (stars bless his soul) had done this.

Bast had more or less come to grudging defeat, but he could rant for days about this shit, honestly. Let Moon utter a single word of disdain and he'd be there like the devil himself summoned. That was not, however, what drew him today. Instead, it was his sister. (It was still fucking weird to think of her as his sister, but she was, and Bast... was struggling to navigate that, a little bit. It was awkward. But he was drawn to her, morbidly curious, obligated to be her brother and look after her and follow her every where she went as they awkwardly tried to figure out how to act around each other).

"Hey," he greeted, stopping beside Vi with a sideways glance at her before he took stock of the situation. Herbs immediately meant Halo tryout to him, and he studied this stranger idly. "Good hunt, it looks like." He shot Rin an amused smirk. "Getting all of these potentials to do your gathering for you was the move, Rinny. We've fuckin' drowning in herbs."

Re: OH, PEACH PIT + halo tryout 1/2 - MOONMADE - 07-20-2018

[size=9pt] /asdadsHShjdsa thank U

Moon feels just a bit like a dumbass when he sees Imperia, with her leather satchel and organisation and all. But no one can blame him-- he's been in the Ascendants a day, and up until then, he'd traveled alone. His pride had never had anything to their names, anyway, apart from his Mother's books and tools. "I'm good," he says, one paw firmly clamped on the stems of his gatherings. It's not that he's being competitive or stingy or whatever, he just wants to do it himself. There's something about finishing something you've worked hard on.

"Yeah," confirmed the lion in response to Imperia's question, finally piecing things together. She's going for the title as well. He frowns, gentle. "You are too." He glances to her satchel and her composure and feels the grass still stuck in his teeth and knows that there's no question about who deserves it more. He'd give it up in a heartbeat to the she-wolf, and not in that way. "Guess it's big cat vs. big dog, huh? Except this time, the cat's the dumb one. Good luck, puppy."

As for Hedwig-- he's still not too fond of hanging around for the afterparty, it seems. Moon huffs a laugh of sorts at the hybrid's comment and glances to his own pelt, but there's not a hint of care in him. He wears the twigs well. Besides, he isn't bothered by the nickname. There are literally so many much worse ones Gabriel will find himself being served up, soon. "Adios, Tweety Bird."

It's that's when Versaille, Bastilleprisoner and the Clan's established Halo arrives, and Moon greets them all. He nods to his feet in confirmation to Verse, smiling slightly. He likes her. She has some weird vibes but he feels like they'd be friends, if they had the time of day. And Bastilleprisoner seems like a pretty cool guy, too. At least Moon doesn't have to worry about being penalized for cursing, when the Leader himself is a clear advocate for it. As for the Warringkindoms-- she's instantly on his list of top ten coolest cats. "There you go," He grins, slightly bashful when he hands the herbs over. Like some chubby little wrestler kid who just met John Cena. "Hope I get brownie points for the sacrificing these luscious locks."