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OPEN/HOGWARTS AU | HIPPOGRIFF HUNT - rochelle - 07-19-2018

[div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"][align=center]Preface: It's a normal day in Hogwarts, classes are being let out, the cold sun shining, the end of winter being shaken from the branches. Students were beginning to meet in the Great Hall for an early supper, while others trickled into the library to study, or their common rooms to socialize. There's a peaceful quiet that settles over the day ... when suddenly there's a disruption in one of the courtyards. There was this terrible [i]'screeeech' that ignited in the dead air, and the swooping shadow overhead of the lounging students. Turns out some pesky students had decided to try and tame a baby hippogriff, so they took it from the Care of Magical Beasts class. And ... well ... mama hippogriff Josie was on her way to wreak havoc on the school until she got her child back.[/i]

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Rochelle had been sitting in the clock tower courtyard just after herbology class, fingers flipping the pages of her notebook, searching and scanning with a sense of curiosity. It was often that she was caught doing this, though not exactly in this weather. It isn't bitterly cold, but her body is hugging closely to her robe, her striped scarf wrapped around her neck. Her round face was tilted downwards at the leather book in her lap, fingers brushing her warm brown curls behind her ears. There weren't many other students braving out the slight chill with her, but she kept looking up to see this group of students. They were waiting around, snickering every so often. She looked down, averting her eyes from them, but once the laughing got so boisterous and she couldn't ignore it.

When she looked up this time, she saw the young hippogriff, cowering between the students, who were trying to feed it something, but it only stood back with frightened eyes. Without hesitation, she slammed the book shut. The sixth year stood, tall, burning holes into the students across the courtyard with her round brown eyes. "Hey! What do you guys think you're doing with tha-" Screeee! Her gaze shot upwards, dread taking over her body as she watched the winged shadow soar overhead. "How could they ... they took that poor baby from it's mom! And now we're all going to get hell for it." Rochelle thought. And she was right, the adult hippogriff was perched at the top of a chimney, the bricks falling loose from the roof between its powerful talons. It was a silver female, beak as sharp and yellow as her eyes, burning with fury. The Hufflepuff remembered the hippogriff from her Care of Magical Beasts, her name was Josie, and she had a temper.

"Give the baby back to her! Before it's too late!" Rochelle commanded the students, ducking beside the stone ledge she'd been sitting on. The hippogriff glared down at the seventeen year old, following her gaze to her child. The kidnapping students looked back at Rochelle, and she could see the whites in their eyes. But before she could do anything, they ran, taking the baby hippogriff with them. Rochelle swallowed, reaching back for her book and wand. Josie let out a bloodcurdling screech, wings spanning out to block the sun from her view. Mercy, this was how she was going to die, right? Her thick, straight brows furrowed. No way, she had to go get that baby hippogriff back, or else this thing would start to wreak havoc on the whole school.

Before she had the chance to move a muscle, some poor first year came waltzing into the courtyard. The girl looked at Rochelle, looked up at the hippogriff, and looked like she might cry. "Shhh ... don't move ..." She whispered to her, but it was too late. The first year girl let out a scream and went bolting back into the corridor. Wings outstretched, the hippogriff Josie swooped down into the courtyard, getting close enough Rochelle was sure she'd lose her head. But it dived past her, leaving a gust behind her so powerful it pushed Rochelle back against the stone ledge, graceful mop of hair flying behind her in a mess. She watched as the hippogriff went barreling through a stained glass window, probably making itself known to about half of the school. Her umber eyes squeezed shut at the sound of breaking glass, and she shakily got to her feet, trying to figure out what to do to fix this mess.

Re: OPEN/HOGWARTS AU | HIPPOGRIFF HUNT - bubblegum - 07-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie, being a first year student, was still learning quite a lot about the school. the young girl constantly ran about the halls, moving from the library, to the common rooms, to her classes, and everywhere else she was permitted to be...sometimes places she wasn't allowed to be, as well, but that was a secret. the hard-working young girl was determined to be the top of her class and would make her family proud, along with her classmates happy, as she socialized with them often throughout the day.

yes, she thought it to be both quite pleasant and beneficial to get to know as many students, and teachers, as she could. she could learn from them, depend on them, help them herself, and simply have a good time with them. because of her being everywhere all the time, she tended to get injured or sick a lot. the school nurses surely saw her face more than most anybody. as a matter of fact, she had just gotten over an illness yesterday. she was catching up with her potions teacher this morning.

"alright, miss roux, don't be overworking yourself anymore!" called her teacher as the girl was exiting the classroom, carrying a small bag over her shoulder to hold her books and other belongings. she wore a gray beanie, mittens, boots, and a couple of her striped scarves currently, the scarves a yellow and red to represent her household. she actually found herself getting along with any house, though she had her quarrels with all of them - including her own. gryffindor is certainly where she belongs, though the impulsiveness of a lot of her classmates tended to get on her nerves.

"yes, of course, thank you! no need to worry about it. have a swell day!"[b] she called in response as she prepared to walk outside. there was much to be done, but that was the last teacher she had to meet up with for now. she brushed her curly, dark brown hair out of her face as she stepped out, planning to head to the common rooms to both study and chat with her classmates. but, just as she stepped outside, she heard something. some sort of commotion. a girl ran past her and the sound of glass breaking followed.

[b]"ah, what's goin' o-"
she started, but stopped herself as her eyes darted towards the direction of the hippogriff. uh, shoot - what were they supposed to do about that? the girl looked to rochelle, recognizing the older student. "are you alright?" she asked, quickly running over to her. she seemed fine - just shaken up, but goldie wanted to make sure. "what happened? should we, um, grab a teacher or something?" one would honestly probably arrive soon enough with all the noise it was making.


Junior had always been known for causing trouble. After six and a half years at Hogwarts, the professors were certainly at their wit's ends with him. It'd always been something with him, whether that be skipping classes or jinxing a toilet (which he didn't recommend), so their constant state of frustration with the young man was certainly understandable, and to be expected. At this point, teachers and pupils alike were just waiting to see what shenanigans Junior would pull next, and, needless to say, this was a first.

He hadn't meant to piss the mom off- he just thought, like, training a hippogriff himself would be kinda cool, you know? And it was so cute; it was a baby. Who could really blame him? Well, a lot of people he could name off the top of his head, and probably a lot more. Junior and a couple other seventh years - also a fourth year, he didn't know where they'd gotten that one from - led the hippogriff across the school grounds, a bit of laughter erupting from them every once in a while as they messed with the thing (he really wasn't trying to scare it, or anything - he was just kind of happy about the whole situation).  Their fun, however, was momentarily interrupted by some girl, who seemed pretty damn pissed, yelling across the courtyard. He laughed it off, but both her and his little group was interrupted yet again by the familiar shriek of a hippogriff.

As soon as it clicked, Junior realized he'd made a mistake - a rather big one, at that -, but it was a bit too late to take it back, wasn't it? That girl was yelling again, but the brunet couldn't hear her over the sound of his own heartbeat, knuckles white as he gripped the rope attached to the small hippogriff. He could run off with it, sure, but who was to say the mother wouldn't go after him? Junior stood stock-still, until another boy snatched the rope from him and ran, and then, all he could do was hit the dirt. He wasn't about to fucking die for a hippogriff, anyway.

God, this was bad, like, worse than the time he'd accidentally gotten Amelia Taylor, an old classmate of his, stuck to the castle roof bad. There were little girls screaming and he thought he could see some kid talking to the girl who'd been yelling at him and the hippogriff sounded to be crashing around everywhere. [color=#5B81AE]"Shit,"
Junior mumbled as he pushed himself up from the grass, racing across the courtyard to the two younger girls. He'd messed up bad, so he figured he might as well try to fix it a little. Maybe he wouldn't get expelled, if the Headmaster knew he'd helped the victims. If he wasn't killed by that hippogriff, that is "Fuck- are you guys okay?" the seventeen year-old questioned, a bit breathless as he glanced between the girls.
