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the campfire song song - o, joiner - Printable Version

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the campfire song song - o, joiner - calliope - 07-19-2018

Honestly, Pier just wanted to get as far as she could from her old "home" as possible. It was the only thing that prompted her to walk three miles to an island full of people. She was scared of what they'd be like, but it was hopefully going to be safer than where she was before. There was no way she was going back. So, with a great amount of determination, the girl trudged along.

With her, she dragged a bag of marshmallows. It was a little something she considered a reward for herself, for walking this far and braving it through the situation. None of this was ideal, but she'd deal with it with as much optimism as she could muster. At least she was no longer stuck at her breaking point, falling further downwards day by day. Maybe things would be better from this point on.

Still, she had the obstacle of people to deal with. How was she sure that she could trust these strangers? Really, she didn't have a choice but to fake it. If things went poorly, she could just run away from them. It's something she already did in the first place. Every step took her closer to her uncertain future until she finally stopped. She was finally here, at her destination.

The thing was; Pier wasn't ready. She stopped outside the gate and turned away. Maybe it was a good time to just roast some marshmallows, calm down, and wait for them to come to her. Her eyes scanned the area for wood, and really, anything flammable. After a while, she gathered enough stuff to start a small, controlled fire. She rested her paw on the materials before it sparked up, slowly starting to burn. Finally. With a tiny grin on her face, Pier stuck a few marshmallows on a stick, before putting them in the fire to roast. Honestly, she just hoped nobody showed up until she was done, but then again, things didn't always work out the way she wanted them to.

//this is rushed/a mess, hhhh

Re: the campfire song song - o, joiner - madster - 07-19-2018

merihem could smell sugar from miles away. the apprentice had a massive sweet tooth and loved all things candy, especially something that was pure sugar like marshmallows. he was patrolling near the gates out of boredom when he could smell the sugar and the fire. nose twitching, he followed the scent to arrive at the scene.

a girl sat, roasting a marshmallow over an open flame. well, this was new. he blinked, focusing on her, before he bared his teeth. "hey," he greeted, almost angrily. "gimme a mallow' or else i'm gonna use your carcass as a sleeping bag," he warned, holding a paw out for her to put a marshmallow in. "do it." he didn't ask for her name or her business- just for her mallows.

Re: the campfire song song - o, joiner - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

it was not a secret that goldie loved food, even if her appearance may currently contradict that. she was a bit unhealthily skinny right now, due to her overworking herself. she had no time to eat, and even when she did eat, the weight quickly drained away as she constantly moved. there was so much to be done that she couldn't bother worrying about it. she didn't even realize she was hungry most of the time. but, her love for food still remained.

so, of course she was drawn by the scent of marshmallows. she loved sweets, especially, and quickly forced her tired body to stumble to investigate. she arrived just after merihem, her ears perked upward as she scanned the scene. just a stranger roasting marshmallows at the gate. that's...a new one. still, she wanted those marshmallows - maybe not as intensely as merihem, but still enough to worry about them before anything else.

"you should gimme one, too," she said lightly with a smile, though her voice wasn't demanding. she'd live if she wasn't given one, but she wouldn't be very happy to be denied. "but, anyway, what're you doin' here?" she asked, knowing that still needed to be questioned. it was kind of more important than the whole marshmallow ordeal, after all.

Re: the campfire song song - o, joiner - MARCELLUS - 07-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Just like Pier, Marcellus wasn't sure he could of trusted these strangers at first but when he finally got comfortable with them to an extent he was able to trust them more, so thus now as a full crewmate of The Typhoon, he was still skeptical of these people but he was slowly warming up to them. With him being a skeptic however it was hard, but with time he'll be able to warm up completely to these people. Until then he would spend a while trying to get to know them and the sort. Maybe one day his full loyalties would lie to this place as well to the point he'd die for them. He couldn't tell the future but who could? No one. He'll simply watch where fate leads him.

Marcellus had been padding around the entrance of the wall when he saw a few other members of The Typhoon starting to disappear on the other side of it, Marcel growing curious and beginning to limp over to the others. At first he didn't smell the scent of marshmellows but as he got closer the smell got more apparent and stronger, causing the cheetah to hurry his pace before completely coming to a stop at the scene. Was someone seriously roasting marshmellows right outside their wall? Well either way it wouldn't stop him from asking for one anyways. "I'd like one too." Seeing as how Goldie had already asked the usual name and business, he would focus on acquiring some juicy roasted marshmellows. His sweet tooth could use the treat.

Re: the campfire song song - o, joiner - ARGUS - 07-19-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus had a distaste for most human foods, and only ate them on rare occasion when they were offered which- wasn't much. They preferred to hunt their own prey, enjoy the taste of a fresh hunt and the lingering copper tang that spoke of satisfaction to a craving she did very well to hide. But there was a closely kept secret to the quartermaster, a treat that they did well to hide away from their crewmates for this very reason. They all were greedy little things, and not only the kids either. Demanding- outright threatening for some. No it probably wouldn't be a good idea to kill a someone's kid for trying to take her own marshmallows away from Them. So they hid it. Hid it well, and only summoned one at a time when they wanted one from their stash.

Of coarse, it was not the roasting sweets that caught the quartermaster's attention but the fire. Fire had a very distinct scent, and it was one almost as impressionable as blood to the wolf's senses. Although the particular instict was more aligned with a shark in water. Even Argus' general avoidance to the enterance did little to curb them from appearing. First concern turning to downright amusement as they landed near goldie. Giving a light chuckle at their demanding nature to a stranger.

Closing her wing- she pulled out a bag summoned from her own stash and dropped it near goldie. Hoping the other kid would take a hint and borrow from their clanmate and not some stranger on their border- though it was less about poison and more about scarring away anyone looking to join than anything.

Dull red eyes zeroed in on pier for a moment. head cocked slightly as they sat down opposite of the fire. Not making a move to ask for a marshmallow to roast and merely summoning another one to pop into their mouth roasted. "If you didn't want attention you shouldn't have started a fire. Smoke's kinda like a beacon, specially so close to our camp."

"So, what'cha here for?"

Re: the campfire song song - o, joiner - PINCHER - 07-20-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Escaping had always been something that Pincher could relate to. The feeling of freedom was somewhat of a broken promise to the male. In the beginning of his life, he had been wrapped up in pleasing his father's unreachable goals in being the perfect son. He had done what he had said despite not wanting to, his paws now tainted with the lives he had taken just to end his membership in the gang that his father had led. But he was the son of the leader, he had to show that he carried the same power and ambition for the same dreams and visions that his father demonstrated in focusing on. It was ridiculous to him now had he had believed that he would ever be free. He had been when he had created the Typhoon, focusing on the ideology of there being freedom for all that joined for he understood the feeling of entrapment. But then he had died and was resurrected by hidden creatures of the sea, his body spat out by the sea with his body scarred and tattooed. He was to do their bidding in the dead of the night now, his glowing eyes searching for possible prey to offer them to please their unqunechable thirst. How long has it been since he had been forced into the deal? Almost a month? Pincher was immortal and he worried that he was going to be forced to go through this for the rest of time until the sea became nothing and everyone else would be dead.

Despite the dark truth of that being what his future was heading towards, Pincher tried his best to focus on the present. It was where his crewmates were and despite being someone that enjoyed looking into the future, he knew it was best to allow himself to dwell on the time that was now. He had allowed himself to take a break from work, stepping into the tavern with the intention to grab his daily intake of salted anchovies because of the demigod part of him being deprived of the sodium it craved. It would cause his body to ache and he desired relief, ordering a plate that he enjoyed in peace and silence alongside a glass of whiskey. He knew that alcohol was bad and all that but being immortal made everything dangerous seem so meek and harmless. Of course, Pincher could still feel pain and his wounds could hurt like a bitch but he would always heal back to his normal form as if nothing had happened. All he had to do was follow the rules and he would be fine though Pincher worried that if he broke the deal, the puppetmasters that controlled him were going to cut him from his immortality and take him away from his family and crew. Just the thought brought a foul taste in his mouth as the male finished his food and headed out, forked tongue flicking in the air as he caught the scent of a stranger in the distance.

As he headed out, he enjoyed the warm summer sun and cool ocean breeze mix together in a good weather kind of day. Perhaps he would do something for the crew while the weather was still wonderful. It usually was in the tropical island but they tended to have a lot of storms during the winter and spring. His plush tail twitched behind him as the sinewy lean form of the cinder gray captain followed in shortly after Argus, watching his Quartermaster offer a bag of marshmallows to his daughter. It was good she showed logic in the situation as he spotted a stranger making warm marshmallows in a fire with parts of the Typhoon's territory. He raised a fictional eyebrow, wondering if the female knew what she was doing and that it was a rather bold move. "And here I thought my crew knew about stranger danger." Pincher rumbled in a patient low tone as he halted beside his daughter, aiming to wrap a large snow white paw around her and pull her away and to him while the towering jaguar's glacier blue eyes locked onto the stranger, waiting for an answer to the questions inquired by the others. He heard Merihem, startled a bit by the small feline's order but amused that such a small creature was ready to do extreme things for a mallow. Marcellus seemed to chime in and he wondered if he might as well make a fire to make marshmallows if so many of his crewmates were fond of the sweet sugary treat.

Re: the campfire song song - o, joiner - bubblegum - 07-20-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie's ear twitched as marcellus approached and also requested a marshmallow. roasting them right out in the open was a rather silly idea, 'less the stranger wanted to gain some attention. she was about to say something else, too, but her attention shifted when argus offered her own bag of marshmallows. she blinked, giving a grateful smile to the female before grabbing one. she sniffed at it for a moment before plopping it in her mouth. "thank ya very much." she said with a full mouth.

the girl's attention shifted once more as her papa arrived, a warm look upon her features now. as he commented on "stranger danger", she blinked. she supposed that was a fair point, but she also didn't think the female would be giving them poison marshmallows or whatever. it'd be a funny way to get people sick, but not efficient at all, especially if she seemed to be enjoying them herself too. as her papa gently pulled her with his paw, she'd grab onto it so she wouldn't fall, and to give him a very small hug.

"in our defense," she started, trying to chew down the marshmallow so her voice wasn't so muffled. "marshmallows are nice - they've never betrayed me before. plus, this lady seems to be enjoying them for herself. why would she eat her own bad marshmallows?" she explained with a giggle, gesturing to the little roast.