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TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - Printable Version

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TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - arcy - 07-19-2018

Caboose doesn't know how he ended up here. He doesn't know where he is? He doesn't know a lot, though, so it's only a little concerning to the canine. He strides through the snow with his head titled. There's not a lot of snow, but it is there, and wasn't that exciting?? He wants to dive through it and play in it! His tail wags. He may not know where he is, and his scent of the Ascendants has faded after his few days separated and playing around in all sorts of stuff, but he'll make the best of his situation! His tongue lolls out of his mouth, though it's not clear with the way his helmet fits over his head.
So -- well, Caboose is predictable. He's never actually seen snow before. He knows what it is!! He just hasn't seen it before 'cause he grew up on the moon till he signed up for college. And then got drafted for the war. It wasn't very good friend material(.. he misses Church) 'cause it melted, but he could play in it!! The Retriever lets out a soft yip as he immediately makes to dive into the snow pile, and then ends up just sort of .. stuck face-first, like, halfway into a snow mound. Oops. He wriggles, and the snow gives as he pops his head back out, blinking in near puzzlement.
//somebody pray that i can handle 2 good boys in the same clan
also he was definitely yelling a little before i started this post so (shrugs)

Re: TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - guts - 07-19-2018

Aizawa was slightly puzzled as he came across the canine, but there was also a flicker of amusement in his eyes as he gazed down at him. It wasn't uncommon to see people playing in the snow, hell, they had a snowball fight just a while ago. It seemed to be a lot of people's favorite part of the territory. Nevertheless, he was still going to be formal about this, his usual blank expression on his face.

"What's your name and business with Snowbound?" he asks, tail flicking behind him. The helmet he wore was also pretty interesting, but he wouldn't comment on it. It even reminded him of the one North had.


Re: TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - NUI HARIME - 07-19-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
nui can spot the golden hide across the snow as clear as day. if she were being honest, caboose looks adorable, wriggling around in the powder-soft snow like that. of course, his helmet is a curious thing as well. she wishes to know where he has obtained it, or simply, what it's made out of.

a new set of feet come crunching through the powdery snow. "hello!" comes her cheery, sing-song voice, stopping just short behind the ashen-hued lion. a dwarf in comparison to him, but nui doesn't seem to notice.

aizawa seems to be asking all the important questions for now. she won't interrupt his questioning.

Re: TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Had Atbash met Caboose before? She couldn't quite recall the guy whenever she visited The Ascendants, but the smell of them was strong as she neared the area. As she neared Caboose and the other two members of her tribe, she noted that Caboose didn't exactly seem like he had been sent here on business. In fact, he seemed to be minding his own business. It was kind of cute to see him play in the snow like that, and a smile was on Atbash's face as she waited for him to respond to Aizawa.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - arcy - 07-20-2018

Caboose hadn't quite expected there to be people here. Or -- he hadn't really noticed or cared, he means. The Retriever perks up as he registers Aizawa's voice, and scrabbles in the mound of snow to face them. It .. doesn't quite go well, and he slips. He yelps again, scrabbling against the snow, but manages to .. sort of right himself. Not really really right himself but it was okay. He wasn't slipping, even if he did look like some sort of snow dog with all of the snow in his fur. Some of it is stuck in his helmet. He does .. not really mind.
"Hi!" He greets, blinking as the three of them gather. His tail wags. Were they like the nice star people? They seemed nice, too! His tail is still wagging kind of violently. His paws shuffle, restless as he was. He doesn't know these people, but he already likes them anyways. "I am .. Caboose! I .. do not know how I got here. But I like it!" He stamps a paw eagerly. Snow!! He liked snow!! It was much prettier than .. a lot of things? He .. cannot remember what. .. He still wants to play in the snow. And he .. cannot feel his paws very well. Are they .. missing? He looks down in casual puzzlement, but they are, in fact, there. Oh. That was good!!

Re: TIME GOES ♡ lost / joining - guts - 07-20-2018

This canine was an odd specimen, to say the least. Aizawa perks a brow at his antics, watching him flail about in the snow before he finally settles. He was going to be a joy for sure if he stuck around. "Would you like to stay?" he asks, already sounding exasperated. He had dealt with enough idiots, but unfortunately it looked like he would just have to continue dealing with more. Even in death he knew no peace--which sounded a lot more depressing than it actually was.
