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MY CABBAGES | open, shop - Printable Version

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MY CABBAGES | open, shop - NUI HARIME - 07-19-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
setting up a shop. how glorious. how divinely wonderful. she thanked izuku for his suggestion, dragging a stand some ways away from her home, the wood's legs carving a path in the snow. the excited young lady had plastered a sign to the desk.

nui's workshop. in bold, black letters across a white frame. before, snowbound, before she had left, ragyo had taught her how to read and write. it was only imperative, after all. being a designer meant there were scenarios where she'd have to read and write down orders and understand what was being asked of her in thorough detail.

"come one, come all!" her high pitched voice projected throughout the town's square. "to my magical shop! here i'll craft anything you desire, so long as i have the material for it. and if i don't-- you'll just have to help me acquire it, won't you?" pearly white teeth, gleaming as she she slid a notebook onto a desk, a chewed pencil grasped between her claws.

"and i'll make anything for you. furniture, clothing, armor, the odd body pillow, you name it!" though she had been a designer, her skills extended far and wide. she was no blacksmith, but she'd like to think that she was varied and adaptable. now was a good time to explore and extend her expertise.

"here, you'll find an example of some of my latest creations. they're premade. feel free to take those if you'd like, or request something. i don't require payment, but if you'd rather give me something anyway, i'd be willing to take any disposable junk you no longer need. that, or food," sat astride from her were various items. boots. mittens. gloves. carpets, rugs. lamps. all miscellaneous things that she had created during her few days here. but there were few things better than the feel of open material beneath her paws, ready to be weaved to her liking. she was addicted to her work and she knew it. opening a shop only proved this.

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash remembered being there whenever Nui had first made a body pillow, and how that little idea had sparked this shop. She had been waiting for this, if she was honest. "I'm so glad you finally got to this!" The Hailcaller chirped as she made her way over at Nui's call. She probably needed to start getting her own shop done, now that she thought about it. "Do you have enough materials to make a bag? Like a purse." She asked, her head tilted. She could just conjure up one, sure, but that took energy, and besides, it was better to encourage Nui and others into making shops!
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]The maned-wolf had never thought of opening his own shop. He could only knit scarfs so it wasn't that special of a talent. He had knitted his own scarf, a cream-colored one. Why cream-colored? That was something he refused to answer.

He had also knitted a pink scarf but he had no clue what to do with it, so he just carried it around with him, looking for someone who might want it. Then he noticed Nui's workshop, giving him the perfect chance to give it away. He had entered right after Atbash did and he offered a lopsided-grin to both females- before he turned to Nui. "Hiya, do you happen to have any pillows? I have this scarf that I won't use for payment."

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - NUI HARIME - 07-20-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
she could see her first customers approaching her stand, and nui leaned forward with enthusiastic excitement.
"i'm glad i got into it too," a light little purr and a smile directed at the cipher.

"and you bet i have some material for a purse," there was a brief moment of shuffling as she procured a notebook from a groove in her coral scarf, and a pencil poised and ready to write. "what size would you want the purse to be? medium, small, large? and what color? any accessories?" her voice was a steady stream of questions.

a new face was quick to approach, and just as suddenly, nui's attention focused on the maned wolf.
"i have many pillows. would you like a body pillow, or a normal one? any details? and i'd gladly take the scarf. perhaps she could break down said scarf and use it for material, either way, anything was as good as gold to her. one man's junk was another's treasure.

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-22-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash's facial expression lit up when Nui confirmed that she could make a purse. It was great news for her, that way she could easily carry stuff around. Not that she had a lot - just the presents Izuku gave her a while back, but hey, maybe the purse could be used for her gem shop whenever she got it set up. "Uh, medium." Atbash answered thoughtfully, trying to figure out what size would be best for her. "I'm kind of looking for a sling purse. Y'know, like the ones that hang from your side?" She tried to clarify. "But, color, hmm... pink, maybe? If you think that'll look nice on me." Pink was her favorite color, she just wasn't sure how much that would clash with her fur. "But no accessories." She finished answered Nui's questions, looking over at Kirishima and giving him a nod of greeting as he came over.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - galexiux - 07-23-2018

  Cry blinked, tilting her head. She swooped around the small shop, staring at various folds and fabrics. The raven landed beside a backpack. She slowly blinked, tilting her head. She could... She opened her wings, hopping up and sliding herself into the stomach of the back. She shifted and adjusted herself, leaning against the fabric. She folded her wings, staring at the fuscia fabric. It was dark. Familiar... but not quite the same.

  She sighed, climbing out of the bag.

  She turned to the strange cat. Nuit was her name? Weird name. French for night. Crystal hummed, tilting her head. Can you do leatherworking? She asked. Most of these objects were sewn. Sewing and knitting was much easier than processing leather.


Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - NUI HARIME - 07-23-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
it takes but a mere moment for nui to process atbash's words before a pencil is skittering across the blank page, etching lines into it's frame with charcoal. medium bag. atbash. colors are up to her decision, huh? nui could make do with that. she'd make atbash something simple yet useful. a light turquoise to harmonize with her orange coat. it seemed like a strange decision, but orange and yellows and blues tended to play off of each other well.
"you got it amor," the feline pivoted her head in acknowledgment, confirming her acknowledgement of the order when a familiar crow fluttered from the sky, burying itself into her display and inspecting it deeply. regardless of who it was, nui always had a deeply-rooted desire to please and awe others through her creation, and as cry dragged her gaze over from the sewn and knitted items, nui secretly hoped that the other was pleased-- or would be, given what nui would soon create.

leatherworking was an uncommon but not odd request. of course, leatherworking was far more hard than sewing and knitting. knitting required easy to follow patterns, and sewing was simple in itself. leatherwork required lining and measurements, and of course, the material. but she could do it. as a courtier and designer, she was suited to work with all types of material. she was not out of her depth with leather.

"why, of course," nui confirmed. "it might take a little longer than the other orders, but that all depends on what you want. what would you like to have?"

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - galexiux - 07-24-2018

  Armor. Cry replied, turning towards Nui, Preferably for my chest and head. Something that's light enough that I can still fly in. She explained her request. It couldn't be that hard, could it? She was a little tiny bird, after all. Measurements would be annoying to take, but she needed to protect this group. Everyone here was soft; they couldn't fight. If disaster were to strike... She stole a glance at Atbash... She couldn't bare the idea of her (she meant anyone here) getting hurt.


Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - NUI HARIME - 07-24-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
armor, huh? nui's singular eye narrows onto cry with sudden interest. making leather armor could be easy, but it would require precise work, given cry's size. that's what made the prospect of this armor challenging.

"yes ma'am. i can either take your measurements right now, or you can stop by my house later," nui suggested. she could whip up something quick, light, and yet strong enough to take the brunt of battle. the leather's hide would have to be thick enough, it's insides padded as to not cause the crow any discomfort or chafing.

Re: MY CABBAGES | open, shop - galexiux - 07-25-2018

  Cry puffed up, her breathing heightening. She huffed, glaring past Nui. This is what she was afraid of. She ruffled her feathers, calming them back down. Fair enough. What is required of me? It was a duel question. Both for the measurements and for the price. Everything had a price, after all. She did not have a large number of supplies to her name. She would never trade her snowflake or moon charms or her deck of cards. Perhaps Nui would take feathers? They were known to garnish different luxury items so perhaps she could make use of them. It would take her a while to get used to flying again, but it would be worth it to protect others.
