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don't think twice | open, intro - Printable Version

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don't think twice | open, intro - edgar - 03-25-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]IT'S EASIER WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'LL BE FINE ON YOUR OWN — 。+゚.[/color][/glow]
he had joined the typhoon awhile ago with his sister, and he was excited to be able to start a new life without his fathers hovering over them - or at least one of them. at first, leaving what he always considered home was a scary idea. how could anyone do that in the first place, leave behind everything they knew to venture into the unknown? it never occurred to him that he'd eventually have to leave the somewhat-safe confines of his childhood. his father aurum never brought up anything that concerned his children leaving, and roosterteeth could've probably cared less as to what happened to them. it wasn't until his sister decided that she'd like to take him along in her little getaway thing that reality hit him. they were adults now, both still living with their seemingly never aging fathers (though he understood it was their supernatural bloodlines helping them.) it seemed like common sense that they'd have to leave soon to be on their own. and edgar, despite it causing him to shake with anxiety and cry like a little child, agreed to up and go with his sister to this new place that he was already scared of. what if they didn't want them there? what if he fucked it up for them? his crybaby attitude and dumb stuttering always caused annoyance to many people. would that be a reason why they wouldn't want them in their ranks? what if they were super dangerous and killed the both of them? then what?

those rumbling thoughts stuck to him throughout their whole entire trip to 'the typhoon.' aj had to constantly reassure him every time he'd voice one of the thoughts, and eventually he kept himself quiet as to not tick off his sister. yet when they came to the group, they were accepted with open arms, and it surprised him, to say the least. for a minute he thought they were simply setting up a plan to capture them and kill them, but the multiple warm looks made the idea fall apart (slightly.) it didn't take long for the hybrid to soon dip back into his introverted self, hiding away as he playing the handheld gaming consoles he brought in his bag and tried to get used to being away from his fathers. a few times he had broken down and cried out of the pure anxiety coursing through him, but luckily his sister was there to support him through the transition.

it had been a few days already and edgar had been lecturing himself for hiding out for awhile. he knew he had to go out and properly introduce himself to what would technically be his new family, but the idea was just... terrifying. yet after an hour or so of self-berating, he dressed himself up with his beanie and crown necklace, and ventured out before his mind could make him do otherwise. "a-alright edgar, y-y-you got t-this. don't be s-scared, you... d-dummy." he muttered to himself, making his way to a somewhat empty area of the campgrounds. after checking that nobody was around for the time being, the anxious feline sat himself down and wrapped his thickly furred tail around his spotted and splotched paws out of instinct. suddenly a npc briskly walked past him, causing him to jump and open his mouth in an instinctual greeting, "um, h-hello- no, wait, e-edgar, you i-idiot. nobody's gonna w-want to t-talk to m-m-me. i l-look weird, and i-i probably didn't c-clean my f-fur throughly, and i..." he cut his rambling statement off before he caused himself his own panic attack. "you idiot..." he muttered to himself, reaching up to hide his face into his paws. he wished his sister was here. she'd know what to do.

/ rip, edgar's a loser

Re: don't think twice | open, intro - Guru - 03-25-2018

Green eyes drifted away from the paw she was grooming and onto the male who was attempting to interact with the nearby non-player character, causing her to grow a light smile upon her lips. He tried his best. Figuring she could offer her advice, the female wandered over from behind. A paw aimed to lightly graze against his chin from behind and move his head upwards away from his paws. "Head up." With that finished, she would align his chin towards the sky and readjust his posture with a slight push under his shoulders. "Shoulders high." And then she would take her paws after being finished and attempt to insert her claws in the sides of his mouth. With the side of her claws, being careful not to stab him, she would pull upwards to tug his lips. "Then smile." Afterwards, she'd release her claws from his mouth. "Confidence-" She'd aim to take her free paw and pat him on top of his head. "-That's all it takes to look that way." Her smile grew a few.

The caracal stepped away from behind him and pulled herself in front of Edgar. "My name is Guru. Quite the pleasure to assist you," she cooed lightly. "Take it from me, dear. You will master looking bold in no time." She had to learn from personal experience, after all. Guru didn't become an uber cunt for nothing.