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what hogwarts house is your character in? - Printable Version

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what hogwarts house is your character in? - ceilidh - 07-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:75%;text-align:justify;"]after rewatching fantastic beasts, i decided that i'm gonna make a hogwarts au for the typhoon to mess around in, but it had me wondering, what hogwarts house is your character in?

as a matter of fact, if you have a pottermore account for your character, i wanna know all of their stuff!! rochelle is a hufflepuff, her patronus is a nebelung cat, hand is larch wood with a unicorn hair core 13 ½" and quite bendy flexibility, and her ilvermorny house is horned serpent, so pretty snazzy

but anyway, i wanna hear about your characters!! what house would you put them in??? what house have they been put in??

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - adomania - 07-19-2018

!! I did the pottermore thing for Chain because I love pottermore lmao,, so here's his info ;D

Chain is a gryffindor, his patronus is a mastiff, wand made out of ebony wood with a unicorn hair core, 14" and reasonably supple flexibility, and sorted into the Pukwudgie house ;D

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - PINCHER - 07-19-2018

GASP HECK YEAH I CANT WAIT FOR THE AU!!! but here's pinch's pottermore, i got ravenclaw (though to be fully honest, he's more of a slytherin/ravenclaw mix) and his patronus is a rat!! (ironic bc he used to belong to the blackjack rat division before becoming captain lmaoo). his wand is made out of redwood wood with a phoenix feather core, 13" and supple flexibility. for the ilvermorny house, pincher got the horned serpent!

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - ceilidh - 07-19-2018

first of all,,, chain's patronus is a rough pupper,, i love that, second of all he is a BRAVE gryffindor boy,, but he is also a soft pukwudgie boy c:

aw pinchy is a ravenclaw!! roch is a bit of a ravenclaw too imo,, but horned serpent squad!! they can pretend to be smart even though everyone knows they're dummies

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - adomania - 07-19-2018

y e a h Chain is just,, brave but he wants the best for people ;o; he's tough and he'll fuck a bitch up but he won't fuck anyone who is part of his gang up, ya feel?

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - PINCHER - 07-19-2018

shjsdflkja gabriel is so valid, i love him, protect this rugged baby at all cost

sdlfjasdlfk LIES roch is smort while pinch is dumb, he would have probably bribed them to have him join ravenclaw to look smort and good despite being a slytherin cause hes a sneaky bih

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - cobblepot - 07-19-2018

according to pottermore junior's a syltherin but tbh he's a gryffindor?? maybe a mix of slytherin and gryffindor or smth & his patronus is a st bernard!! his wand is apple wood with a dragon heartstring core, 14" and supple flexibility, and his ilvermorny house is horned serpent !

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - ARGUS - 07-19-2018

Lol the site says Gus is a Gryffindor but honestly i think they bluffed the hat.
also according to pottermore their patronis is a robin, a cestnutwood wand with uniconr hair and a Ilvermorny house of the pheonix

dang guys, makes me wish i never skipped on reading these books ^^'

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - Luciferr - 07-21-2018

I would def put luci in hufflepuff

I mean that diehard loyalty and parental-ing is true blue huffle for sure.

Ain't no one say hufflepuff is the weak house kids, the loyal ones are the ones that'll be the first and last line o defense

Re: what hogwarts house is your character in? - VANDAL R. - 07-22-2018


Vandal's Hogwarts House is Gryffindor and is this any surprise? This bih is stupid enough to do anything crazy - which makes her pretty brave ig?

Vandal's Patronus is a Mountain Hare, which i think is pretty funny and something Vandal can definitely go with.

Vandal's Wand is a 13" Dogwood with a Phoenix Feather core and Supple flexibility. According to Pottermore: Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun. It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands are not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments.

Vandal's Ilvermorny House is Horned Serpent which actually surprises me. I never saw her as a scholar but weLP