Beasts of Beyond
FADING INTO STATIC / private, shininglight - Printable Version

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FADING INTO STATIC / private, shininglight - Nero - 07-19-2018

Nero flexed his paws, digging his toes into the soft earth. It was still warm from the heat of the summer sun. He looked up towards the purple sky, watching the last rays of light as they dipped below the horizon. How cathartic. It was such a pretty sight, he could almost feel his troubles slipping away with the sun. He rubbed at his eyes, mind still heavy with sleep. He had napped through the whole day and was ready for a night of excitement, anything to take his mind of his hunger and the sadness that came with Merihem's departure. With a half-forced smile on his lips, he took off into the territory, enjoying the twilight air as it cooled around him. Things hadn't been... ideal lately, but Nero was sure that it'd get better soon. Playerone attacking and scarring him, the disappearance of his clanmate, the raid plans- it was a lot for him to take in. Nero had never been in situations like that before, and it was hard for him to decide if he preferred them to isolation. At least if he was alone he didn't have to watch people get hurt. He stopped to sigh, shaking his head to clear it before continuing on into the night. There were better things to think about.


Re: FADING INTO STATIC / private, shininglight - Shininglight - 07-19-2018

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An unbreakable habit had formed within Shining's body and mind. It all started as a kid, carrying on all the way into adulthood, and it would continue until he finally passed from the world. It wasn't just a habit, either. A natural desire, a longing of sorts, made the feline go outside during the night. One goal, one wish, each and every time: to see the stars shining in the sky. No matter how many times he leaned his head back to take in the sight of a thousand little lights up above, it still filled Shining with a sense of awe.

Shininglight. That had been the name given to him. Not by ceremony, not by assignment. By fate? Destiny? Even the striped feline didn't know. But it felt... right. It fit him, in several ways. As a kit, Shining always wanted to help his friends and family. He wanted to defend them from the evils of the world. That desire was still present in his heart, in his blood, in his soul. It wouldn't ever leave. He'd always try his best to do the right thing.

[glow=black,2,300]BUT YOUR BEST ISN'T ENOUGH.[/glow]

A small cliff stuck out on the western side of the Ascendants' territory, overlooking the ocean and pebbly coastline. One single, lone tree grew here. It was this spot that Shining had chosen to sit, to observe the starry sky. His gaze remained fixated on the expanse, as if in a trance captured by those distant lights. His tail wrapped around his paws, body completely still aside from his breathing.

Would he join them one day?

Re: FADING INTO STATIC / private, shininglight - Nero - 07-19-2018

Eventually Nero reached the cliff that marked the east side of the territory. He stood on the edge for a bit, staring off into the waters below. When he had first arrived in the Ascendants, he never could have imagined seeing so much water in one place. It looked endless, and he sighed dreamily as he stopped to relax for the time being. Eventually it was time to get moving again, though, so he began moving along the edge of the cliff. His stomach growled at him but he ignored it, used to ignoring his hunger despite there being plenty of food in the Ascendants living spaces. His legs felt weak beneath his and his eyes drooped despite his many hours of sleep. What a pain.

That's about when the smell of blood came to him on the breeze. Nero stopped and looked up from his paws, spotting the semi-familiar silhouette of Shininglight. He blinked and hesitated for a second before moving forwards, closing the gap between the two. "Hello," he said as he approached, trying his best to ignore the tempting smell of a meal. "Are you okay?" He asked as he stopped beside the feline. "You looked pretty... bloody when i saw you at the border." He licked his lips, hating the way his mouth watered and claws flexed. Nero's eyes locked on Shine's throat and he fell quiet, nibbling on his lower lip while he waited for a confirmation from the injured male.

Re: FADING INTO STATIC / private, shininglight - Shininglight - 07-20-2018

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He almost heard the quiet pawsteps approaching him from behind, in the midst of the ocean waves crashing against the cliff below him. He almost picked up on the voice hesitantly speaking from behind, giving a greeting. But not quite. Shining remained practically motionless, too focused on the stars to give any immediate reaction. Even when the male sat down next to him, and asked how the winged feline was doing, he gave no reply in that exact moment.


Eventually, he did finally speak. "Nothing to worry about. Always heal, always recover. Always moving. Gotta keep moving... Distractions..." Shining went off on another bit of incoherent rambling, seemingly forgetting that Nero was right there beside him. "Can't let it catch up. Keep moving. Stars will guide the way..."