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POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - Printable Version

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POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - madster - 07-19-2018

malphas took his role of nurse seriously. sure, he was still learning, watching nayru whenever he could, and reading what he could, and he was slowly but surely getting better. not being drunk on the job, staying calm and emotionally detached... these were all things he was improving on. every time he thought of stepping down because he thought it was too much, he remembered vigenere's face. he would prove him wrong. he'd be the best damn nurse this clan saw.

in the middle of the ghost town, he carried a large book about plants and a satchel of plants. "hey, everybody... i'm gonna do a little training on poisonous plants and shit. i don't want any of you idiots eating yew berries on my watch, or you guys can use this training to poison people. i don't care. just come participate, it'll be fun as fuck." he announced, lugging some beer too. "oh yeah, there's alcohol too, so it's fun for the whole family."

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - ABATHUR . - 07-19-2018

Ah, poisons. It'd been so long since he'd immersed himself in the world of poisons, fully understood how to make his own deadly ones - about before he mutated his poison glands to secrete a sedative. Not that those glands were a thing anymore, since everything about him was reversed except his memories. A shame, too, a lot of the changes he had made to his own body were very useful, and now he had to do at least most of them again. Well, no time to worry about that now, he was here to watch a poison training exercise, even if he was pretty sure that these were for small children so as to make them not eat the lethal berries. Guess adults sometimes needed that sort of advice, too. Didn't want any of them getting drunk and getting themselves killed, even if Malphas seemed to heavily encourage that with his bringing a bottle of alcohol to just about everything he hosted. "Will watch," he said, hoping that the arachnophobe wouldn't freak out too much this time. At the very least just ignore him - wasn't that hard to do, he hoped.

Or just guzzle a bunch of delicious poison, killing his liver but making sure he didn't die of a panic-induced heart attack. That would be preferable.
tags - "speech"

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - arrow - 07-19-2018

Poisons, eh? Such a way to go. Sometimes a more silent way to die, most of the time it was excruciating and left you writing in the mud until Death finally decided to wander it's ghostly ass over and take you out of your misery. Joy.

"Got some alcohol, speaking of poison." Arrow teased as she strolled over, dully pondering the effects of poison all the while. What dangerous berries lied within the marshy territory? Naturally you never want to just start gorging on random ass berries, get a bit of some deadly nightshade in your system and you were done for, nighty night, rest in pain. Some yew too, apparently? Maybe that one was survivable. "I admire your determination."
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - calliope - 07-19-2018

It wouldn't be a surprise that Mira would educate herself on poisonous plants, especially considering how paranoid she seemed to be about everything. She wasn't even one to go around eating plants, but still, better safe than sorry. Mira was still curious on what dangerous plants were lurking in Tanglewood, so she decided to attend. Hey, maybe there'd be something new? She honestly hoped not; that'd make a whole new fear for her altogether.

Although, there was one problem. The spider that was sitting there. She walked over slowly and carefully, trying to avert her eyes from it. Not only was there a spider, but the guy teaching them about poisons was drinking. Drinking in moderation was fine, but she didn't trust it in this situation. "Uh- are you sure you should be drinking right now? This doesn't seem like the best time-" she blurted out, eventually cutting herself off. Regret came to her instantly, but she was too scared to say anything else. She left it without any kind of apology. Great, this was already starting to worry her. Not only was there a big spider, but she had already spoken up with something stupid. Mira silently prayed to herself that things weren't going to get worse.


Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - Bean - 07-19-2018

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - SOCKING - 07-19-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"alcohol and poison. count me the fuck in," in hindsight, stocking probably wasn't to be trusted with poisonous knowledge. only god knew that she would use her newfound information to poison someone. hell, she'd probably even poison herself on accident.

the violet fem limped over to the crowd, now proudly sporting two of her socks after her latest heist in an attempt to get them back. now she felt whole again, and far more content with herself.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - Morgan - 07-20-2018

Morgan entered the group next, curious and wanting to learn whatever he could. "I believe in you, Malphas," he whispered, looking around at each Tangler in turn. He lied down and stared up at the lesson's instructor, intent on soaking in as much as possible. "I would also suggest that you all don't ever try poisoning fellow Tanglers. If you do decide to do so, then I'll have to deal with you."

Just as with his first lesson on medicine, the samoyed knew next to nothing about poison other than that it was deadly. He did his best not to show how nervous he was, humming quietly to himself as he waited for the lesson to begin.

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - madster - 07-20-2018

malphas gave a brief understanding nod to abathur, although under his thick fur he was sweating bullets. god, he hated spiders. "are you v-venomous?" he asked abuthur, voice shaking. he couldn't tell, but he wish he could just block the spider from his mind. seeing abathur threw any sort of confidence he had built up, and now that there was so many people around him, he began to hyperventilate, losing control.

then he looked up, seeing iota and relaxed. her mere presence calmed him down, and he nodded. "p-please help me," he muttered, and he took a deep breath. if he had a public freakout it would just prove to all the people that didn't like him that he wasn't a good nurse. he'd prove them wrong, he decided, and took another breath and flashed a coy grin. "okay. let's get started, shall we? also, poison is kind of.. a loose term. today i'll be talking about poison you can find naturally. alcohol doesn't count." he took a large sip of his drink.

"first up. you all might not have heard of it before, but this is swamp milkweed." out of the satchel, he pulled a plant with little pink blossoms at the end. "it's a diuretic, laxative and will induce vomiting, so if anybody swallows anything lethal use this. i found it myself near the marsh, and there's a lot more," he noted. "any questions?"

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - SOCKING - 07-20-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking listened tentatively. there were many things that she didn't know about herbs in general. she locked gazes with the pink plant, trying to commit it to memory. a laxative huh? interesting. she'd stay far away from that plant in terms of eating it, even though stocking was sure that she wouldn't make a habit of digesting vegetation.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: POISON PARADISE / open, poison training - arrow - 07-21-2018

A laxative? Arrow snickered to herself, now that would be a way to go. Just imagine, some poor sap trying to get a bite to eat and going out like that, laxative, diuretic and fucking vomiting your guts up. She wouldn't voice those thoughts out loud, they were both disgusting and too bluntly crass for a public setting. Instead she just shrugged, shaking her head. What questions would there even be? "Hey, Malphas, how much can I eat before I shit myself to death?"

She looked at Morgan, feigning a disappointed face. "Aw, darn. There go my plans."
we should be lovers instead  ━