Beasts of Beyond
deus fortis, deus immortalis [...] open, exploring - Printable Version

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deus fortis, deus immortalis [...] open, exploring - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-19-2018

Versailles figures she should try to familiarize herself with the territory. Having lived so long in the uncharted wilds, she's gotten too used to knowing where everything is at any given time that here, now, she's completely out of her element and severely disadvantaged. She's already one of the smallest creatures around (rendering her practically useless in battle unless she does something about it), the last thing she wants is to be stupid regarding where everything is - what would that make her? Nothing more than a liability. Versailles doesn't want to be a liability, not to anyone, not to this new clan, and certainly not to herself.

She decides to follow the coastline to see where she'll end up. The blue-and-gold she-cat makes sure that she hugs the shore as close as possible without stepping into the frothy sea-foam, frowning when a particularly powerful tumble of water spills across her pawpads. She flicks her paw at first out of habit but does take note that it's just the right temperature for such a warm day - maybe she'll take a dip later, maybe not.

It's not far before she's reaching her first landmark - a small, thin waterfall that shouldn't be nice to look at, but is. Something about its humble simplicity is enough to elicit a sparkle in the stoic she-cat's eyes. Nothing smells off, or different, or threatening, so Versailles pads over, closer to the falling stream of water, and lets herself take a nice, long drink from the Trickling Falls, hoping that it's not something vaguely 'religious' that she's actually not allowed to drink from. Imagine how awkward that would be.

Re: deus fortis, deus immortalis [...] open, exploring - tori - 07-19-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
While he would say at this point he was pretty good at navigating himself through the territory, Alex still found himself wandering around alone to escape the sound and the crowds of such a bustling and outgoing group. He felt bad that he had to separate himself so often, felt even worse realizing he couldn't just brush it off and shove himself into the social circle anyway.

He hadn't expected to come across Versailles, and with a nervous mental jolt, he realized he didn't even know who she was. He was uncertain enough about those he did know, so many new people to keep up with almost daily would give him a heart attack at this rate. He figured it would be rude to stand and either just stare or try to avoid her, a little mental battle that always seemed to be at a standstill with him.

The kid chewed on the inside of his cheek for a few moments, deciding to bite the bullet and not be a weirdo. " did you get up...this far?" He forced out in his quiet little voice, feeling his stomach turn when he got the impression from himself that he was being too demanding.

Re: deus fortis, deus immortalis [...] open, exploring - Suiteheart - 07-19-2018

Admittedly, Suiteheart did not often travel to the falls. Whenever she headed for water, she stayed strictly near Pebble Coast, never venturing off a ways to find Trickling Falls. She always meant to see the waterfall when at the sea, but she never got around to it. The sea and its endless push and pull tugged on her heart far more than the small waterfall.

She was at the sea today, standing in the waves, eyes on the horizon. Waiting. Watching. Always waiting and watching for something, but she wasn't sure what. The white feline had somehow missed Versaillespalace while the girl traipsed the Pebble Coast. However, her ears caught Alexander's words, and she was pulled in that direction as curiosity got a hold of her.

"Hey, Vera," she greeted after having made her way towards the pair, "Hey, Xander." She offered both of them a friendly smile. Suiteheart's gaze moved about the area to study the falls. She realized she hadn't been here since her tour of the Ascendants. Pity. This place was pretty. "What's up?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: deus fortis, deus immortalis [...] open, exploring - BASTILLEPAW - 07-20-2018

Bastille was still struggling a little bit with accepting the fact that Versailles was real, and the best solution he'd come up with so far was to awkwardly spend time with her and try to figure out what suddenly having a sibling meant. Sure, he had been a brother to plenty of younger members, so to speak, and that felt... natural. But he'd known them since they were born, in many cases, and it wasn't like they suddenly showed up on his border one day, his own age, and told him they were blood. It felt like he should feel some instantaneous connection, and yet. Well. He had never even known her. He still didn't know her. It was... awkward.

But he was trying to fit into his role, and so he was there, joining them shortly after. His gaze was cold as it landed of Suiteheart, and he felt his shoulders tense slightly as he pointedly passed her and shifted closer to Versailles, subtly maintaining that he could easily be between the two if needed. Awkward or not, this was his sister, and he would be damned if he let Suiteheart hurt her, too. "Hey, Vi," he greeted, offered her a slightly sheepish smile, as if he didn't really know what to say, "Giving yourself a tour?"

Re: deus fortis, deus immortalis [...] open, exploring - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-21-2018

Versailles' ears twitch at the sound of approaching pawsteps and she's quick to withdraw her head from the falls, head swiveling to face the direction of the approaching form. Her hackles lower when she notices that it's another Ascendant, and flattens further when they don't seem to be looking for trouble. She offers him a tentative smile instead, one that's so small one could entirely miss it if they aren't looking, but it's an expression of welcoming nonetheless (and a rare one coming from someone like her). "I... guess you can say I'm used to walking long distances? I decided to expand my knowledge of the lay of the land instead of just knowing the border and the camp." She isn't even sure if she understood his question correctly, she hasn't exactly been asked that before.

Her attention is quickly drawn towards Suite, nodding her head in greeting and finally sitting down to get a bit more settled. If they'd like to hang around for a bit and converse, Versailles won't be totally against the idea, she just hopes none of them mind her severe lack of social skills and awkward inability to really understand what other people are saying beneath what's audible. "Exploring? I don't know much of the place yet so I figured I could check it out and see where the coast takes me." Granted, maybe bringing a map would've been a better idea, although she isn't quite sure where she'd get any - or if she'd even know how to read them.

At Bast's appearance, however, her inhibitions are quick to take a momentary dip - the smile that unravels on her angular face is not something commonly seen but looks right at home underneath the sparkle of familiarity in her golden eyes. Their re-connection is tentative and slow, but progress is progress, and Versailles has always been a very patient person. "Bast," she greets with a nod of her head - she's oblivious to the tension Bast is exuding in Suite's presence. "You can call it that? I'm mostly just... following the shore."

;; me, an intellectual: i must post something with sense