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HIGH ON LIFE » o, joining - RAYGUN. - 03-25-2018

    Now how did he manage to lose himself in basically the South Pole even though it felt like he was still stumbling through the boiling desert he once called home? It must have been one hell of an acid trip then, although he couldn't remember recently owning acid. Process of elimination left the explanation for his confusion as heatstroke -- no, wait, cold as balls winter wonderland. Right.

    The stout dachshund shook his head in a bizarre manner, as if attempting to clear away the effects of drug addiction from his mind with a measly shake. Environments like the current tundra he trudged through made him wish he was someone else -- someone taller and fitter and stronger and able to tolerate extreme conditions. He was an overweight and sausage-like loser up to his chin in snow. At least he wasn't completely vulnerable to the harsh elements; he had the shirt on his back, damp and frozen with the slush he waddled across, and the pouch strapped around his torso stuffed with gadgets and gizmos. Frequently lifting a shivering paw with clumps of ice stuck in between his toes to push his thick glasses back up his narrow snout, the outlandish canine was entirely aware of the hypothermia beginning to set in. Maybe he would die out here in the empty wasteland of snow; it wasn't like he was important to the universe's plans anyways. Movements growing sluggish and feeble, he eventually couldn't drag himself any further. Too delirious to take notice of any scentline or signs of life, the dachshund tripped and collapsed in the snow. A few pitiful attempts were made to heave himself up and keep going, but it was no use. This was it. This was the end. And here he thought he would end up being shanked in an alleyway by a drug dealer or hooker or maybe even a cop. That would be a better way to kick the bucket than curling up in the permafrost with ice burying his body. Chuck Rogers used to believe he was destined for greatness, just like his runaway father always lied to him. But now, he realized he was going to keel over in the middle of nowhere without having done anything with his life. Glasses askew on his face, the dachshund slipped into a fever dream of sorts, incoherently mumbling words foreign to whatever creatures would eventually gobble up his refrigerated remains. "F-flash Gordon... sonic... ray gun... gonna be a super... star..." If those were his last words, he would personally kick his corpse from the heavens above. Chuck trailed off into silence as his system sputtered and failed, internal temperature just as he previously said: cold as balls.

Re: HIGH ON LIFE » o, joining - Leigh - 03-25-2018

The last thing Leigh would have ever wanted was someone literally dying on his doorstep, and here we were. The unicorn had stumbled across Raygun during one of his many attempts to find suitable land for crop growing. His attempts at finding good soil was proving futile, but finding a person was more likely. Admittedly he wasn't watching where he was going and had nearly tripped over the guy. Bit looking down just in time to see a round shivering ball sent his heart plummeting. "Shit- shit- hey buddy- you awake? Don't fall asleep on me okay?" he spoke quickly, attempting to brush up against Ray to provide some sort of warmth for a moment. He had to get this guy back to the caves. It was much warmer there. "Talk to me, man. We're gonna get you somewhere nice okay? Can you tell me about yourself?" He urged. Nothing was worse than falling asleep in frigid environments. Death only came quicker. The unicorn attempted to get the guy onto his back, intending to carry him to the valley.


Re: HIGH ON LIFE » o, joining - RAYGUN. - 03-25-2018

    Huh, he thought death would be quieter. Like, getting tunnel vision and seeing a light coming to swoop you to paradise type of deal. Instead, hoofbeats crunching against snow stirred his senses, and frosted eyelids peeked open to squint up at the looming figure. His pointed jaw quivered with the cold, teeth willingly chattering as his skull reared the slightest bit upwards to blindly blink at the equine. And he promptly flopped back down. No, he didn't want to -- just five more minutes. Snuffling in the snow and shielding his tired eyes from Leigh's demands, the dachshund returned to his dying hibernation until the unicorn urged him once more. He could barely register the other brushing up against his badge-emblazoned shirt, but fortunately snow hadn't clogged up his floppy ears. Watery blue eyes gazing up past Leigh, the only response was a mindless utterance of his favorite object to collect: "Ray -- raygun." A single term that would stick with him to the next end.

    With his face now rotated around to stare up at the sky, the self-proclaimed Raygun caught the blurred silhouette of the mythical creature with a glint of sunlight, and unable to resist being overly dramatic, a trembling little paw outstretched towards Leigh's face, giving an awkward, disorientated pat on his muzzle and blurting out, "Are you an angel?" If he wasn't freezing to death, his scientific-and-logic-based mind wouldn't have even considered a heavenly being to be his savior in the moment, but rather an extraterrestrial of sorts. Unicorns didn't exist, obviously; but aliens did. A contented grin sat on his plump features as he was graciously exhumed from the snow by the unicorn and nestled on the slope of his back, stubby legs dangling off either flank as he was draped over Leigh. In all honesty, Raygun didn't care if he was being carted away as a sacrifice to some penguin cult or to be sold to a sausage shop, but in even more honesty, he was probably stoned as hell before he lost himself in the icy valley. But, onwards his noble steed, he supposed.

Re: HIGH ON LIFE » o, joining - Leigh - 03-25-2018

Oh thank the Gods he was conscious. Leigh was a tad shocked as Raygun tapped his nose with a cold paw. ‘Are you an angel?’ At this, he broke into a grin, laughing softly as he gently moved the canine onto his back and started towards the camp. “Yeah, I’ll be your very own living angel. I’m Leigh. I’d like to say it’s nice to meet you but considering the circumstances... anyway, I’ll get you fixed right up okay? Where are you from, Ray? Got any hobbies?” he asked, if only to keep him awake and alert. He would converse with him the entire way back to the caves, which hadn’t been too long of a walk— Leigh having broke into a trot halfway there. Soon enough Leigh would get Raygun inside, setting up a nest of thick furs and blankets and tucking Ray in. It too him no time at all to light a small fire before returning to Raygun’s side with a cup of consumption safe hot cocoa. “This should hopefully do the trick. We’ll keep watch over you, make sure you’re doing okay. You’re angel’s gonna take care of you. Promise.” he beamed, offering Ray the cocoa if he decided he wanted it.


Re: HIGH ON LIFE » o, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-26-2018

Technically Killua wasn't even remotely made for any sort of cold environments. He was a serval. A species that was known for being in warm temperatures and living in the same enviornment that a lion would be living in. Well, where he had grown up had been nothing like compared to the cold climate that he was in now. He had grown up on a forested mountain, where it would occasionally snow but it wouldn't be to the extent of how it snowed in Snowbound. Or whatever the hell this place wanted to call itself. The wildcat should be suffereing from hypothermia at the sudden change of environment. Killua thought this as well because he wasn't used to be in cold areas, but the first clan he had ended up joining had a similar climate to this one. He had used his powers to keep himself fairly warm the entire time, but then there were blizzards where it would get down to negative degrees. Over time Killua began to realize that he couldn't survive for very long in severe temperatures such as that. Sure, he could walk through said temperatures for a small amount of time before keeling over. At one instance in that clan he had become severely injured thanks to his older brother, and was left in the snow. It was this where he was able to figure out exactly how quick his body got cold without him using his powers to keep himself alive. Either way, he had spent more time in cold climates that his body was starting to adapt slightly to the sudden changes. His fur grew somewhat longer than that of a regular servals. Fur even began to grow slightly between his paw pads so that his paw pads wouldn't fall off dead if they ended up getting too cold later on. He also knew how to use his powers well enough that there wouldn't be much issue all things considered. The assassin had to keep his body in the best shape possible so that there weren't any issues when it came to his missions. His long fur ended up sticking around as there weren't hot enough temperatures to really cause him any harm with the long fur that he had. Besides, he also kept it so that it would be of some use of him at hiding the hundreds of scars that were underneath his white pelt. All of which he had gotten from his family and not any of the fights he had been in while he had been in the clans more likely. Adapting. That's what singled out the weak and the strong in Killua's mind. If someone couldn't adapt to different changes that happened in their environment, whether that meant weather or other enemies, then they were just doomed to die and were going to die from being weak. Sure there was probably still hope with them here and there, but it wasn't all that likely all things considered.

Keeping close to the borders was something that the assassin did on a daily basis. Mostly so that he would keep his constantly running mind occupied instead of constantly thinking about his brother all the time. This way there was a chance that he might actually enjoy himself while he was here. Even if he didn't know how long he would be staying, but it didn't want to plan that far ahead just yet. After all, the creatures here were a fan of chocolate, meaning that he would probably never have to conjure up chocolate ever again if he got a system going. Killua didn't patrol the borders like a clanner would do. If he wanted to, he would let someone walk right across the border like it was no big deal. He would keep an eye on them though, because he didn't necessarily want someone dying while he was watching them. He could get himself into trouble for doing that obviously. The albino serval wouldn't mind watching their ass getting beat for a little bit because of their reckless actions, before stepping in to save them. Figuring out where one stood when it came to dealing with stronger animals was a quick learning curve. One that he had been taught at a fairly young age thanks to his older brother that put him through life and death training. If he didn't do something right, he could potentially die while he was training to be as strong as he was now. He was a murderer. He was a killer. He wasn't a good guy. But damn, he was trying hard to be one. He didn't want to be a killer anymore, but with the habit ingrained into his mind, it was a different habit to get away from. After all, it was all he had ever known his entire life. Either way, Killua had been somewhat close to the border while everything was going down. Whether or not he was going to participate was depending on who the creature was that was at the border. No scent or sound came from the assassin as he leaped from one branch to the next, before stopping above the unicorn and the dog. Well, he hasn't seen that species of dog for a good while now. A snort escaped his jaws as he watched the unicorn start to take care of the dog, but he heard what the canine ended up saying. "Angel? That's definitely one strange looking angel then." Killua laughed with a smirk spreading across his facial features. He was going to tease anyone that he came across no matter what rank they had. Ranks meant nothing to him after all. The albino serval followed the others to camp, his metal claws digging into the surface of the branches he leaped off of. Before dropping down onto the ground as he made his way toward the entrance with the leader. Was he going to help? He didn't see any real reason to, but he was curious about the dog. There seemed to be something on the other's chest. Tools of some sort? Curiosity made his claws itch as they clicked on the ground. He kept a distance between the two animals though. "You nearly got yourself killed thinking you could walk through some snow." Killua said with a low huff, doubting that the other would even really be able to comprehend what he was saying as he talked considering his condition. "Who are you anyway?' KThe entire time he talked after teasing the Snowbound leader almost sounded bored. The albino serval sat himself down, a neutral look on his facial features as he stared at the canine.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
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