Beasts of Beyond
Capture this ascendent? - Printable Version

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Capture this ascendent? - MirrorEdge - 07-19-2018

I'm looking to get Thea captured, for development reasons. Basically, she hates feeling weak, and sets out to prove her strength over and over. So getting her ass handed to her and being captured should be good, as she'll struggle with the feeling of being weak, and after this, work harder to ensure this never happens to her again. She's seven months old, but is very stubborn, and I'm willing for her to go through physical or mental torture.

She'll do her best to fight back though

Re: Capture this ascendent? - Cheeters - 07-21-2018

i would have pinch capture her but she's too young so maybe when she's older, he can

Re: Capture this ascendent? - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

Caesar can capture her if you're still interested! He doesn't have any mental powers, but he does have fire elementals + a knife and sickle (and claws and teeth obviously lol) for physical damage!

Re: Capture this ascendent? - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

Yep, I am still! I'm willing to go for just physical damage! Do you want a thread in the ascendents board then here in the typhoon?

Re: Capture this ascendent? - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

Doesn't matter to me, I'm fine with whatever!

Re: Capture this ascendent? - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

Alright, I can make it in a bit then and tag you!

Re: Capture this ascendent? - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

Slides this in: