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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/please wait for Rev to post with Silver!

Everything had gone to shit. Not quite everything, but one aspect remaining intact wasn't much of a buffer between the overwhelming majority of fucked up. Funny he should find so much comfort in the bond with Silver when it'd been made clear to him from the start that Silver wanted nothing to do with it. It was difficult to focus past the pain, but he could manage with Silver's emotions on the other end, swirling concern and relief that gave him more to think about. Neither of them had been out of commission this bad before, and Baby- to put it simply, he loathed being helpless like this, bleeding from cracks in the colorful metallic plates that had once been skin. He hadn't really known he could bleed still, though he would have rather he found out some other way, than one that had completely disconnected Baby and Silver from Horizon, from their other abilities. The bond was all that hadn't been damaged when their implants were cracked in the fight; Baby bore the brunt of it, but he wasn't as bitter over it as he pretended to be. Better him than Silver, who was still mostly skin and fur, for reasons that left a sour aftertaste in his mouth.

The lion leaned heavily against his companion, once more despising himself for his weakness, but what else was he to do? He'd already tried walking without aid, and had only managed a few steps before his leg gave out. Baby knew Silver was only worried, that blood loss was a serious issue, except he couldn't explain any rational thought to his desperate anger that reared its ugly head as soon as the other feline asked the dreaded, "Are you okay?" Multi-colored eyes flashed, and he halted on the railroad tracks to stumble away from Silver's side. "You're fucking kidding me. Am I okay? Oh, well I'm fantastic." Pain shadowed every one of his movements, but still, he made another foolish go at walking unaided, crimson streaks cutting through the amalgamation of purples and blues of his pelt.

Baby gritted his teeth, right limb giving beneath each step, until he had to go down on the left, placing the majority of his weight on every other leg. The burning whited out his vision for a moment, and when it gradually returned, he was panting as though he'd just sprinted at full-speed. "Give me a second." Even his voice was thin, ruined by the spider-cracks of heat pulsing in various locations, which, at this point, were beginning to blur together.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Really, they should have expected this kind of shit from the start. Maybe they had. The rare situations where they fought in sync tended to ended well, but Silver could blame himself for that being rather infrequent. However harshly he may word it, Baby wasn't wrong to say that it was his own damn fault. Not even a lifetime of training could fully prepare him for letting someone have everything, and his adjustment — or lack of it — had screwed them over from before they could try. It was a tear at the very beginning, where they should have been growing together, and now whatever issues come afterwards stem from that single mistake. Baby's impatience doesn't really urge him towards taking the same leap he had, but there's still some knot in his stomach over it. It was a show of faith, the whole bond thing, and Baby had taken it in stride, but Silver — just hadn't. Where metal had wrapped around the other lion in moments, it crept up on him slowly.

He'd wake up to the streak following his throat having inched closer to his jaw, or to his paw making the strangest creaking noise, even when it was the only one still completely flesh and bone. It wasn't too different from normal. He still felt pain, he still got hungry, still felt his lungs expand in his chest. It's just cold now, piece by piece.

That's part of the reason he worries after Baby's injuries like he does. However much they may look like it, they're not robots. He has a history, a childhood, a pain threshold. A rather high one, but Silver can still feel slivers of pain through their bond, like shattered glass is clogging up their thoughts. His own injuries feel like thorns in comparison, a few slices cutting through ebony and white. The red that stains metal doesn't come from those areas, thankfully or not, but it still stands out sharply on cold steel. Baby kept his color when he gave himself up, a rainbow of in-your-face himself. Silver hadn't. His already dark, simplistic coloration was slowly bleeding away to cool grey, and he knows that Baby can see it taking over, stretching from his spine and hips. Always forward and always up. It sounds silly, but his heart makes all sorts of anxious noises, clamoring over what if when he thinks about it finally reaching his eyes.

He asks if he's alright more as a formality, which is quite clearly a mistake. As soon as Baby's weight disappears from his shoulder, the larger lion is fighting a sigh, blinking coolly at him as he stumbles off. What had faded to a manageable yet sharp throb of shared pain skyrocketed, his own heart rate speeding up with something more than sympathy. Silver's teeth grit at the same moment as Baby's, frozen in the spot as a flash fire of agony shoots through his veins. His breath caught in his throat, strangled tight with an urge to shout out. Their bond was a comfort, sure, but when they got like this it just ended up as a feedback loop of bad things. With a short, displeased hiss, he makes up for the few short strides that the other had covered and nudges him back towards his own shoulder. The gesture is rougher than it is kind, but if Baby can make sense of anything beyond the chorus of his own pains, he'll still feel the worry in it. "We're not doing this today," he snaps. "You're going to get yourself killed."

edit: missed a word lmao

Re: NOT FOR THE GLORY // DOUBLE-JOINING - calypso - 07-19-2018

"Are you here to join?" comes Calypso's voice. The pitbull watches the two with a gentle frown as she approaches, intrigued despite herself. There's clearly a dynamic in motion here; Cal's not sure if she'd be interested in getting in between it. "Because if you are, it's not likely you'll get yourself killed. Of that injury in particular, that is." She should be hesitant, given these are two fully grown lions and she's only a dog with some twisted experiences, but whilst she's guarded and as tense as she always is, her voice comes smooth and calm and reassuring. "I"m Calypso. You're at the Typhoon's border, if you're unaware. Could I get your names?"


Re: NOT FOR THE GLORY // DOUBLE-JOINING - deimos - 07-19-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]It wasn't hard to miss the scent of blood on the wind, when the lioness herself lived a childhood- an adolescence- of it. Forced beneath a paw, faded scars on her skin marking proof of her terrible past. None of those memories ever stopped Deldrach in her ever steady pace, walking forward without an eye on the past, beyond moments caught where she thought she heard him in her dreams. That was the only time she ever thought of him, his cruel and wicked ways.

But what she found strange, this time, it wasn't a memory. But rather, it was new. Blood, mixed with the stinging scent of metal. Her eyes narrowed as she pushed to her paws, high up in a tree in the jungle, her paws set on the wood. She was no jaguar, or cougar, whatever those persistent smaller animals called them, but she knew her way around climbing. She strode out amongst the vine bridge, before looking down. She jumped from the bridge, landing on a branch. The branch swayed, before she was making her way down among the network, her claws keeping her steadied, strong muscled legs ever trustful in her working.

Eventually, she made it to the ground, not too far away. She almost felt like telling the maned wolf that she had met the other day that she's not the only one who can climb trees, but that was for later. Later, if she ended up wanting to talk to them at all. The matter at paw was much more interesting. The oversized lioness stepped from the underbrush, knowing neither were in the condition to fight, her gold and silver eyes narrowed on them. She paused, taking in the extent of the smaller lion's injuries, then the bigger one's, before standing up straight. She lost her stinking suspicions for the moment, stepping forward. She barely catches sight of Calypso before she talks straight over the dog.

"How did this happen?" She said. Her tone gave a fresh bite of cool distance. This wasn't personal, Deldrach didn't know them, but just because they weren't a part of the Typhoon doesn't mean she wouldn't try to help. Maybe it was because of the shared lion blood they had from a distance- but the smaller one.. was built in a strange stature.


Caesar mentally groaned as he made his way over to the slowly forming crowd at the border, having been drawn to the idea by the scent of blood, just like Deldrach had. "You guys require medical attention, or do your robotic abilities leave you unscathed?" He asked as he stood next to Calypso, frowning at the two lions. He didn't want to leave and get Rosemary or the others if he didn't have to, since that was just a waste of energy. Besides, he didn't want them to think he'd be willing to get them items, because he sure as hell wasn't going to do that.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Baby hadn't been trained to trust either. In fact, he would go so far as to say the complete opposite; growing up as an urchin made it difficult to find anyone to rely on beyond himself, especially when others in similar positions were all too eager to steal any advancements he'd made. Food was the most sought after resource, and no one had been above thievery. Getting roped into the program where Silver reigned supreme was- an eye-opener, to put it simply. The lion hadn't realized his own willingness to form a bond, to latch onto a connection, until he and Silver made one. Baby's agreeableness to sharing a mind with someone had spread over his entire body in the metal plates, replacing fur with steel, except instead of seeing that mirrored in Silver, instead of seeing his willingness- it wasn't there. Tendrils and patches of it crept up later, but he could remember the moment he knew Silver didn't want it. Or him, by extension. So he became angry, most especially at Silver, and Baby could admit he wasn't always fair to him. Something went wrong? Silver's fault. A slip-up in training? Silver's fault. Bad weather? Again, Silver's doing. It wasn't reasonable, but hopes he didn't even know he had were dropped to shatter that day, the splinters worming under his skin, sharpening his anger.

This honestly felt like the universe's great jab, and it didn't matter what shit he'd done in his life. He'd be screwed over regardless, wouldn't he?

His companion didn't have a smooth life either, but Baby- well. He didn't allow Silver to have his mistakes. Baby could flaunt his own, and when Silver made even the smallest error, he tore it apart. So yeah, it was better that Baby was the one limping along, because he couldn't trust his own bedside manner, couldn't trust his anything when it came to Silver. At least he could admit to himself that the other lion deserved better than that. Hell, maybe Silver had known it from the beginning, yet here he was, still with Baby, bearing his own wounds after a fight gone south. Baby had never given him a reason to remain here, to push through the currents of pain he was getting from Baby in order to prop him up against his shoulder again. He'd given him more reasons not to help.

Exhaling heavily, his eyes fluttered shut, doing his best to keep from leaning the totality of his weight on the other lion. Strong as Silver was, he couldn't possibly walk for very long like that, with dead weight pulling him down. "It'd take a lot more to kill me," he managed to say, quiet and breathless. He wasn't so certain about the truth of that, but if he was anything, he was stubborn. Silver already knew that. These people didn't, and if he had more of his wits about him, he might've been startled, or he might've reacted beyond a grunt, but the trio had arrived at a bad time. To put it lightly. Drawing in another deep breath, Baby hid his face in the fur of Silver's neck, disguising the grimace and the grinding teeth from the strangers.

He caught bits and pieces of the things they said. Calypso, The Typhoon. Names. How. Medical attention. Registering everything was like trudging through thick mud.

"Baby. This one's Silver." Did the world always spin this much? "Fought somebody a while back. Just- need to rest." Somebodies, but the specifics didn't matter. Those people were dead now, but they'd left them both with more than enough damage to make up for it. His eyes squeezed shut again, blocking out the fuzziness and motion around him. "Robotic abilities." The lion snorted, which evolved into a wheeze. How funny. Unscathed. Yeah, the bleeding fissures in his pelt and the awkward set of his front leg were all signs of someone unscathed. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough energy left to tell him how dumb his question was.


HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Robots. He had seen all types of creatures from demons to gods to fallen angels, hell even things that didn't look like one simple species of animal. But this. Now this was fucking crazy. With no ring of bells, no sound to sound their arrival, Marcellus was completely oblivious to the two animals in aid, the male taking a relaxing walk through the rainforest when he began to hear voices in the distance near the gate. A lot of them. Slowly the male limped over to see what all of the trouble had been about, pushing past to land his eyes on the two metallic animals. What the hell? For a moment the king cheetah had thought he hit his head way too hard on something, a tree perhaps and he didn't remember it? But there was no way that this was real and was reality. Metallic animals weren't possible but here they were standing right in front of the king cheetah causing him to flinch in surprise. He wasn't sure how to exactly react to this considering he had never seen anything like that before.

The male watched the conversation unfold, sitting with his limp leg out from underneath him. He listened to their names, what they needed here, but he didn't see any of the two healers in the crowd. He wouldn't move unless he was given an order to go get them, watching them with more curiosity than concern. Damn, to watch something completely impossible become possible was insane and for once he knew what the humans felt like.


She smelled the blood from a ways off, though it took her a little while to join the two lions and the growing crowd of pirates. Rosemary could instantly see why - their metallic pelts made for quite a show in the harsh tropical sunlight, and she wondered if they felt hot with all that metal against their skin. The ocelot's ears twitched, as three of her eyes converged on the injured lion with half-squinted eyes. How... interesting. Besides Goldie's habit of getting terrible wounds, she never saw such terrible wounds on the territory before. The sight of such agony in both of their faces overwrote her curiosity about how it was that the uninjured one seemed pained.

But it did more than that. She felt a stirring inside her mind, a quiet pressure that teased her consciousness and made her ears burn with heat. Gritting her teeth, she focused on her breathing and pushed past the unwelcome sensations with sheer willpower. Her choice to heal remained stronger than her innate sadism, no matter how much she felt the clawing need burn inside her head.

She'd almost forgotten about it, in truth. She never needed to think about it in the Typhoon, where nobody seemed to get grievously wounded - well, nobody that spoke to the aching pressure inside her head. She only ever knew it to stir when an attractive male... she pushed the thoughts away. The pale wildcat knew she needed to focus on anything but that. This was one occasion where she hated her relentless curiosity. How she always wanted to dissect these feelings when they surfaced, which only caused her to slip deeper and deeper into its grasp - like an ant so busy with honey that it inadvertently sinks into it and drowns.

Her heartbeat thudded in her chest, as an almost glazed look appeared in her orange-amber eyes. Regardless, she looked at the two strangers with a neutral expression - her only sign of discomfort being a restless adjustment to the satchel strap that crossed between her shoulder blades. "I'm Rosemary Roux, the head healer in the Typhoon. If you're planning on resting here a while, I can take a look at those wounds for you," she spoke, her fuzzily apathetic and strained voice overwriting any emotional expression she would've conveyed. She usually hated that part about herself, but now? She found herself thankful for it.

It didn't change how she felt, though. How she felt her heartbeat quicken under every inch of her skin, throbbing in her carotid arteries and pulsing in her toes. Her ears flicked once, twice, thrice as she tried to clear them of the heavy heat that settled in the thin flesh. Her sadism - no, she - practically burned with the need to sink into the abyss. To bathe in those torrents of blood and dig her claws into the gaps of flesh. She needed it. She starved herself of this ambrosia for so long, surely just a taste...? No.

She blinked. Her jaw clenched. And her eyes narrowed, in frustration and impatience at herself. Fuck these choices she constrained herself with.