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TURNED RUBY RED; paint war, open - Printable Version

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TURNED RUBY RED; paint war, open - Suiteheart - 07-19-2018

Games were still fun, right? Everybody still loved to partake in so-called "childish" activities, right?

Suiteheart sure did. She was young at heart - always had been, always would be. It didn't matter that she had 1000 years of memories bouncing around in her head. In spirit, she was youthfulness incarnate. Her spirit would never grow old. Sure, it made her immature at times. But she didn't much care (childish, wasn't it?). It made her fun. Besides, everything had been so tense lately. Why not try to make things a little more fun?

She had spent the majority of the day setting the game up. Filling balloons up with paint and water had taken up the majority of her time, but she had managed to complete that task. The paint/water hybrid balloons were now stashed in various boxes sat up in the gigantic clearing. Anyone participating was to run up, grab a balloon, throw it at their nearest competitor, and run away while hoping not to get pelted.

She had hurried back to the Observatory, and once in the threshold of its doors, yelled, "Yo, Ascendants! We're having a paint war. Follow me." She waited a beat and then began to pad in the direction of the paint war. Within minutes, she was there.

Suiteheart strolled over to a box that was full of the water/paint mixture. She picked one up, and hurled it at the closest Ascendant to her. [b]"Game's on!"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . [color=#99182C]tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: TURNED RUBY RED; paint war, open - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-19-2018

beverly e. atkins
[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Like Suiteheart, Beverly was a thousand years old - she just didn't know it. For some reason, Emilia's memories were lost in translation during reincarnation (ha, that rhymed) and it left Bev to be, in a sense, a blank slate. And maybe it was for the best. It gave her the ability to be a kid, to enjoy her life, to seize every opportunity that Emilia couldn't.

Hearing the fem's call for a paint war, she was immediately intrigued. She had little to no experience playing many games, but as she followed towards their destination, she figured it was self-explanatory enough. And, the moment the balloon crashed into her flank, she got the confirmation she was looking for. "You better hope that doesn't stain!" the short girl called, running to the nearest bin, aiming a balloon of blue paint at Suiteheart.

Re: TURNED RUBY RED; paint war, open - Suiteheart - 07-20-2018

"Score!" she called in laughter as the balloon connected to her victim. Beverly's side was covered in paint. Her pristine white fur was no longer so neat. "Oh, don't worry. It comes off easily. It -"

She silenced herself as a large balloon crashed into the front of her, staining her own ivory fur blue. The color stood out easily against the white canvas of her body. She chuckled a bit as she came to realize her entire chest and lower jaw were covered in an azure hue. It was almost like her eye color. "Oh, you're so on, Beverly."

The Admiral grabbed more ammo. Taking aim, she threw a green balloon at Beverly. She then moved to find cover as laughter erupted from her jaws.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI