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PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - Printable Version

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PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - Suiteheart - 07-19-2018

Well, it had been a helluva long time since Suiteheart had done this. At least a year and a half, if she remembered correctly... A year and a half didn't seemed incredibly long when thought about or said aloud, but damn, it sure felt like it had been centuries. She still remembered every aspect to it, however. It was easy enough, too.

Just to be sure she recalled everything, the white feline tried it on herself. While she heavily favored her left ear for piercings, she opted to go with the right this time. She'd been saving a silver hoop for such an occasion anyway. After sterilizing a needle, she placed a small piece of cork behind her ear and then easily pushed the needle halfway through. The end of the needle was met with the beginning of the hoop; she used the hoop to push the needle out of the way completely. In mere heartbeats, the hoop was now in place at the base of her right ear. 'Easy enough.'

Sporting her new piercing, the Ecliptic Admiral sat up shop in the Grand Circle (though she made sure to stay out of the way of everyone rushing through - she didn't want to cause a disturbance after all). She had a tiny box full of sterilized needles, a bucket of water, a box of corks, and a large variety of earrings to choose from. She even brought along a soft pillow for her customers to sit on while they were getting a new accessory.

Once finished, the white feline called, "Hey, Ascendants, if you'd like to get your ears pierced, step right up!" She supposed she might offer other piercings - like nose and lip, but those weren't quite her specialty. Even so, Suite wouldn't mind attempting the task if someone were to ask. For now, however, she was content with her message. Now all she had to do was wait.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-19-2018

beverly e. atkins
[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]A year and a half. Beverly hadn't even been alive that long.

The small girl had been spending some time in the Observatory, mostly to be out of the sun, and she was making her way through the Grand Circle when she noticed Suiteheart setting something up. It was an... odd assortment of items, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. When the Admiral announced ear piercings, it all clicked in her head. "Hey, do you mind piercing me?" she asked as she approached, not really sure how to phrase that question. "How about, uh... this piece?" As Beverly spoke, she selected a stud earring with a yellow stone on it.

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - Margaery - 07-19-2018

If Margaery was being honest, she was a bit frightened by the idea of getting a piercing. Her wife sported many - and she was fine with those - but she couldn't even begin to imagine having her own. She wasn't afraid of the pain... no, that wasn't it. Maybe it was the whole needle thing. One thousand years old and the ancient soul could hardly stand to have a needle even in her immediate vicinity. Which was pathetic given the things she had endured in her life.

She still approached though, a slight frown appearing upon her face as she studied the scene. [b]"I'll pass, love," She extended quietly, taking a seat. There was Beverly again. Margaery quite liked the other girl and decided to live vicariously through her decision to get an earring, finally permitting that honeyed smile of hers to appear. "You're braver than I am," She admitted with a wink, "Also, I love the yellow."

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - BUBONICPLAGUE - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]piercings. he remembered being a young boy, and though not much different from his current self, he had sported a large amount of earrings. it hadn't been a very good choice, if he was being completely honest; being blind, he relied heavily on his hearing, but with all of the metal clanking in his ears he couldn't navigate very well. that didn't mean he wasn't interested, though.

bubonicplague approached quietly after margaery, sightless eyes settling on suiteheart. he recalled her from his joining. she seemed nice enough, welcoming and kind and willing to pierce her groupmates. it took a certain amount of tolerance (that he did not have) to put up with people long enough to do such a thing. most people were squeamish when it came to needles, something he couldn't understand. granted, he had grown up being beaten and tortured with such objects, but... that was besides the point. the enormous wolf settled himself down a few steps away, ears perked to listen to the conversation. he would consider getting some; just not as many as he used to.

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-19-2018

Versailles has heard about piercings - not that she's had any herself. The only decorations adorning her body are the golden hoops fit snugly around the base of her tail, an aesthetic choice that also serves the purpose of weighing down the prehensile appendage. it's a reminder for her that it's there - otherwise, she would oft forget that it is much more nimble now than it had ever been before and accidentally slap herself in the face with it. With piercings, she doesn't exactly know what practical purpose they could serve, but the little, simple golden hoop with a small onyx stone does catch her eye. She figures it wouldn't hurt to try it, so she falls in line behind the ones willing to have their skin pierced as well and waits - but then she wonders whether they even know that she knows what she's signing up for, so with an awkward shift of her shoulders, she clears her throat and murmurs, softly, under her breath, "I'd like one."

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - trojan g. - 07-19-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Roman understood the reason that others liked things such as piercings and other jewelry, he was just one for other types if any at all. Roman felt as though if he was a girl rather than a guy he might get his ears pierced more - although nothing was stopping him now - but he just didn't really feel as though there was a reason for him to do it, especially not with only one ear now. Coming to a stop beside Margaery, the male would look over towards Suiteheart, small smile on his maw as he did so. "This seems interesting." He'd speak, tail flicking absentmindedly for a moment before speaking once more, "I don't plan on getting one, mind if I just watch?"

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - Suiteheart - 07-20-2018

Suiteheart grinned at Beverly as she approached. Her first costomer from the Ascendants! Sweet. Beverly was really interesting her opinion too, so it made it even better. "Nah, don't mind at all," the white feline replied, taking the studded earring from Bev. The yellow was gorgeous, and it would stand out wonderfully against the other fae's white coat. "Nice choice. I'm a sucker for studs. Where'd you like it?" she inquired, turning to pick up a needle and a piece of cork.

Her attention was momentarily stolen by Margaery, and for a second, she wondered if her wife was actually going to get a piercing. A false pout appeared on her lips as Margy explained today would not be that day. Suite saw nothing wrong with it. No, she was well aware of her wife's intolerability with needles. Their shared bond had alluded the that the first time Suite had done something like this at their former home. "No problem, babe!"

She watched as Bubonicplague arrived next and settled down near the little group, ears angled forward to catch their conversation. She had seen Bubonic around from time to time, but she hadn't much gotten to interact with him aside from his joining. She needed to fix that, she knew. Weaving a smile upon her lips, she said, "Need a piercing?" She hoped the answer would be yes.

Versaillespalace stepped forward following Bubonic, and Suiteheart flashed her a smile as well. She had met Versailles a few times before, and she was interested by the girl. She was Bastille's sister, and once again, she was amazed at how different siblings could be. "Where'd you like the piercing, Versailles?" Suite asked, moving her attention from Beverly again. "And I fucking dig the golden hoop. It matches your style really well, kiddo."

Baby blues flickered to Romanempire as he joined the growing group. Like the two others before him, Suite had yet to truly get to chitchat with him, which was a damn shame. All the joiners as of late had been amazing. Roman seemed very interesting too - and not just because he had ties to Margaery. "No, I don't mind at all," she said, returning his smile (though it was a bit bigger and more sideways). "You gotta pay admissions though," she joked, jest heavy in her voice.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - Character Graveyard. - 07-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Ear piercing. How lovely. Ada had walked over to Suite and the gathering group of their fellow Ascendants, a smile on her maw. "Hello Suite, Margy." The black-feline greeted the two females she recognized. "Could I possibly get a piercing as well, Suite?"

Re: PAVLOVE ; ear piercings, open - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-20-2018

Versailles stops for a second and thinks, trying to imagine where the golden hoop could go anywhere on her body, testing out different locations in her head to try to find a spot where she know she'd like it. Finally, she taps a spot on her lower lip, off to the right side. "I think I'd like it here, if that's alright." She speaks with a finality - sure of this decision and a little confident that she'll like how it turns out.

ooc. what is muse? never heart of it.