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ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - Printable Version

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ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - Rialto - 07-18-2018

Again, it was night in San Creado, shapeless shadows fitted around the curve of the huge glossy pineapple where the moonlight couldn't reach - on the other side, however, even mortal eyes could make out the corners of a large rectangular plank, the distinct marks of letters emblazoned on its front rippling with the light. They rippled because of the glitter painted over the characters in colours indistinct in the dark, words flanked all around by drawn plant patterns. Looping ink, with glorious, aimless, painstaking artistry.

The sign was being waved emphatically in one hand. On its surface, it read, Meet Ezra.

"HELLO, EVERYONE." When it came to yelling - and a lot of other things, but he wasn't keeping track - Rialto could very much be given the throne. Maybe it's just because he really deserves a crown. "COME 'ROUND." Light shone down his slender fangs, Rialto's grin perceptible by the sight of them alone - standing before the pineapple, one arm holding strong in the air with a tight grasp on the sign, and his other hand with a tighter grasp on another tired-looking vampire's arm. You guessed it. That was Ezra. "Come meet Ezra! Step up and list your name, occupation, level of interest in buying from my Etsy. And anything else."

In anticipation of his captive's attempts at escape faster than Rialto will be able to track him even with his Vamp Eyes 3000, Rialto slipped his hand down to anchor onto Ezra's, expression filled only with pragmatic determination.

notes as [member=1389]frankiethyme[/member] says.... Frankie / Ezra is coming
& edit that anyone can totally jump in, whether you joined after this thread was made or before!! welcome friends \o/

Re: ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - EZRA! - 07-19-2018

Re: ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - alexander - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]The thing with Rialto is that he just doesn't stop. It had its advantages and disadvantages, being a trait that had probably saved his life many times, and more often than not, almost got him killed. Alexander could account for the last one, because they were the one who had almost killed him a few times when his persistence in annoying the hell out of them got to be too much.

Centuries ago, it had been the boy's determination that had dragged them out of the city and into the gang, to meet Catheryn, Marko, and Drake. It was Rialto's determination now that seemed to be dragging Ezra out of his house and to the pineapple.

Alexander's ears ring at the sound of Rialto yelling from across the street, though a smile quickly takes over their pained expression. A meet and greet with Ezra and Rialto! That sounded very entertaining. The vampire quickly slurps down the blood margarita they were working on, throwing the werewolf they were dancing with one last wink before they slip out of the bar. They make it to the pineapple in a few short seconds, appearing in front of the pair with their signature grin. "Ezra! Out of your jungle and hanging out with the most pleasant vampire in town, I see." They say in a way of greeting, hands moving to their hips. They take a glance at the glittery sign in Rialto's hand, lips moving up into a smirk at the attempt of artistry. "Good work on your advertisement, Ri. It's bound to pull in a crowd."

They move to lean against the wall, leaning casually against Rialto's side. They pull a sucker out from their pocket, throwing the rapper to the side and sticking it in their cheek. "Well, if we're doing iintroductions, I better do mine. I'm Alexander, I work at the mall. I have no interest in buying your shitty phone accessories," They pause, leaning forward to flash a grin at Ezra, something teasing in their eyes, "I'm also a vampire, what a match made in heaven. I bite outside of meals, too, if you're into that." A dramatic flutter of the eyelashes, a glint of fangs. Alexander is just teasing, of course. Unless Ezra is really into that.

Re: ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - CATHERYN - 07-19-2018

Rialto's little accessories are only as well-made as they are useless. That is, of course, Catheryn's personal opinion, but she's right a majority of the time. When she's not, no one really lives to spread those tales, so as far as anyone else is concerned, she's always right, that is to say, Rialto's little accessories are pretty, but useless. (She could say something very mean about a certain vampire here, but Catheryn decides that's enough spite for one day.) The fact of the matter is that, usually, nighttime means she gets at least twelve hours of peace and quiet. Tonight, she doesn't get it.

Rialto's voice rings out through San Creado, which realistically shouldn't even be possible, but maybe the pineapple itself is magical. Who knows? Catheryn lets loose a heavy sigh when she hears the announcement, and decides that Ezra perhaps requires some sort of rescue, he had always liked his plants more than other people, this she knows. "You've just won first prize in the 'most annoying to most people' competition," Catheryn says dryly as she flits out of the shadows, coming to stand next to Alex with a single eyebrow raised. The giant sign is glittery and bright and, frankly, a bit too much for her. She turns pointedly away from it.

"However, this is not a bad idea." That's as much of a compliment Rialto is going to get out of her. Catheryn isn't usually vocal about how she feels, much less if she's feeling something positive. So sue her, everyone's a little protective of something. "My name is Catheryn, I am also a vampire, and I manage the diner." She pauses, allowing the silence to drag on for a long second before continuing. "I share Alexander's opinions on Rialto's accessories, mostly."

Re: ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - Rialto - 07-23-2018

If Rialto had any hands free, he'd use it just to pick his nose and flick snot over at two of the most prevalent annoyances in his unlife. Power move. And reasonable Ezra would applaud, in total agreement with his actions, because Rialto had a good quarter of his Ferris wheel carriage occupied by little cactuses and various succulents (good call - he could remember how to water a plant, but then one needed to factor in how often he would actually stand up, and on the way out of his carriage to wreak havoc and get some water, whether or not he came across anything remotely distracting) in exchange for about ten phone tea-stirrers slipped into Ezra's pot plants at home and that meant they were tight.

No. Ezra wouldn't applaud. He'd look at him in silent horror.

Rialto only sniffed at Alex's comment, scowling and pretending to spit off to the side. "Wrong crowd." He lifted the sign higher so Alex didn't obstruct it, nevertheless tolerating their weight, and mindlessly swung Ezra's hand between them. "At least I'm first in something," Rialto leered to Cat, just as blasé, head falling onto Alex's shoulder. "Unless you're talking about the realm of being a stone cold fossil." At the duo's appraisals of his merchandise, the vampire only gave a little shrug. Fair. But anyway, to protect the virtue of the only one that gave his accessories a second glance: "He's not into that. He likes plants, he doesn't get your nasty tongue." Or maybe even nasty tongues in general, with Rialto's included. Ezra needed none of that in his plant house. Only then, gripped by sudden realisation, Rialto rocked forth to block Alex's face with his own, asking Ezra earnestly, "You don't, do you?"

Damn it. Just holding his hand, callused from plant-handling; though their heads were at around the same level and Ezra wore far too many layers to tell from afar, they were so unequal. Rialto's eyes had downright bugged out at the feel of actual muscle when he'd gripped his arm. He is not letting Alex know about this. His boiling pot of envy and also covert admiration. 'Covert'.

"I'm Rialto," he picked up, thudding back against the pineapple into Alex and speaking singsong like he was flocked by starry-eyed kindergarteners. "Another vampire. Artisan. I'll throw in a freebie if you're young, charming and have good taste." Translation: whoever gives his works a compliment. Implicitly inclusive of old people, too. "Business hours at my carriage nine to three. PM to AM." Rialto cracked a sly smile at Ezra, throwing the hair out of his eyes with a flick of his chin. "I'll be your best friend."

Re: ONE DEGREE [meet & greet, open] - teef - 08-09-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

holding his tongue a young man watched the proceedings of the self-proclaiming vampires, a touch of confusion on his freshly wounded face, a bandage hap-hazardly wound around his head to soak up the blood of an eye injury.

teeth set in his lip he groaned, arms crossed over his chest, his throat patched and mouth dry. [color=#151B54]'what in the name of all begotten hells are they doing? claiming vampirism to an empty night? sickos .. but they seem to be the only ... beings i can find or sense here. well, i guess i had best go ask what is going on, and i need to ask for a little help with these scratches.'
he thought darkly to himself, fingernails absently biting into his arm in response to his anxious thoughts as a nervous tic.

"hullo! any chance one of those phone accessories works as a first aid kit with sutures?" jikai's rough voice purred, the young witchling stepping into view, his once-fine suit jacket tattered and torn much to his chagrin. if one were to come closer, they would see the oddity of the jacket, of the white and creamy large scales it was made from, the previously shed scales of his ex-husband, perhaps a terrifying memento of an otherwise happy time in the traveler's memory.