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Gem pricing help? - Printable Version

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Gem pricing help? - Devilad - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt;color:#000"]
Quote:I've been thinking about setting up my own little graphic shop at some point, and I'm not so sure how much will my graphics be worth spending on, therefore, here is this! At what price do y'all think the following types of graphics will be suitable with?

— A graphicset like x, x
— A definition styled graphic ( x )
— A character statistic styled graphic ( x )
— A moodboard ( x, x )
— A set of 10 110 x 110 icons ( that I'd take the screencaps of the character's faceclaim and make them all pretty and aesthetic with my PSD )
— Extra features: each modification done such as putting the character's horns, fang, changing their eye colours, etc ( x, x ); and transition ( x, x )

Thank y'all so much! <3 ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Re: Gem pricing help? - lexasperated - 07-19-2018

these... these are all so beautiful?? your graphic manips are so good!! sadly i haven't a clue about gem pricing but i'm tracking this for now to see what other people say and to see if/when you open a shop because i would love to order when you do.

Re: Gem pricing help? - nefarius - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 470px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Graphic-set: 5k, up this a little higher if some commissions take more time than others. 
Definition Graphic: 15k
Character Statistics: 20k, each "extra" little thing a patron wants would be an added 500 gems.
Moodboard: 2k, since I assume it doesn't take as much effort as the other available options. Depending on the time you take on one, though, up the price from somewhere below the 5k mark.
110 x 110 Icons: 10k-5k, still based on how complicated it all gets. If you add animations or extra little tidbits, that's where I'd start hitting the 10k mark.
Extra Features: 500 gems on every addition.

Hopefully this is good pricing wise! Like I say to everyone, if your works end up being on demand, up your prices considerably over time, especially when you notice improvement.

Re: Gem pricing help? - Devilad - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt;color:#000"]Ah, thank you so much, Lexi, your compliments means dearly well to me! (*≧∀≦*) I'm still a bit on a hmm thought of opening the shop, mainly because I have a feeling I won't be around here much anyway, so the gems wouldn't really mean anything to me if that's the case, but if I don't end up doing so in the end ( which I was planning to make the thread for it on September because I'm currently on a summer vacation ), *if you'd be still interested by then, I can pm you and we can discuss on watcha wanna buy and payment! <3

( *This applies to anyone else who states interest on here, tell me you're interested in buying my graphics, and eventually, I'll pm you about it! )

Carkus! Heck yeah! Your price suggestions are just about perfect! Unless anyone else have theirs they wanna share, I'm most likely going to follow most of what you had in mind, friend! Thank you so much for helping me taking the time to look through my creations and tag a price suggestion for each! <3 ≧(´▽`)≦

Re: Gem pricing help? - Orion - 07-19-2018

You already know me bc I hella stalk your topic / art dump, but agreeing with above!

Re: Gem pricing help? - Imortapose - 07-20-2018

Agreeing, your graphic manipulation is really good. Did you take any graphic courses or did you teach yourself?

I also agree with the gem prices Carkus listed! I couldn't think of better prices myself, tbh.

Re: Gem pricing help? - Devilad - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt;color:#000"]Hey y'all, I just set up the shop that will be officially open somewhere in September, as I mentioned, so here it is!! <33 + Mmm, looking at the examples while I was setting up the shop, I lowered most prices suggested by Carkus I was going for quite a bit because, as much as I'm extremely proud of making them, I personally don't see them worth that much gems, but if the majority really thinks otherwise and wants them to be increased a bit more, I'll do so, but, for now, they're there from my personal opinion. ^^

@ Vixem, I highly apologize for the late respond, but, to answer your question, if completely messing with Photoshop and its tools until I know what I'm doing with it because my easily distracted butt can't be bothered looking up the tutorials counts as teaching myself, then, heck yes to the latter! cx