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SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - Printable Version

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SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - SOCKING - 07-18-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
she loved her stockings dearly. treated them as if they were her own children. perhaps, in retrospect it wasn't odd to hold such sentimental value to such inanimate objects-- after all, many others had their own objects to treasure. but stocking's? they were made especially for her. made to work for her.

it was why, when the deep, disturbing realization settled in that she'd lost one of her most treasured items and the same holder of her name sake, stocking spent several hours searching for it.

stockings were her weapons. her means of defending herself, or vanquishing the souls of the enemy. it was special in a way to her that she couldn't describe. stocking without her stockings was like... a horse with a broken leg. sure, she still had one of her socks but without the other, she could never truly feel complete.

the marsh smelled dank and absolute disgusting but she'd do anything for her socks. their bond ran deep, and it was almost as if she and her socks shared a kinship.

she wasn't even sure if she could still utilize her hosiery like she had before. in heaven, she was capable of gathering the aetheric force about her necessary to transform her ordinary stockings into two, gleaming celestial swords. but it didn't matter if she was capable of fully weaponizing them like she had again. all she knew was that she needed to get it back.

and this was what led to tanglewood's local fallen angel and bum ass to dig herself claw-deep in the bark of a tree and hauling herself up to get a better view and vantage point from where she was to spot the good shit. the good shit being her stockings.

sure, her leg might be broken but she could still climb and she sure as hell wasn't going to risk falling several feet to the ground and eating shit.

several branches later, she was lurking amongst the topper canopy of the tree when she spotted it-- her sock, dangling from the end of a splintered tree branch-- right over the murky waters of a lake that rippled as the eyes of something dangerous peered back at her.

"leave me alone you god damn leather boot," stocking muttered under her breath, nonetheless inching forward achingly slowly across the branch, towards her stocking. the wood swayed beneath her.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - madster - 07-19-2018

malphas had been patrolling the swamp area, due to his job as nurse. there was a large amount of joiners who got hurt here, so he usually was looking for people to help, even if he didn't like people. he heard someone climbing something, and he became tense, fur sticking on end.

he looked up from the safe ground and saw a black cat slowly making her way through the canopy. stocking. "your leg is fuckin' broken, you're supposed to be resting!" he said, exasperated. what was she trying? he saw something n the water and wanted to warn her, but he held his tongue. maybe she knew what she was doing and he was just stupid. who knew. "uh... be safe up there, i don't wanna have to treat you again."

Re: SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - ABATHUR . - 07-19-2018

Well, the anxiety attack was here, he noted, wandering through the marsh looking for more stuff he could dissect, like he had been doing the past couple of days. It was very entertaining, if you were unawares. He was trying to get away from that violent side of his but it was still fun to experiment with unnatural things. "Greetings," he said casually, as if he wasn't talking to someone who was likely to die of stress from just remembering that a talking spider existed, making sure to keep his space just so he wasn't found guilty of murdering the poor man. Oh, but he was speaking to someone, he registered now, glancing up to the treetops, someone with a broken leg apparently from what he heard. Really? Climbing a tree with a broken leg? What for? There did seem to be some kind of article of clothing up there. Maybe that was it? How did it even get up there? "Should not be climbing with broken leg - harmful to limb repair," the arachnid called up, nonplussed by the precarious situation Stocking (whose name he didn't know) had put herself in. The mud would probably break her fall enough to where she didn't get paralyzed. Everything other than that was totally fixable - though based on her current scenario she would have to be locked in a room just in case she got out and broke all her legs again.

Some people were just ridiculous, but he was used to it by now. Used to fixing them, too, but he wasn't going to do that if he didn't have to anymore.
tags - "speech"

Re: SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - aya - 07-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya was, in fact, coming from the opposite direction. Not as in she was coming toward Malphas and Abathur, but rather, she was presently emerging from the swamp with a live and kicking frog in her mouth. She was likely still recognisable, but her fur was coated in a thick layer of swamp, though she didn't seem to care. After all, she had finally caught one of the most irritatingly quick animals in the marsh. The swamp thing didn't really notice there were other people till she caught Malphas in her peripheral vision, the tortoiseshell turning toward them and then looking up to where the pair's gaze was.

"I' 'a' a 'oken 'e'?" Aya said unintelligibly, given that there was still a frog kicking for its life in her jaws and she didn't want to risk putting it down. Using her claws, she removed the frog gently and spat out whatever of the swamp had made its way into her mouth, before calling up to Stocking, "If you fall, keep your mouth closed. Swallowing any the swamp is a surefire way to mutate unfavourably or die." That was definitely reassuring.

Re: SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - arrow - 07-19-2018

"She'll be fine." Arrow sounded as if she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else, even more obvious by the flinch she gave involuntarily when the branch swayed. She'd taken note of the surroundings, the muck and the pair of eyes that had made Stocking their target. Probably would jump for the kill if she slipped, god knows what was under there. Probably one of those crocodiles she kept hearing about. She guessed you could always just land on their face and shut them up by force of weight, but that would have to be a lucky shot.

Malphas and Abathur hadn't said anything that would be said by anyone else that happened to stroll by, and her own words were a good enough reply to the both of them. Aya on the other hand caught her attention, which also resulted in a double take to get a second glance at the new attire of swamp thing. "Eh, I'm still kicking. Just like that frog."
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: SHOW ME HOW TO FEEL | open - SOCKING - 07-19-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
she wasn't even sure how or when she got such an audience. all she knew was that her stocking was in front of her and the branch was wobbling beneath her weight. she swore to god if the bumpy asshole lurking underneath her dared to make a lunge for her, she was going to personally take her stocking and shove it up the lizard's ass herself.

the din of several voices filled stocking's ears, urging the felidae to glance down bemusedly to those gathered below. what was this? was she like a type of show or something? half time entertainment? she vaguely wondered if they were getting kicks out of seeing her in such obvious danger. then again, some seemed to be expressing at least an ounce of concern for her well being. and well, she did make the decision to come up here today. this was nobody's fault but hers.

her ear's twitched at malphas's voice, feeling herself pause momentarily. shit, she felt bad for endangering herself. malph worked so hard on setting her leg and one wrong move on this tree meant risking her life or further injury. it was there and then that she dictated that she would not become a burden or liability to the healer. she needn't let him worry over her. she was going to get her stocking, kick ass, and show them while she was sure as hell stupid when it came down to scenarios like these, she was still competent.

"uh, yea. i'll rest when i get my stocking back. you don't have to worry your pretty head. no more dangerous adventures after this."

limb outstretched, she unsheathed a singular claw, hooking the stocking on one end and slowly tugging it away from the branch as the water roiled beneath her. vaguely, she was aware of someone warning her of the mood beneath her.

"thanks for the concern," she called back down to aya, voice tinted with sarcasm. and then in a more resolute tone. "you can bet your sweet ass that i am not going to be eating any of that marsh's shit," at least, she hoped so. fine indeed. she had no idea what the hell she was getting herself into and aya's description of the unfavorable marsh muck made her despise the swamp even more. all the while the muddy water burbled beneath her, the croc's eyes glinting up at her. it was creatures like them that made her wish she could transform her stockings into swords. but powers or not, she would still risk her life for them. they were important to her.

then slowly, she began to scoot back, stocking hooked on one claw. so far so good.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯