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play dnd class characters - Printable Version

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play dnd class characters - galexiux - 07-18-2018

I blame crypt of the necrodancer. I've been playing that game way too much recently.

plus it could be fun! Going back to traditional character making and rping concepts! It might be good for the site. Who knows?

I'mma list the classes and who plays what. We can have duplicates I suppose, but i personally think it would be more fun to have one of each. Either way, theres nothing stopping you from playing one anyways. I'll just list them anyways

- Barbarian
- Bard (galexiux)
- Cleric
- Druid
- Fighter
- Monk
- Paladin
- Ranger
- Rogue
- Sorcerer
- Warlock
- Wizard

perhaps its for the best that i play a bard otherwise id compare the classes to their world of warcraft counterparts

Re: play dnd class characters - pi_shed - 07-19-2018

[ ぐ で た ま ]

oH this seems really interesting!! mind if i snatch that cleric? >;000

rough character idea:
- polar bear (female?)
- rectangular tapestry draped over mid back, a little tattered but well-loved, simple design of a caduceus over the back
- large hoop nose ring, golden, with a chain attaching to a matching cuff in her ear. hella expensive looking.
- worships Asclepius as her patron?
- lawful evil
- stuck-up prude with a very...misguided...moral compass