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DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - Printable Version

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DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - MARCELLUS - 07-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
While the land of Tanglewood wasn't for him, they had took him in and gave him shelter, a place to stay in his time of need where he was running from humans to escape them the best he could. For that, he would owe a debt to Tanglewood and he wouldn't forget it. He wasn't sure of the stance of Tanglewood and The Typhoon, but if worse came to worse for both the groups then he would have to fight alongside The Typhoon. Though one way or another, he would find a way to repay his debt to the group. In the middle of the night he had left the land of Tanglewood, paws and piebald fur soaked to the bone as he began his way through the marshlands and finally escaped, seeing the moonlight glisten. It had been a while since he had seen any sort of sunlight or moonlight considering that Tanglewood lived in such a dense forest, seeing what laid in the sky was impossible. Though here he was, out the forest and on a new journey. He had asked a few insiders of Tanglewood what The Typhoon was after hearing the name be thrown around here and there from members, and finally when the description of the group peeked his interest he asked for it's location and set out to find out.

Marcellus had been walking until the start of dawn, his eyes growing heavy and his paws tired. Once he sought out this group, the first thing he was going to do was take a nap. A large nice nap where he could rest his aching paws, feeling as though he had just walked on burning coals for twenty or more miles. With all the walking he had been doing, it was a relief to see the railroad that led to the island and the sign that held their group sign. Thank lord he was almost there. With only a little bit of space left between him and the entrance to the Typhoon, the king cheetah began to pick up the pace against the better judgement of his burning paws, his eyes practically glowing with relief and happiness to finally be able to have a place to rest. Hopefully that is. His pelt still stank of Tanglewood scent unknown to him, and whether that would play a factor into if he would be allowed to join or not. Well they would have to see.

His paws began to make their way to the beginning of the railroad, his paws submerging in the shallow water as he began. Yet a three mile walk laid ahead of him but if it meant a warm place to stay and a bed he was already completely sold. The cheetah fought to stay on the railroad, even going as far as hooking his claws whenever he felt a wave come close to his side. The water whilst shallow, he still wasn't going to take any chances and frankly only having three able legs didn't help his case. He felt a small wave crash up against his side and wet his entire stomach, the male groaning with sharp annoyance. In Tanglewood he had to deal with the wet marsh, absolutely dreading it, but here he was again having to deal with actual water, another thing to get him wet. He forced himself to keep going, his head lifting when he saw the big gates that led to the inside of The Typhoon. "Land! Finally, land!" His cry was enthusiastic which led to a surge of energy through him and him beginning to run. With his run he had nearly slipped, catching himself quickly and returning back to a walking pace where he finally arrived at the gates.

Good, he was here. So how was he supposed to get their attention?

The king cheetah turned his head to look over the wall and then to the side, noting a few golden bells. Maybe that was how? He padded over to them and clasped his jaws firmly around the stringy-thingy, pulling down to ring the bells once. Now he would wait and hope that this was the right action to take upon joining.

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - tikki - 07-18-2018

actions "speech"
Bells! It had been a while since she had heard the bells. Usually those who were going to the border managed to find their way around their gate - which seemed to be getting easier and easier in all honesty - or they simply sat there, waiting until someone came to get them. Usually it worked out, but this time, there was the sound of the bells.

Padding over to the gate Caecia would peer out, head tilting upwards slightly so that the young lioness could get a glance at the taller, lankier feline. "Hello." She'd speak out suddenly, sitting down, head tilting slightly as she finally looked over him, noting the wetness of his body and how tired he seemed to be. "Can I help you?" Were those the proper words? She didn't know, she usually didn't do this, or, at least, not by herself. She didn't quite know the rules herself, being so young, so didn't even check to see if he had written his name on the paper, see if he was friendly or not.
[glow=#ad6b54,2,300]배움에는 왕도가 없다[/glow]

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - PINCHER - 07-18-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Repayment had never really been Pincher's thing. Then again he was a pirate. He was used to taking and never returning, his manners in the very beginning twisted and wrong without a care for the world. Yet, that had been his father's teaching in how to behave. His uncle on the other hand had began to offer lessons on how to even out the rough edges of his 'personality' even though Pincher didn't even believe it was his personality at all. Instead, he guessed he was just a coin with two sides. One being his father and the other being his uncle. One had taught him how to lead with an intimidating iron fist that thrived in the blinding ambitious hunger for power while the other had taught him how to slip through the cracks of people's self-security, dipping himself into the pool of their thoughts and absorbing everything he needed to win them over. He had been told that he needed these traits to survive, to push on without stumbling back or faltering. You had to be just as cruel as your enemies and always be ready to expect the worst. Backstabbers. Betrayals. Heartaches. Pincher had gone through them all and despite the teachings that rung inside his head, Pincher still had the heart of a broken child. He would feel the surging emotions that he tried so hard to bury deep within his facade for the public but then his mask would break, chipped and cracking when he would go through moments of grief. But one thing he knew was how to push on despite how bleak and worthless it seemed to even try, he pushed on because he held onto the belief it would get better.

That was why he had created the Typhoon and had believed his birthplace was the perfect spot to symbolize the ideology of the crew. That they weren't just thieving pirates but that they came from multiple various backgrounds and histories that marked their personalities and souls. That they had managed to push through the tedious traveling of reaching the ivory hills of sandy shores to arrive and become a part of their history. One of freedom and improvement. Pincher had to admit that he was going through it as well especially with his engagement with his fiance. He had to learn that he was now tied down to someone he loved and that he had to show it not just through words but through actions as well. So the broad-shouldered ash gray wildcat was slowly stepping through the rich vegetation that marked the Typhoon's tropical section, his round ears pricking at the various sounds that blossomed out of the beaks and mouths of the creatures that inhabited the jungle. His icy glacier blue eyes fluttered around as he heard faint creaking, guessing someone that lived in the treehouses must have arisen but he didn't pay too much attention once he heard the familiar loud bells ring, signaling someone was at their front door.

As he pushed through the greenery and back onto the long stretch of sand, Pincher headed out with his jaws clamped down on an unlit cigarette, the bright ivory roll slowly bouncing against his lips as the storm gray colored male followed after Caecia, not liking the idea of the girl being alone with a stranger. He quickly halted to her side, the towering male glancing down at her as she questioned the other wildcat. Pincher turned his attention but the scent of Tanglewood caused his salmon pink nostrils to flare as the captain's cool aqua blue eyes suddenly sharpened into icicles as his lower jaw tightened. "Why the hell do ya reek of those fucking fungi people, eh?" Pincher bluntly questioned, low rumbling voice steady but holding an edge to it, clearly not in the mood to be fucked around with.

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - bubblegum - 07-18-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

the girl was half pirate at heart, half not, if she were being honest with herself. she would steal - not often, and only with objects she considered small and insignificant. she sort of had a "finders, keepers" rule about it. she wanted to travel the world, honestly, but her loyalty to her family held her back. she enjoyed the idea of treasure and wealth, even if she didn't seriously search for it or feel a need for it. she loved the idea of adventure, though she held herself back. she was a pirate with morals.

if you were to ask her, she'd simply claim she's the pirate princess, because, well, she basically was. her papa was the captain, after all. of course, she thought of this in a very light-hearted fashion. the typhoon was no monarchy, nor would it likely ever be. she didn't really want it to be, anyway. she liked that others had to work their ways into positions. she didn't want some jerk to take over just because of some stupid "birth right" or whatever.

the girl felt a special connection to the ocean. even if she wouldn't go exploring due to her loyalty to her family and crew, she still couldn't help herself but find comfort in just...admiring the seas. even after the barracuda and the lightning strike, she couldn't help but appreciate it. the ocean and its creatures were amazing, in her opinion. she loved how it was a completely different world below. wonder filled her every time she thought about it.

she was currently doing that. things have been stressful lately, even if she pretended they weren't. she wasn't getting any better health-wise and others constantly commented on it. despite feeling like she'd bee working harder than ever, she continued to fall behind. she wouldn't linger on glancing to the ocean for long, though. there was work to be done. the young girl began quietly struggling through the territory, about to go help collect herbs to make things easier before she heard the bells, along with voices to follow.

the injured girl stumbled slowly towards them, only quickening her pace as she recognized her papa's voice. goldie brushed up against her papa, leaning against him gently as she sat down. she caught his question, and quickly wondered what he meant by "fungi people". she sniffed at the air, noticing the odd scent. she coughed a couple times, eyeing the stranger with wonder. "what's 'fungi people'?" she asked gently.

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - MARCELLUS - 07-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
If he had known he could of join walked right past, that would of been so much better. His eyes traced around the wall until he heard the sound of a voice, his head turning to look over his shoulder to see a lioness. Hopefully it would be like Tanglewood in which it wasn't a sort of trap or ambush, though he couldn't help but be skeptical. Slowly, the limping cheetah approached her however slowly and cautiously, he lifted his head to try to seem more confident. She was much bigger than he was, and stronger and could probably rip into him if she wanted to and that was something he needed to avoid. Marcel cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, my name is Marcellus and I'm here to join." Were those the right words? Was he supposed to introduce his last name too? Then again he didn't exactly have one so for that he wasn't so sure what to say.  The king cheetah's ear flicked when he heard the pawsteps of yet another being, the male turning his head to see a large jaguar with a cigarette. Oh god one wrong move and he was so totally dead. He would have to play his cards right here. Not like he had a deck to deal though.

At his question the cheetah raised his head, confusion washing his features. Fungi people? Tanglewood? He hadn't bee aware that the scent was on him still, though it was expected considering basically everything in that wet forest rubbed against him. "Tanglewood. I'm assuming you mean?" He questioned, wanting to make sure that it was right. He didn't want to go on a talk about Tanglewood and it not even being the place this guy was talking about. "I was running from.. humans. I ended up in their forest and got hurt. They let me stay for a while and then I heard of The Typhoon and here I am." By something he meant those disgusting humans. Treating him like a worthless lab rat. The king cheetah looked down to watch a kit appear. Finally, something that wasn't as intimidating. "Tanglewood members." He answered, though he wasn't so sure himself if that's exactly what it meant, but hey it was probably a close inference.

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie twitched her ear at his responses, nodding. joiners were frequent nowadays, so she felt good about catching them any time she could. she'd already fallen so behind, and she wasn't even really taking breaks. it was hard to keep up with all the crewmates. "it's nice to meet ya, marcellus. i'm goldenluxury roux, or just goldie." she'd introduce, giving a warm smile to the male. with the answer to both her papa's and her own questions, she tilted her head. she knew about the other groups' existence, but didn't know much more about them other than that - excluding snowbound.

she wondered if him being from tanglewood would cause others to distrust the male. she knew her crewmates weren't always too happy about outsiders. but, she saw no reason to deny him, since it seems he left the other group by his words. "ah, welcome to the typhoon, then. i hope you're alright now." goldie said, voice kind. since he said the whole fungi comment was related to tanglewood, she assumed that meant they lived with a bunch of...well, fungi. "tanglewood's got a lotta' fungus?"

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

"They live in a swamp, Golden." Caesar snorted at her question as he made his way over, briefly eyeing Marcellus for a few seconds. So he stayed in Tanglewood for a few days, huh? I wonder if he met Vigenere. Vigenere was his brother, and they... definitely weren't on good terms. "Well, if you only stayed for a couple of days, I suppose it shouldn't be an issue if you joined." Caesar went on, looking over at Pincher as he spoke. "Right, Pinch?" The guy probably didn't have a lot of information anyway, and he seemed genuine about wanting to stay here.

Re: DON'T MOURN ME — o, joining - PINCHER - 07-19-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher appeared distracted once his daughter arrived, his cold piercing gaze suddenly melting into pools of aqua as he felt her press herself softly against his front leg which caused a warm smile to faintly trace his muzzle as he bent down to brush his nose against her forehead in a loving touch, not minding that she leaned against him for she was quite tired and didn't need to move around so much. But knowing Goldie, she grew impatient and bored when laying around for too long — a trait that Pincher had as a kid and still did, his body tending to fidget around if he sat still for too long. He just hoped she wasn't pushing herself too much for he knew that his daughter was showing the same habits that he had as a workaholic, spreading herself too thin over everything despite her strength being weak after her incident with the disgusting barracuda and nearly dying.

The memory popped inside his chest, causing his throat to tighten but he forced himself not to show any kind of emotion that was out of blue. Pincher forced himself to swallow the lump in his throat and roll his broad shoulders, parting his jaws to answer his daughter but was cut off by Marcellus as he explained his desire to join the Typhoon crew as well as offering an answer to what Pincher had meant about "fungi people". He tended to not use official names, his mind focused on what he saw than what should be seen especially when they were enemies. Tanglewood wasn't an enemy but more of a pesky little flea on his back that he just wanted off. His long tail twitched as the dark storm gray jaguar allowed a soft sigh to escape his lips before stating "Eh, why the hell not? Welcome to the Typhoon, Marcellus. I'm Pincher, I'm the Captain. If you have any questions, feel free to find me in the beached submarine. Those are my quarters." He rather liked the piebald king cheetah, he seemed level-headed and patient when answering Goldenluxury's question while his own Officer appeared to look irritated with his daughter's question. This caused the slate gray male to flash a quick glare towards the savannah though he decided to focus on the question that Caesar decided to throw at his direction. "Yeah, it's quite alright with me. Just make sure to pull your weight around here, I don't like lazy fucks." He replied with a toothy grin, his shark-like teeth exposing themselves for a moment before he returned to a more serious formal appearance.