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what do you want to see for this group? - Printable Version

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what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-18-2018

EDIT: okay so we've moved onto voting about the group's name!  to help you get a better vibe, right now we're thinking about artsy merchants that live in a floating sea town at the end of a mountain range.  they're probably going to have guilds for artistry, war, and medicine and worship some kind of sun-related deity.  they value creativity and have many traditions centered around painting and such, but also either trade or have some kind of currency system to sell goods and services to each other and other clans as traders.

wow this is my 2nd thread in this board today someone stop me

hey so if you guys are familiar with ff, i’m thinking about remaking sunclan (of course with a different name and some revisions for bob and stuff) as a group for the animal rp on this site.  i was just wondering if anyone would be interested and what you’d like to see; sunclan has gone through a lot of different phases(?) on ff so the ranks and territory and overall vibe are very much open.  personally i’m leaning towards artsy sunclan (like 2012ish era) but it’s totally up for debate.  would you guys be interested in seeing a sunclan with shops, a currency system, guilds, a religion, etc?  where should they live?  what’s their alignment?  i’m holding off on staying too many of my own ideas to see what other people think because i really want others to be interested as well!  so yeah if you have ideas/preferences or would just like to help i’m all ears :^)

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - tikki - 07-18-2018

so idk how many other people who are on here would have been on the site in 2012 (I know Orion was)

just going to track for now since I need to gather my thoughts on everything

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - Florence - 07-18-2018

tracking bc i'm 100% interested in this!!

i would personally love the guilds, shops, and currency system aspect of it!! i feel like it'd be really new and refreshing while also being a blast from the past for some of the older roleplayers! as for a set religion, i also enjoy the sound of that. for territory, maybe the mountains? a cave system could be really cool and they could be near the sun so to speak so if you wanted to make a religion based off of dedication to the sun, that could work! also caves in general would be neat because there could be an underground market and a bunch of nifty things like that.

as for alignment, maybe true neutral kind of thing? they serve as merchants and distribute things to other clans in exchange for resources and/or protection? idk i'm just spitballing here but i'd also love to hear some of your ideas! i'm super excited about the possibility of bringing sunclan back

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - tikki - 07-18-2018

black market at the bottom of the caves maybe if we did caves?
sell the heads of the enemies

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - Grimm - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; line-height: 110%;"]i actually had an idea similar to what flo suggested, didn't go with it cause i can't stand writing leaders, but a few things i had which could work

- set in a grassland at the base of a mountain the territory was split, the mountain holding a cave system split up with multiple large chambers for sleeping areas and a few for common areas, the top of the mountain itself was removed, no idea by what, to allow sunlight in to each chamber with sconces along the walls with torches so there is light during the night. in the grassland it self was an abandoned little tourist village which was made into an area for shops and such, acting as a way to separate the camp and keep it secret if that is needed from any visitors seeking to trade for things
- a caravan of sorts would go about the groups, once a month or so one group would be chosen at random and the caravan would go there to offer items and such for trade with a few little things as a peace offering
- neutral with no real inclination to fight another, it was meant to be complete neutral ground any are welcome into but there are strict laws which don't permit anyone within the village to be hurt, anyone who raises a claw to another in it would be thrown out and either get a warning or a total ban with no chance of entering the village

i also had it that the cave also had an entrance to a mine and further in was a deep pool of water lit by sunlight, another hole in the roof permitted light through but roots growing over it made it seem almost like stars since it was more little points of light than anything else

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-19-2018


so like as far as guilds go we had basically war, medicine, and art/social and when i was leader they basically functioned like clubs? you could join any or multiple or none and they had leaders but they were separate from the ranking system so that they weren’t branches.  i’m 100% into shops/merchants and i guess anyone could have them or maybe there could even be a separate guild for shopkeepers?  idk.  the reason i also suggested a currency system is a) because sunclan has had it before and b) because of the shop system and i feel like bartering doesn’t work that well ic sometimes?  the other thing about shop systems is that they’re often underutilized in open worlds such as BoB’s animal rp because you can find items icly anywhere.  anything that a character could sell in-game could be found by anyone else at any point, so it’s hard to give transactions or items meaning.  i’m down to try it though if that’s not an issue for anyone else, we could keep it super simple and just do bartering for ic items.  in a currency situation, because you’d have to earn the money to purchase with, ic items aren’t really a good enough incentive, so with that there’d also have to be an ooc aspect or at least selling something desirable for rpers, not just characters.  the other issue with that is that if we wanted them to be more merchant-y they’d just be bartering icly anyways (most likely).  i can go even more in-depth with currency because i made one before and it was heavily structured but idk if anyone’s into that so!  i’ll leave it for now.  plus i kind of think that if we go the merchant route it's definitely better to go with ic bartering than a strict currency system (and currency systems kinda have to be strict). but... shrug emoji

as for religion old sunclan worshipped the star forest which was basically starclan lite™ so unless that’s interesting (and we could totally find a way to make it interesting) i’d go the worshipping sun route like florence said!! it could be as abstract as just the sun or as specific as like a god (maybe an existing one like apollo? sunclan has worshipped helios on ff but apollo is sun AND arts so like. nice).  old sunclan was pretty religious and had ranks like divines and keepers for that sort of thing.  other things i wanna throw out there are impressionists i.e. a rank for artsy people who would perform ceremonies like pelt painting and stuff (could just keep this to the guilds or even just a tradition, but they were also a unique thing about old sunclan so i wanted to throw it out there).  there were also tokens which were lil trinkets you’d recieve as an apprentice and designers/impressionists would add onto them but characters would carry them all their lives.  lil traditions and stuff like that we could work out when the big stuff is done i guess

territory wise i was lookin at old ones for insp like uhhh the school, the beach hotel, the mansion, the cathedral, the neighborhood, the island, the beach town, etc.  my only potential concern with the caves is that being sunclan (or whatever their new name is fksnfnsngnd) it might seem counterintuitive to go underground?  i’m actually really into grimm’s description though. another one i thought of was floating sea town, but that just kinda goes with the vibe we've been discussing.  maybe something flowery or beachy? i'm trying to keep spitballing.  also i was gonna talk about ranks but this is... already long.

wow i’ve already written too much so i’ll stop now but i’m uhh what i’m thinking based on what y’all have said is like artsy merchants?  which is rad but yeah if this gets any traction i’ll probably make a separate thread/chat for more in-depth planning but for now i figured we could spitball here some because i still want input

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - MirrorEdge - 07-22-2018

tracking for now

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-22-2018

also i forgot in my last post to talk about a different name for sunclan but yeah that's on the list too
we're trying to avoid suffix -clan names but personally i'd like to keep 'sun' in their somewhere. i also like two-part names like tanglewood or snowbound or etc, but 'the _' or whatever could work too! i'm definitely looking for something warm and pleasant or that fits the overall theme/vibe. so far i've thought of sunhaven (idk whether to make it one ot two words)? but maybe if we figure out territory it could be a more specific suffix (like if it was a town or a beach or etc). i'm still kinda spitballing

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - Orion - 07-22-2018

crawls in bc i'd love this
tracking for now <3

Re: what do you want to see for this group? - elliot - 07-23-2018

ok so i really quickly set up a server for planning stuff out because this thread is movin a lil slow and i figured discord might be better to discuss stuff because i really want input but yeah here