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LA DEVOTEE | BEVERLY - Printable Version

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LA DEVOTEE | BEVERLY - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

01. TAGS

Re: the gatekeeper | tags & other - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

  pinterest boardplaylist
Hearthkeeper of Sunhaven
Physically 13 months | Mentally 1000+ years
Pansexual panromantic | Single
White domestic feline | Blue & orange eyes
Wears a lapis lazuli ring on a silver chain

In the past almost five years, Beverly has possessed many forms. Many names and titles, as well, but that's beside the point. Her current form is a familiar one: A small, white domestic feline. Her fur is short and clean, clearly well-kept, and her heterochromic eyes - the left blue, right orange - shine ever innocently. She's built thin but sturdy, moderate amounts of body fat and muscle; however, she's shorter than most felines her age, putting her at a disadvantage. Adorning her neck is a silver chain, which holds a silver lapis lazuli ring. Why it was given to her, she isn't quite sure, but she will never be seen without it.
Freethinking | Idealistic | Perfectionist
Trusting | Experimental | Outspoken
Aimless | Impulsive | Selfish

Growing up on her own, Beverly learned to rely on herself. Though she has ample social skills, her general bluntness and lack of discern for other's emotions can often make her seem rude or inconsiderate. She is fairly adaptable to different environments, however, and has no issue acting differently than normal, should she see it fit. While she's willing to cooperate, that doesn't necessarily mean she is overly concerned with how others feel about her. In her own mind, her opinion on herself is the most valuable.

Also a result of raising herself, she is a natural non-conformist and will act on impulse, as she has spent her life with the freedom of making her own decisions without any second opinions. Being still young, Beverly is often reckless, but is usually willing to learn from whatever mistakes she has made. She is the first to object when she feels something is unjust, and strives to make those things right. Her perception of right and wrong are rather wishy-washy, though, and she can be persuaded into shifting views if you provide her with a good argument.

Beneath her outspoken and typical teen exterior is an intelligent young girl, with a love for traveling and big dreams for her future. She takes any book she sees even remotely related to history or astrology, and could talk you in circles over either topic, or even both. At night, she studies the stars, and will sometimes paint the sunrise or sunset. She finds comfort in solitude, though longs to have a companion at her side when she grows up. One day, she hopes to travel the world.
Kissingbeehives Resurgam x Incisor | Created 09/18/2013
Current body born 06/18/17
Too many siblings to list | Too many children to list
Bonded with Ilijas
Won't start fights | Will finish them
No weapons | No powers
Physically medium | Mentally hard
Attack in BOLD #CC9966
Fluent in Swedish | Can read & write Latin
Has little memory of her life up until occupying her current body
Collects history and astrology books
[align=center]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA

Re: the gatekeeper | tags & other - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite number: 18
Favorite season: Spring/summer
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Strawberry iced tea lemonade
Favorite alcoholic drink: Strawberry lemonade flavored Svedka
Favorite food: Kimchi
Favorite lyric: "I choose my actions. I am the gatekeeper."
Favorite quote: "People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them."
Motto: Believe in the kindness of strangers.
Energy: Broke bitch energy
Sin: Pride
Self-love: 8/10
Self-care: 10/10
Memory: 1/10
Courage: 6/10
Confidence 8/10
Pride: 10/10
Greed: 6/10
Patience: 4/10
Tolerance: 10/10
Passion/Motivation: 9/10
Creativity: 10/10
Education: 10/10
Compassion: 5/10
Empathy: 5/10
Loyalty: 6/10
Forgiveness: 8/10
Sociability: 7/10
Emotional Attachment: 10/10
Physical Attachment: 7/10
Stamina: 4/10
Mental Strength: 8/10
Physical Strength: 6/10
Battle Skill: 5/10
Initiative: 10/10
Restraint: 3/10
Defense: 4/10
Agility: 5/10
Flexibility: 4/10
Strategy: 5/10
Leadership: 2/10
Teamwork: 5/10
Wrath: 0/10

Re: the gatekeeper | tags & other - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

Sun sign: Virgo
Natal chart info:
Moon sign: Leo
Natal chart info:
Rising sign: Virgo
Natal chart info:

Re: the gatekeeper | tags & other - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-18-2018

[/td][td][Image: ig0KfDy.png][/td][/tr][/table]


[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: the gatekeeper | tags & other - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; border-top: 1px solid #cc9966; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px; line-height:100%"]> born september 18, 1998 (age 19) @ 6:42am in stockholm, sweden
> loves to drink but isn't old enough, asks ilijas to buy for her
> she & ilijas live in hollywood in an apartment they can barely afford
> moved to korea with her mother at 9 after her parents split, moved to california with her mother at 15
> met ilijas in high school, moved in together right after high school (age 18)
> loves to cook, doesn't follow recipes well
> is impulsive and wreckless, relies on ilijas to talk her out of crazy ideas
> loves to spend time at the santa monica pier
> saves up money to go clothes shopping frequently
> works as a waitress in an upscale restaurant
> plays guitar and ukulele
> obsessed with history and astrology
> has a bucket list of places in the world she wants to visit
> has 2 cats: jackie and wilson
> a few tattoos, all traditional style
> popular on twitch & instagram, occasionally does sponsorships for extra cash
> loves to travel, prefers roadtripping, always wants to stay in cheap, shady-looking motels